The pet king of the city

935 chapter is strong

"M, you are really a monster!"

"The casual knife has a legal order, and there is no heaven!"

The blood of the blood is finally roaring: "Don't fight with you!"

He took the initiative to abstain.

The Legion General waits, then the team lost.

The rats who have not been exposed to leave.

Moderator : "There is still someone suspect the strength of the Le Park, now I am afraid everyone knows him is a real monster. The so-called genius of the super organization, it is a slag, it is a slag."

The beauty explained his eyes and said: "The Lord of the Paradise Legion is the standard human beings, not only the strength, but also very handsome, I am now a fan."

"The Lord of the Paradise Army is sacred, and the level 5 has such a horrible strength."

"This person is really a monster!"

"I doubt that he is a 9-level energy illegitimate child."

Other nepheses have also made their own opinions, but they have become sigh of acid because of the admiration of the beauty.

Unfortunately, Chen Lie did not pay attention to them.

Because he has only one thought in his heart at this time:


The champion not only represents honors, but also the credit of 10 million fifty.

This is a battle that can't be failed.



Time is fast to the final day.

Chen Lie took the treasures and ghosts.

The place where Chen Lie chose is very interesting, actually is the coast of the East.

The intention is unknown.

"My Day, the Paradise Legion is still a standard for one person, the third battle is still there."

"Are they crazy? The opponent is cheating to defeat the judge the eye of the judge."

"It is, the eyes of hell forcibly increase the blood of the pet's blood to level 8, but also two heads, the general warfare is not their opponent at all."

The nephew saw Chen Lie's appearance lineup and called it.

This game.

The odds before the game are free.

At the beginning, Chen Lie is about 1.6, and the opponent is close to 2.0.

But now.

I don't know what inside news for gambling, forcibly increase the odds of Chen Lie to approaching 3.0.

"No way!?"

"The eyes of hell are only dispatched with two-level 8-level war pet? Are they going to teeth with teeth?"

One person in the eyes of hell is coming down.

Chen Lie saw this scene and asked: "Do you want to surrender?"

Representing a ghost army head of the eyes of hell: "surrender? The last time is just a strategic need, you have seen our lineup now."

Chen Lie laughed: "You are 8th, and it is not killed."

The ghost asked: "You think that we will take a super organization, the resource is inclined, can only urge two level 8?"

Chen Liang's mouth, disdainful expression is completely written.

"You can't afford us?"

"Ha ha!"

The ghost is in turn, hehe, but also ridiculed: "Pay the price for your innocent!"

The ghost opened the cloak and exposed the blood of the body.

Chen Lian asked: "You also stun your blood even yourself?"

Ghost replied: "Yes, I also redeem the rare level 8 blood. But in order to win the champion, I bleated blood potential in advance, change this level of 8th-level blood."

"My God, 3 level 8, how to play?"

"Super organization is scarrent, the system also policies, they have countermeasures!"

"Hey, the future army is still the playground of these super organization, and there is nothing in our grassroots!"

Seeing such a lineup, everyone is desperate to Chen Lie.

Only I also know the shamelessness of the gambling party, I actually set the kind of lure and odds.

"Not bad."

"3 level 8, it is really threatened."

Chen Lie said in the end, or then so easy, even asked: "If you just do this, you will surrender!"


"The boss said, if I won it, I will help me make up blood loss."

The ghost is proud: "So in order to prevent the absolute victory, I have done the last prevention. Go out, my baby!"

A light column came down.

The third battle of the eyes of hell appears.

Quasi-level 8!

The eyes of hell have appeared on the 4th level 8!

This time everyone is not interested in seeing, because the result is already destined.

The ghost said: "Originally my pet, all the potential is overdone, but I don't want to have any difference, so even his life is also brought. Although he can only live a month, But as long as you can help me get a victory, with the appreciation of the boss, what kind of potential pet is not? "

"Live a month?"

"You are really cruel!"

Chen Lie did not expect the ghost to victory, have been ill, so extent.

His way to treat pets is not cold.


The ghosts are stunned: "You can keep the final decent!"

"Ha ha!"

Chen Lie said: "Do you really think that I am derived?"

The ghost asked: "Do you think more than one drunk monkey can be turned over?"

"Who said that I want to drunk the fairy monkey?"

Chen Lie has been brutally smirk.

The heart of the ghost suddenly used a strong uneasiness.

At this time.

A huge cloud vortex appeared in the sky, and the cloud whirlpool is crazy. It seems to have something to come out.

I have any instructions for unequal ghosts, and they come to a huge light column:


The body of the body is close to 40 meters.

Infancy just appeared, the horrible pressure was suppressed, as the will of the heavens in the game.

But this power is more horrible than heaven and earth.

Because the system has to take care of some of the relatively weak warfare, it doesn't need to take care of it. It is red. Naked. Barely release Longwei, directly crushing the past.

"This power ..."

"Level 8! The name of the veritable level 8!"

The audience was forced.

Even the host and the unintember are also standing on the spot.

"Long Longlong ..."

The ghost began to knot.

Quasi-8 and 8th level, it seems to be only one word, just half a step.

But this is half a step, but the gap between firefly and Haoyue.

The game is destined at this moment.

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