The pet king of the city

919 chapter Chen Lie engraving

When a squirrel with life is on the bamboo slices, Chen Lie received the upgrade tips of the system: "Hey, congratulations, you can successfully engrave the 6-level work that moved others, perfect integration of all engravingors Knowledge, becoming a 6-level engraver. "

Chen Lie's mouth is a war, or shaking his head, not adding.

Occasionally, the smart squirrel of the secretary work reminds: "The owner, the new army is almost the same, don't you prepare?"

Chen Lie didn't pay attention, reached out: "Help me to take a 7-level variant Zizhu!"

This time was dispatched by the .

Because it is a 7-level variant Zihu, in addition to and ghosts can be cut off, others are still a little bit.

This time is more troublesome.

Because the current level 7 Zihu is still very small, it can't be tossible.

So he can only cut off a small part.

It took 3 minutes, and Huangji Tiger dragged a variant Zizhu.

Chen Lie closed his eyes.

All the pets in the field don't know what Chen Lie is thinking, and she feels that Chen Lie seems to be entered.

In fact, he is not a magic, or still recalls.

Recall the scene of the cooking into the knife.

"Since I can integrate the kitchen knife into the knife method, why can't I integrate the knife to engrave?"

"Carving 36 knife methods, kitchen knives have unclear knife skills, can be commonplace, even shared!"

Chen Lie thought that he began to integrate the knife to integrate into engraving.

His integration is to do.

At this moment, the Tiangong knife is his shocking knife.

And the 7-level variant Zihuzhu is his enemy.

He needs to kill his feelings in this enemy.

This kind of knife is the product of the combination of the soul and skills, and anything is difficult to reflect.

Chen Lie did not know the artistic mentality that did not know, it is difficult to enter.

"Hey, congratulations, you realize ..."

"Hey, congratulations, you realize ..."

"Hey, congratulations, you realize ..."

The system prompts crazy to explode.

Can Chenlie is ignorant.


Chen Lie is now definitely a magic!

Chen Lie has grasped a charm, one way.

This feeling is the previous engraving skills, all level 6 engrameters in his memory can't do it.

This is transcendence.

It is also a kind of experiment.

"Hey, congratulations on grade 7 works that condense the Wudo will."

"In view of the superior level masterpiece that you have completed in independent creation, the system is determined that you have a level 7 sculptor."

Chen Lie came back to God.

It is the shock of full field.

Because the 7-level variant Zizhu is not engraved, but an alternative token wall.

All pets can feel a strong martial arts will condense.

"I saw."

The highest awkward ghost shouted: "I saw the master's knife! My God, this is a kind of inheritance, I have already felt the main marrow of the maino."

"I also feel it."

Heji Hui respectfully gave Chen Lie, thank you: "The martial arts will condensed in the carvings, you can teach martial arts."

"It turns out that this is the real level 7 carving!"

Chen Lie came to the sky.

The sculptor after the 6th level, basically became a genericist, refinerie, and artist's attachment, purely to help people's optimization treasures, and add flowers.

So the system mall, like the sculptor, there is very little life occupation, even the 7th level is a phenanthus angler.

Chen Lie is now.

It can be described as finding a new outline for the engraver.

"Master, I really don't want to bother your interest."


The smart squirrel is weak, saying: "But your army has already begun. If the past is in the past, it is estimated that when the countdown, if it is late, it will be directly sentenced."


"How can we lose?"

The ,,,,,,,

"Let's go."

Chen Lie's face represented: "The speed of the speed is."

The ghost nodded.

"You cheer."

Nothing to participate in a little bit.

It is still an oldest, not to wait until the crucial moment is willing to dispatch.

Chen Lie was too lazy to pay attention.

Anyway, the opponent is not the four major organizations, as long as it is serious, it is not difficult.



In fact, as Chen Lie's conjecture.

The opponent is very strong.

A level 7 war pet, two heads with a tacit collimation, the level of the battle, with the captain of the cheating, and strength to defeat the most of the legion action teams.

Unfortunately, they are encountered by Chen Lie.

This time, there is no nonsense, and I mad together.

The fight against the injury, soon ended the battle.


"Today, the paradise army did not dispatch the third battle, just won a strong opponent within 5 minutes. Such posture is completely championship!"

"It's all level 6 battle pet, why is the gap in this huge?"

"No one is optimistic before the game, the ultimate super high , now it is a gambling nightmare. Unfortunately, the gaming organization can't cheat, it is said that because there is too much coincidence in the 6th area, gaming The organization has been prohibited from being prohibited from being prohibited. "

The moderator and unconventional lanes have brought a lot of information to Chen Lie.

"Permanently prohibit cooperation?"

Chen Lie laughed: "Is this given me an account?"

Chen Lie did not know what is like a large organization that is permanently prohibited by the system, but it is estimated that not much better.

He has long known that the system is not a good deception.

Even if it is a drill hole, but so clearly, is it really dead?

When Chen Lie did not contact the trial area, there was such a cognition.

These 9-level ultra-large organizations don't know, repeated provocative systems.

Chen Lie really doubt that this gaming organization is not kicked by his head, but it is stupid.

"Forget it."

"They have to be stupid, I can't stop."

"I still continue to think about it."

Chen Lie once again picked up Tiantong knife and 7 variation Zizhu, but this time, he prepared more ...

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