The pet king of the city

978 chapter earn millions

"Moderator and unintember, are you stupid?"

"Just, let us explain it!"

"This is the end of it too much?"

The nematic and the audience have bombed.

They are very uncomfortable to this inexplicable scene, all want to see the truth of things.

Virtual slow lens comes out.

Under a hundred times reduction, everyone will see it clearly.

The swords of the ten have different colors kills the past as Chen Lie.

However, Chen Lie's shocking knife is like capturing the trajectory of the world. Every knife can be perfectly smashing a sword, and each knife can weaken the breath of the chaotic dance.


Doodle dance, because it is not your own strength, the body is overridden.

"This last move is powerful than the nine days of Jiu Tian, ​​the nine days."

"It's strong enough, a top 8 treasures, but still lost."

"It's not a mess, but the Lord of the Paradise Legion is too strong."

Among the discussion, Chen Lie is the same as before, and he has not returned to the reality directly.

But the paradise is also a happy.


The ghost is very straightforward, giving Chen Lie a thumbs up.

Chen Lie likes this cute little thing, pinching its belly.

"The owner is the master."

Wine gods: "Such a strong opponent, still want to drink."

He Tiger said: "If this is not the equipment, the strength will not be much better than me."

This is a bit uncommon performance, but combined with the amazing power of , everyone does not comment on this.

Chen Lie said: "Jiao Jiao said it is right, this chaotic dance can explode the earth's dragon, it is indeed a equipment. If Jiao Jiao also has such a weaponry, a little familiar with the fighting power, can defeat the earth Dragon. "

Chen Lie is not a bias or comfort.

The 8th level of the sword, the 8th battle armor, the 8-level shelter necklace, plus other number of 8-level auxiliary items, and the total value is definitely 50 million fans.

Such a horrible wealth is accumulated, even if it is still a pork, it can spike most of the trials of the 7th level.

Everyone thinks about it, I feel very reasonable.

Even if it is an offer, there is such a powerful equipment, and it can become very strong.

"Things have passed."

"This time I won the fans worth 10 million, which can be described as big gain."

Chen Lie shouted: "Do you have set it?"

"All is already good."

"Please ask the BOSS to count the shopping list."

Sunday immediately passed the supercarcies, and the underground cultural chamber of the underground cultural chamber was listed.


Chen Lie is just a little bit of a key point, he didn't pay attention.

Although he is not very understood why it is only suitable for special weather, the price is relatively expensive, but it is believed that Sunday has its truth.

"Wow, good expensive, suddenly spit out all the profits in the last period of time."

"But there are more materials in the future, we will be content."

"Yeah, I think of more days in the future, I am very happy."

The super-war pets have accepted this fact.

This is not a special thing, everyone will soon forget it.

Chen Lie then asked: "Sunday, there is a news in the battlefield?"

The war news of the chaos, nature is the nearest focus.

And accompanying time close, the atmosphere is getting more and more fierce.

I heard Chen Lie, I asked: "The owner, the plane battlefield is where the system is unable to take care of, will be true to death, we don't seem to take this insurance?"

Everyone knows that Chen Lie has a thoughtful past.

But I don't recommend Chen Lie to take risks.

After all, the development situation of the paradise is so good.

As long as you can stabilize, accumulate a little time, 8 levels are proper, level 9 is also the day to stay, there is no need to take this unnecessary risk.

Chen Lie said: "The boring life will throw my fighting spirit, I need a little adjustment. When I was weak, I can go to the wilderness, but now, I can cut the wilderness, and other attractive My place. "

Everyone speechless.

Chen Lie continued: "And the chaos is not absolutely dead, the 9-level giant has a high survival chance. This is to say that I only have a 9-level giant's life, then you can have a look at it. experience."

"9-level giant's life power?"

Everyone is confused.

This ability is not said to have it.

The 9-level giants have their own fields, which is equal to artifacts.

Don't want to compile with them unless Chen Lie can find artifact level asylum.

"Don't worry, I will hone skills in my last time."

"If you can, I want to talk to the three-border business alliance."

Chen Lie was full of helplessness.

There is a refineriener with a third-border business alliance, but he only refines the 8-level weaponry, and the 9th level will not challenge.

According to what he mean:

The 9th success rate is too low, and the failure will damage his name.

The gods also smiled: "The guy, is known as the 9th-level 9-class device."

Abao also said: "I have also heard of him, the best unin-famous refinerie."

Ghost reminded: "But you have to know that he is the highest success rate of magnitude 8 weapons."

Chen Lie knocked on the desktop and did not have a dialogue of the super pet.

The 9th League of League is a good name. In order not to affect the name of the weapon, it is not true that he is not true.

Chen Lie is now a type 9 shelter type item.

He is really unnecessary.

After all, he will refine the shelter of the rune to protect himself.

"It seems that you can only rely on yourself."

"However, the career of the god teacher is more common, and you can work out to weapons and improve the quality."

"If you come, put the 8-level weapon, then you are happy."

Chen Lie Hao said: "If I can master the triple stack, maybe it can be treasured 9 treasures."

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