The pet king of the city

948 Chapter Poke Shop

"The buckle is also required, the problem is the reputation value, this is the most important thing. Who doesn't know, the system's reputation value is most difficult!"

"Haha, I know these two guys, all are the heirs of the island of 100 billion groups. Unfortunately, they are worthy of wealth outside the island, there is not much sense here, there is no privilege here, the status is not as good as a slightly higher level Trial people. "

"Yeah, the wealth of the island is more, and you can't go to other planes."

Among the vicinity of this conflict, many people discovered this conflict.

"It seems that the trial is proud of the system of the system."

Chen Lie caught some information points, I want to do something deeper. I have been interrupted by one thing:

Slave trafficking.

There is actually public slave trafficking.

Although there is no bloody slave trafficking in the earth, a slave is imprisoned in the crystal prison, like living things, and can also impact Chen Lie's eye.

Chen Lie went to this lively slave vendor area.

He chooses a lot of sale, almost the same beautiful slave with orthodox human.

I haven't went to the crystal prisoner before, Chen Lie has heard a shameless evaluation sound:

"So many boutique beauty, definitely a submorrhea being captured."

"Yeah, I heard that I was attacking a low equity before the glory. It seems that these slaves are the indigenous of the plane."

"You don't envy, then low, etc., there is also the strength of the 7-level trial, I heard that this time, this time, the battle is killed, and the two level 8 testists. "

"Yeah, I also heard that this time, this time, I will definitely search for a thorough, put all the low-alive faces all useful."

It seems to hear a lot of people interested.

The glory of the slave owner enthusiastically introduced:

"Dear Mr., ladies, these slaves are all standard human, after the system's test, there is no ectopic face bacteria."

"They all have a prominent identity, some are the princess of the small country, some are the ladies of the big country, and after our tuning, they have already understood a lot of services. The skills of the waiters ensure that they are satisfied."

"If you don't have a slave, we can make special findings, guarantees.

Chen Lie looked at the slaves that have lost gloried in these eyes, could not shook their heads.

In the future, it is cruel than he imagined.

it's here.

Many hidden rules, the dark industry is clear.

The most horrible thing is that people are completely stowed with people's level, they are directly open to distinguish, and all trials are still sweet.

"The future of the world is not necessarily beautiful."

"It is full of decay and illness."

Chen Lie didn't shook his head.

Family in the future, in addition to housekeeping robots is a home type.

Agriculture in the future world is basically responsible for the machine and agricultural types of pets.

Many people's livelihood industry in the future, like agriculture, basically pet-dominated.

Even the war in the future, the warrior of the charge is no longer human, but the warfare.

Human avoids many physical strength and dangerous labor, ultra-high Fu. Under the glory policy, enjoymentism and entertainmentism, began to move towards an arthound with a little morbid.

"There is nothing to visit like this world."

"It is better to say that it is better than the current earth."

Chen Lie took a sigh and turned to leave.

This time I am here.

Let him be very disappointed.

Really disappointed.



Back to the earth.

Enjoy Chen Lie through the journey, and began to wander around.

He first returned for a long time without going back to see a super pet shop.

Seeing that it is negligible, becomes a little messy leather, not so embarrassed.

However, it is more embarrassing that the vitality of the hide garden is only the vitality of super pets. Is there a good time, A Bao's small paradise is entirely two yards.

I didn't see the little look and core for a while, I have grown a lot now.

They found Chen Lie, surprised. Chen Lie did not put it.

And Murong Qimei and other women look at Chen Lie's eyes.


Chen Lie is not here.

Chen Lie still left the super pet shop.

Not right.

Because the Super Pet Shop is no longer just a shop, but a pet chain group.

Under the strong support of the elders, Chen Lie's pet business has expanded to the entire East Asia, and is currently expanding worldwide.

This size, the previous name is no longer suitable.

Ren Qing, Gu Xiaoyu consulted Chen Lie's opinion, and finally Chen Lie's pet group was named:


Go back to the big music.

Chen Lie just sat down and released a command: "Sunday, helping me start the second spirit."

The so-called spiritual land is Chen Lie to buy super plants such as Purple Bodhi roots, and raise many low-level super pets.

Sunday asked: "Is this a time to cooperate with ghost eyes?"

"We tried independent."

Chen Lie said: "Because we have to open up a lot."

Recognizing the high-end of the trial person, after the high end of the fan value, Chen Lie did not intend to follow the class, and there is already an intention of the fat man.

"Yes, BOSS."

Sunday asked again: "I don't know what special instructions do BOSS to the Lingli 2nd?"


"After all, we have developed autonomous development, then follow the Landshade 1."

Chen Lien is already calculated.

For the sake of memory, he named the land of his circle, it is clear that the order of the creation is clear, the first name of the Lingdian, the first name is very easy.

And when the number of destinations reaches two digits, the fairy condensation that can be provided every day will be a super terror number.

At that time, the campaign, especially the origin of the heavens and the earth, no longer obstacles.

Most of the trials like the Elf Bao Diamond supports special clothes, and how many can swallow.

"The trivial matters are finished, starting things ..."

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