The pet king of the city

926 chapter Sunday

Chen Lie thought about it, and asked easily: "The name is not in a hurry, let's talk about how much smart is this car intelligent system?"

The paradise number represented: "The park is intelligent, leading the top of the world's current highest artificial intelligence. In accordance with the popularity of the network, I can do the network at any time, anywhere."

"Sure enough intelligence."

"With you, I can save a lot of time to ask the system."

Chen Lie heard his mood and asked: "Can you transfer it to your computer?"

The paradise replica: "Yes, but that is, it is someone else's computer. If the other party cuts off all external networks, the information stored by the paradise number cannot communicate, which will cause a certain error."

Chen Qian: "Is the solution?"

The paradise number represented: "The owner can go to the system mall to buy a full smart computer, as long as the level reaches level 4, it is basically able to complete the current Earth's super computer."

Chen Qi: "That level 7?"

The paradise repred and represented: "The function is millions of me."


Chen Lie said: "Give me the safest list, I will determine when I am."

Just 3 seconds, the paradise number replied: "The list is already listed, please check."

"Come again."

"Your intelligence makes me feel interesting."

Chen Lie thought, think of the artificial intelligence of the Iron Man in the world, the steel man production, so I said: "Iron Man has Javis, Friday, two artificial intelligence assistance, I also steal a lazy. From now time, you will Call Sunday! Sunday, holiday, relaxing days, I hope that your existence can let me relax. "

"This will be my glory."

Sunday began to simulate the virtual image, artificiality, etc. according to Chen Lie's requirements.

Although Chen Lie asked: "Sunday, give me the data of this hoper."

"Float, 7-level top sleeve, has a full range of services."

"The surface of its surface is twice the speed, but once it is unlocked, it can reach 5 times sound speed."

Sunday immediately said a series of data.

Chen Lian asked: "What is unlocked?"

Sunday replied: "The system can unlock the energy furnace in the case of 100,000 fires, or the system can unlock the energy furnace, thus explosing 5 times sound speed."

"It turns out."

Chen Lie came over.

Plus the super asylum ability of this car, as well as the battery life.

No wonder it is the top stock color in Level 7.

"Well, I have to try it now."

Chen Lie thought a position and said: "Zhu Lao helped me got a large place in the old mountain forest in southwestern, and helped me to use the purple Bodhi roots. Now you give me a direct visit. "


If Sunday gets military order, quickly adjust the angle.


If the rocket of the oblique arrow is taken out, the speed is not seen that it is illusion.

More than 20 minutes.

Chen Lie flew to the destination.

Chen Lie is overlooking on high altitude, and it has been found that many people planted in Huangshan.

Zhu Lao said, here is a mining area. But the mine is exhausted, and it is also abolished, and the fundamental species will not be good, so people here are very poor. "

"But because of this, he does not have much strength to buy this large area; and also do a good job in the migration of residents."

Chen Lie looked at the lens collected in Sunday, gratified: "Seeing their happy work gestures, I think Zhu Lao has given a lot of salary, giving it a sufficient look of the poor people here."

Sunday report: "The master, according to the information just collected on Friday, the ghosty eyes spent 14 billions, the posture will not be less than 10 billion."

"Zhu Lao is really heart."

"It seems that a bottle of priests who have promised it is too rare."

Chen Lie was confidential.

Yanshou people participate in alcohol, the mysterious ginseng.

Since the material used is the wild ginseng in the previous year, it is rarely brewed.

However, since the artificial sevensess, the 10-year-old ginseng can be small-scale mass production, and the extension of the district is naturally not in the words.

Wine gods now don't even have to shoot, his assistant - drunk can be completed.

"What are they talking about?"

Chen Lie found a small group of peasants who were resting and chatted, so I asked: "Sunday, can you receive their words?"


Sunday immediately came to:

"I haven't been so tired for a long time, but I am very happy."

"Yeah, I haven't had a good day for more than ten years."

"There are 6,000 yuan a month, so high salary, other villages want to come!"

"And as long as we can use this strange purple seed in all places within one month, we can also receive 3 times salary."

"Okay, rest enough, continue to work!"

"For 3 times salary, come on!"

Chen Lie heard here, he knew the strategy of ghost eyes.

In this poor area, two thousand yuan is enough for a while.

6,000 yuan, here is definitely high.

Don't say there is 3 times salary. Confusion.

Sunday asked: "Do you need it?"

"no need."

"The development here is faster than I think, it is estimated that the 100-year celebration is over, you can stay here."

Chen Lie said: "But it has already begun to have a fond of life, can't waste!"

Floating cars will kill the park with twice the sound.

Such a convenient transportation, the so-called distance of the earth is no longer a problem.

The key is.

What fighters on the earth can catch up with floating cars?

What fighters can threatenes floating cars?

Once Chen Lie turned his face, you can open the floating car anytime, anywhere, and how much the power in the system mall is not inferior to the devastating weapon, but there is no number of high-concentrated energy explosives to the enemy.

In short.

Chen Lie felt that I really had this lottery.

"The master, you are coming back."

Chen Lie just came out of the floating car, Bailing was happy to come: "We have just caught a very interesting thing!"

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