The pet king of the city

955 chapter Super Beauty to join

"I still blame the little black, they are shocked, but I didn't expect it to be you."

Chen Lie looked at this charm and unfamiliar asian mankind, could not help but he.

"Luo Ke is gone."

Qingqi Luji is a gift, it seems to be respectful, and it is not inferior.

Chen Lien is still so beautiful Luoji, asking: "How can you fall to this field? Your organization, your sister?"

"The organization was swallowed."

"Former sisters regard me as a victim."

Luoji floated a bright eye.


Chen Lian asked: "I didn't make a mistake, you organize it 8. The level can be acute, but you can annex it."

Level 7 organization, even if you face super organization, there is also a certain qualification.

Because such organizations are relatively independent, under the protection of the system, as long as they don't go to the frontal battlefield, you will suffer from a point, and it will not fall to the point of being annexed.

Luoji has a good answer: "The powerful empire is also resistant to internal differentiation."

"I understand."

Although Luo Ji is very literate, Chen Lie is still a second.

Sunday is also just right to comment on the most recent information about Qingqulo Ji.

Luo Ji is a celebrity, and there is a lot about her news.

Chen Lie saw a pass, could not shook his head: "The original super organization is interested in you, and it has led to the olive branch. The result will lead to the internal division. And support your quasi-8 vice president's results fall in this place In the journey, no one is asylum in the organization, and has to be separated from the organization. "

Luo Ji's eyes are still ever.


Chen Lie took the eyebrows and asked: "Inviting your organization so much, why do you choose us?"

"Because you are the most mysterious, the most potential."

Luo Ji is very seriously explained: "If I go to those super organization, I am the relationship between the Asian mankind, I will signed a number of restrictive agreements. For ordinary Asian human beings, it may be protected, but such an agreement is for me. It is a nightmare. "

Chen Lie Xi asked: "Then you are certainly sure, I will not hide rules?"


"Maybe it will be."

Luoji is answering: "Compared with others, I am not very resistant to you."

After reading Lu Ji gave Chen Lie a sweet smile.

have to say.

Luoji is really beautiful, it is such a smile, it is enough.

I am afraid that Chen Lie has seen a lot of beautiful women, but it is still a heartbeat acceleration.

Luoji's talent charm has reached the point of impeccable.


"I don't feel that my charm is too big."

If you change it is a little bit of experience, you may be fans. Confuse it. Can Chen Lie, now still stopped in appreciation, not to be out of control.

Luo Ji and: "The reason why you appreciate you, that is because your attitude towards pets is different from the attitude towards pets."

"is it?"

Chen Lie smiled.

Luo Ji is naturally chatted: "Do you know? I have never seen it, I have never encountered an army head, I can keep all the pet's loyalty to all levels. System has In a few hundred years of records, you will have this point from not a high-level army. "

"Thank you."

Chen Lien received the praise of Luoji.

Perhaps in the system, someone will regard the pet as his own children, but how many people can do all the pets of themselves?

The most important thing is how many people can take care of every pet and help them plan a future prospect?

Look at Chen Lie.

Even the most spoiled rice buckets, because of having a drink, every day, there is no heart, and the other trial is regarded as loyalty. It has also been satisfied.

Take a look at the new bag and magic spirit, you like the bag to play with people, you have a very happy every day, and your feelings have exceeded 90 points.

As for the devil just came over, this guy seems to have more felt the benefits of the paradise, and the feelings have also broken through 80 points.

This kind of good feeling improvements is not available.

This has no wealth and charm, purely heart problems.

Luo Ji finally asked: "Can you accept me?"

Countless super organization wants to invite her, hang. The stamped of her beast and shocking beauty.

But here is here.

She is a party that is selected, there is no advantage.


Chen Lie said: "But I will not take you to the side, because your loyalty is not enough. Now you temporarily act as the image representative of the system store?"

"Okay, boss."

Luo Ji smiled: "The outside world seals the boss as the first mysterious trial person, and it has not been blocked."

However, Luo Ji still strives to say: "When will I want to see the old things?"

"Waiting for you to come to 90 loyalty."

Chen Lie put his hand.

"90 points!"

Luo Ji asked: "Bruce, do you know what level of this level?"

"do not know."

Chen Lie shook his head.

Luo Ji replied: "Boss, in the system mall, this level can basically do anything, including couples."


Chen Lie curiously looked at Luoji.

The body of Luoji, I found that this seems to be tune. The eyes of the play, I am sulking when I am on time.

"very beautiful."

"Absolutely the national ."

Chen Lie appreciates the opening.

"Thank you, I am appreciated."

Luo Ji responded helplessly.

"Okay, I don't pay with you."

Chen Lie said: "You play in the store, what you are selling, anyway, I will help me calculate your sales commission on Sunday. When you are right, I will give you better arrangements."

Luoji reminded: "Boss, I am a battle, I want to fight."

Chen Qian asked: "Are you sure?"

Chen Lie has always feel that this is so petty. Drops. Drops of the beauty, to fight against the battlefield, the scene is a bit violated.

Luoji said very seriously: "Boss, don't underestimate my combat power."

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