The Petite Wife of the First Family

Chapter 102 Xu Zhizhi used a plan to drive away the Li family

The old man of the Li family was all green with regret at this time, how could he be so obsessed with wanting the silver of the Xu family!

This bitch has not only become extremely fierce, but also eloquent.

Just a few words, they have already refuted them and don't know how to deal with it!

And cause public outrage? !

Old Man Li could only shake his head: "Everyone is quiet, that's not the case, girl Zhi said nonsense, we are really just here to sell beans."

The second brother of the Li family saw the crowd accuse them, and a few wanted to push him.

He was really scared this time, he should listen to his father's words and queue up honestly.

How will they end up, can the beans still be sold?

He looked at his eldest sister with her head lowered, and didn't dare to come out to stop the bitch. He really wanted to ask her to come forward and say a few words for help.

However, he remembered what his father said, and angered Xu Dagen to divorce his stupid sister!

There was no other way, the second brother of the Li family had to go on his own: "Damn girl, do you think everyone is stupid? We are obviously here to sell beans, you are so blatantly slandering our Li family for wanting to accept beans with one mouth? It makes everyone misunderstand us, how cruel are you?"

Xu Zhizhi Hao admitted without hesitation: "Yes, I slandered you with just one mouth, but didn't I learn from you? Can you slander my mother for being unfilial with your mouth, and slander that we have money to be poor and love the rich?"

"Then why can't I just say that you want to grab business?"

"It's all a mouth, you say yes, why not when I say yes?"

For a while, the second child of the Li family didn't know how to respond.

"You..." The second son of the Li family raised his hand and wanted to hit Xu Zhizhi.

Xiao Jingheng jumped forward to block in front of Xu Zhizhi, the killing intent in his eyes was undisguised.

Now, the second child of the Li family believed it, and he was really scared!

He was scared to pieces by Xiao Jingheng's killing intent...

A smell of urine... The second brother of the Li family was scared to pee...

Xu Zhizhi covered her nose with her hands, and Xiao Jingheng took her by the waist and took her back a long way.

Hehe~ The Li family still wants to come over to extort money?

See if I can't kill you!

As long as their own interests are not involved, everyone will stand on the moral high ground and speak to others.

Now, as long as she says she won't accept the beans and affects everyone's interests, she wants to see who will help you?

The confrontation between Xu Zhizhi and the Li family was too fast, and the reversal was incredible.

Everyone is already very angry. They want to sell the beans today, so only by driving away the Li family can the anger of the Xu family be quelled.

They shouldn't just trust the Li family casually.

"We really don't know that your Li family is so shameless."

"You are like a blood-sucking leech, you won't fall off when you stick to it. Whoever encounters it will be unlucky!"

"I used to hear from my cousin's cousin that your Li family is a shameless family."

Everyone pushed and pulled, and they quickly drove the Li family out of the distance.

The Li family fled in despair.

They felt that this time it was the second brother (the second brother) was wrong. Originally, their father said that they should queue up honestly.

If they line up well, maybe his aunt will bring them something to eat.

Thinking of this, Li Xiaobao said to Old Man Li: "Master, it's all because of the second uncle's self-assertion. Now that we have done this, we can't sell the beans in our family. If you listen to your words and wait in line at the back, my aunt will definitely bring it to you. meat for us."

Old man Li, just happened to think so, why did he think his second son came out to be a demon?

He won't remember, and he himself wants more, otherwise why didn't he stop it at the time!

At that time, Old Man Li felt that everyone was on their side, and they were justified. They got things first, and when someone reacted later, they got what they deserved!

It doesn't matter if the means are low-level or not, as long as the goal can be achieved, it is good...

However, that bitch who usually doesn't show off her face, slapped them in the face in the same shameless way!

It even caused them to be driven back, and no one to testify against the official!

The old man Li saw the man who had descended to the earth again today, and the killing intent in his eyes...

Xu Zhizhi doesn't care what the Li family thinks, as long as they don't bother them.

Xu Ming looked at their master with admiring eyes, how amazing!

Xu Zhizhi nodded arrogantly, and calmly accepted the worship of the little followers...

Originally, she wanted to teach everyone a lesson, and she will not accept beans today.

But Xu Zhizhi felt that it was too much, so let's continue to collect beans!

Next, just like yesterday, Xu Zhizhi still counts the silver and copper plates by weighing the weight of the scale and counting the numbers.

It's just that she doesn't smile like she did yesterday.

Today, Xu Zhizhi counted the copper plates without expression.

Xiao Jingheng even had a dark face, exuding a strong cold air.

The bean seller trembled in his heart and hated the Li family for making trouble.

They said that the people who came to sell beans yesterday still had sugar water to drink.

Today, they didn't drink the boiled water, and they were so frightened that they took the money and ran away.

When it was time to eat at noon, Xu Zhizhi and the others were no longer in a hurry, they ate slowly, and let them wait!

man! Be nice to them, they think they should, then do what makes them happy.

The happiest thing is to eat well and sleep well.

The speed of collecting beans in the afternoon has not changed. Who told them that practice makes perfect, and the more they do, the smoother they get!

Still notify the latter not to come again, and will continue to receive tomorrow.

There are other grains that can also be delivered to the Xu family, which is also at the price of last year.

The villagers are very happy, and they all said that they will come back tomorrow to sell sorghum and so on...

At the end of the day, I received more than yesterday.

Dinner will be very rich, because today Xia He and Qiu Ju should not pour sugar water for those who sell beans.

The two of them cooked several dishes taught by Xu Zhizhi two days ago. Although they were not as delicious as the master's cooking, they were able to cook them attentively.

After everyone had a happy meal, Xu Zhizhi arranged their work for tomorrow.

Uncle Xu's family made tofu for one day today and will continue to make it tomorrow.

Early tomorrow morning, arrange for Xu Daniu and Xiao Mo to send them to Zuixianglou and come back to continue collecting beans.

After everything was arranged, everyone went back to their rooms to sleep.

Nan Qi brought people to start decorating the garden tomorrow, and he brought many varieties of flowers from Hengzhou Mansion and other places.

They are transported into the village at night, so as not to cause a commotion, the masters like to keep a low profile.

The man who made the rockery was also invited by the state government. There are only 20 days until the master's wedding, so he has to get it done quickly.

I have to say that Xiao Jingheng really has a set of methods to tame his subordinates, and he works very well.

Xiao Jingheng arranged for Nan Qi to be responsible for decorating the garden and the middle of the yard.

He himself was in charge of decorating his and Xu Zhizhi's yard, and the drawings were drawn to him by Xu Zhizhi.

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