The pet king of the city

New performance of 930 chapter privilege

"Not this dragon, the effect is too good, but the route of ghosts is right."

Chen Lie said seriously: "The blood of the dragon is blood, and the blood potential of the ghost is far from you, and the promotion effect is different. This is better than the gods, this thing is 10%, but it is 8 points for ghosts. "



It is a martial art route, so even if the blood is the limit, it is fearless.

The road of martialo hoop is the road to the sky.

If you don't even see such a small psychological barrier, talk about what weever, talk about what to fight against the sky?

This time is incomparable.

Everyone is full of dragon blood fruit.

Among them, the blue crown is most enthusiastic.

Chen Lie has not been embarrassed, and the remaining two dragon fruits are baked to the blue crown.

One is not enough.

With upper blue rigid, the effect is not the same level of blood pharmacy.

Just waiting for all super pets, Chen Lie is carefully sitting down and thinking.

"At the beginning, the body's body is only more than ten meters long. Its blood-fed dragonfast is 5, but at that time, you can make Jiaojiao's blood power easily break through to level 6."

"Then, the body is growing to more than 20 meters, and the blood-fed dragon fruit is at level 6."

"And now there is a new change, 9 ordinary blood only mixed 1 secondary blood, you can feed 7-level dragon blood fruit. That is to say, it is more powerful than before."

"Although the blood level is absolutely crushed here. Even if the ghosts that blended the venery of hate, they were also unintentionally suppressed. And the blue crown of the dragon blood, I am afraid I encounter the hegemony Directly present the knee and lose most of the combat power. "

It is here, Chen Wei's mouth is slightly sigh: "There are signs that the realm seems to have breakthrough after hegemony."

The stronger of tyrants, the more happy Chen Lie.

This is definitely the biggest base card of Chen Lie, no one.

"Hey, it seems that I was in the original arrangement."

"It will be able to surprise a lot of people at the time."

"I am sure!"

Chen Lie laughed more and more shameless.

And unconscious people know how Chen Lie is terrible.



Take a day.

The 16th Strong Strong Strong Strong Sales of the Level 6.

The opponent of the Paradise Legion is very interesting. It is a famous relationship team.

This is a pure technology route, and each warfare is wearing a team of 8 high-tech mechanic, because Chen Lie's complaint is directly castrated.

The previous wins 10 games, they invincible them, and finally didn't have the war of advanced technology machines. The last round actually even didn't win the opponent in the bottom of the group.


Although I have a few days of buffering, I will not go this time.

The iconic 8-class machine armor is still not born backhand, only ordinary 7-level machine A. Such armed forces, how is the opponent of the Paradise Legion.

Everyone does not doubt this result.

Even the gambling party also opened a minimum of 1.08.

The battle ends within 30 seconds.

And there is only a ghost.

He said that he did not move, and the battle was over.

"CHE talks! This is purely a farce!"

"The end of the relationship is here."

"Without this helper, the 5, 6 Legion is estimated to reproduce the glory of the past."

Seeing this scene, everyone identified the Legion, which is purely related to the stage, will become increasingly formal.

But they are still too true.

There is always a lot of privileges in this world, but it has not been expressed.

But in the Legion game, privilege does not need to cover up.

For the fans value.

They can be red. Naked. Bare is highlighted.

This is not.

In another Top 16 competition.

A pure noble organization called [Rongguang] highlights this privilege.

Rongguang, 8th-class infamous large organizations, pursuing the idea of ​​nobles. All members of the entire organization must have their aristocratic identity, otherwise you will have a talent, then have influential, that is also white.

They used to be a level 9 super organization, but because they were too arrogant, some mysterious existence, eventually compressed, falling to level 8.

Although there is a lot of recovery now, it is still far from the distance.

But they still have no restraint.

"Haha ..."

"Playing, continue to stand up!"

The Rongguang Roboya Legion stepped on his opponent, or he couldn't break the opponent.

"You think that the system limit the auxiliary items, will we not do?"

"The system is just limited, we immediately mobilize high-level blood catalytic agents to make the war pets, let the blood of the blood breakthrough."

"As long as it is your own strength, then it is not violated."

"You increase more, but still can't escape our suppression! After all, we are more distinguished than you!"

Robei Army is talking, and it is embarrassed.

The audience in the audience can be filled with indignation.

Even the host and unintended that must pursue the principle of neutrality, I can't help but blame the Robso Legion.

However, the Rommei Legion is indifferent.

"I am fighting with you!"

The opponent of the Roboya Legion is unoccupied, and it actually wants to be attributed to the same.


How can he be the opponent of the Robei Army?

His action came out, and his head left the body.

"Dirty blood."

"People who are despicable to you do their opponents, it is simply to me."

The arrogant behavior of the Roboya Legion, let countless people can see almost a table.

Chen Lie is one of them.

"it is good!"

"Robei Army, you are best to expect me!"

I looked at the Romimeao Legion.

Abao is still a little doubtful, asking: "The owner, I know that blood pharmacy can quickly increase blood power. But I remember that it is not enough to improve, it is equal to overdrawing potential."

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