The Petite Wife of the First Family

Chapter 107 Xiao Gongzi is really beautiful

Xiao Jingheng looked at the man across from him and his daughter-in-law, looking stupid, he was very unhappy.

With black lines all over his face, he looked at Su Zhixuan coldly and deeply, "I don't remember everything before, I really don't know you."

Seeing Xiao Jingheng's face full of anger, Xu Zhizhi pulled him and said, "Brother Heng, this son may really know you before, or maybe you are still friends!"

Xiao Jingheng looked at Xu Zhizhi's beautiful smile and called his brother sweetly. He took a deep breath and took her in his arms in front of everyone. He loved this empathetic girl to death.

The corner of Xiao Jingheng's mouth slightly evoked a satisfied smile, spreading a gentle aura that made the whole shop radiate warmth.

Only then did Su Zhixuan come back to his senses. He really believed that Xiao Jingheng had lost his memory.

In Luocheng, he met Wanqian more than a dozen times a year, and he had never seen Wanqian smile so happily.

The beauty is like a flower, and the gentleman is like a jade can be seen in one person.

And this person, or the moody dandy son that everyone in Luocheng heard about.

Wanqian is a tyrant in Luocheng, arrogant and arrogant, as long as he provokes him, he will chop off the hands of others.

Su Zhixuan felt that he was the one who lived a free and easy life, and he once envied him in his heart.

Later, when he heard that he was chased and killed outside by the enemy, he also regretted it.

Ha ha! Even if people have amnesia now, they are still living a good life!

Wouldn't it be a pleasure to be accompanied by such a beautiful woman!

Su Zhixuan said sincerely: "Do you want to know about the past? I know a genius doctor who can help you take a look."

Xiao Jingheng said arrogantly, "I don't want to, I'm doing well now."

Su Zhixuan felt that Wan Qian was pretending to have amnesia and lying to the little girl.

Otherwise, how can there be a person who doesn't want to know about his past or his family?

But he has no evidence!

Su Zhixuan still said patiently: "Xiao Wanqian, do you want to know how beautiful you used to be, and how many beauties are chasing after you in Los Angeles, crying and wanting to marry you?"

Xiao Jingheng saw the face of his little daughter-in-law and said without hesitation, "I don't want to, I just like my daughter-in-law."

Xu Zhizhi said in her heart that she despised Xiao Jingheng, how could anyone with amnesia answer so readily that others would pretend to be fake!

But she still likes his lightheartedness very much. That's how she likes it. Some people say something vague and ambiguous in order not to show themselves in front of acquaintances, and that hurts people.

Xiao Jingheng was as sweet as honey when he was seen by his little daughter-in-law's hot eyes.

If it wasn't for the wrong occasion, he would definitely hug his daughter-in-law for a kiss.

Su Zhixuan looked at Xu Zhizhi with some sympathy, this girl is beautiful!

But only beautiful, people are not very smart!

This fellow is obviously lying!

Why did the girl still look at him with such adoring eyes?

The not-so-smart Xu Zhizhi, looking at the man opposite him, looks very handsome and has a very good character.

He clearly knew that Xiao Jingheng was pretending to be stupid, but he didn't expose it. He was a friend worth making.

Xu Zhizhi said to Su Zhixuan, "May I ask your son's name? Have you ever been my husband's friend?"

"His surname is Su and his name is Zhixuan. He and I were not friends before, but we both lived in Los Angeles, and we met at many gatherings."

Xu Zhizhi's impression of Su Zhixuan is better. It's not bad that a person who doesn't have deep acquaintances still thinks about each other so much.

"So that's it! It's almost time for lunch, is it convenient for Su Gongzi to have a meal together?"

Su Zhixuan couldn't ask for it, "Convenient, very convenient."

Although Xiao Jingheng is not very happy, he will not sing against his daughter-in-law.

He really wants to eat alone with his little daughter-in-law!

Several people walked to the Zuixiang Building together. The shopkeeper knew Xiao Jingheng and invited them into the private room kept by the owner.

Su Zhixuan calmly followed and sat down together, drinking tea calmly.

In his heart, he thought to himself that this drunken incense building existed in the entire grand dynasty. Although the people of the Nangong family were taking care of it, it was said that there was a big man behind it.

This private room also has one in Los Angeles, which is reserved by the owner.

Xiao Jingheng looked at Su Zhixuan's face and knew what he was thinking.

So, he said to Su Zhixuan, "This restaurant belongs to my cousin, and I have the privilege to enter this private room."

Su Zhixuan said in surprise: "Wanqian, don't you have amnesia? Why do you still know your cousin?"

Xiao Jingheng said lightly: "The owner of this drunk fragrance building found me and said it was my cousin who wanted to come in for dinner at any time."

"I see! I thought you remembered him!"

"Then do you know which dishes are the best here? I've eaten them for a few days, and I haven't eaten repeated dishes yet!"

Xu Zhizhi asked curiously, "How many dishes do you order a day?"

Su Zhixuan said regretfully, "There are only two of us, and we only order three dishes for a meal."

They have rules in the Marquis of Anding, and they are not allowed to be extravagant and wasteful, so even if he is alone outside, he will remember Zu Xun.

Xu Zhizhi felt that a meal of three dishes for two people was enough, and many dishes in Zuixianglou were big bowls.

It is equivalent to the current large bowl of vegetables, boiled meat slices and boiled fish series, because there are many side dishes, it is not enough to pack in a small bowl.

"Then you have to eat it for a month before you can taste every dish."

Xu Zhizhi added: "Now we have four people, let's order five dishes."

Su Zhixuan's servant Mo Yu heard that he could order two more dishes, and said happily, "Sir, order a fried tofu and roast pork, hurry up, let's see how lucky we are today? We haven't had this dish for a few days!"

Xu Zhizhi thought that the oil tofu has only been produced normally in the past few days, and it was just a trial before.

Certainly not at this time.

She looked at Xiao Jingheng and said, "Tell the shopkeeper to arrange this dish for us."

Xiao Jingheng knew that they had fried tofu in their back baskets, and they could be placed in a row as long as they took them out, but he didn't want to let Su Zhixuan's big mouth know.

He held his little daughter-in-law in one hand and the basket in the other and walked out.

Mo Yu didn't understand why he had to go out after ordering food?

He asked, "Master, why did they go out?"

Su Zhixuan said, "How do I know? If you want to know, just follow!"

Mo Yu asked again: "Isn't it a legend that Young Master Xiao likes men but not women? Then why did he marry a daughter-in-law? He seems to be treating her daughter-in-law very well?"

"You know it's a legend too? Can the legend be believed? People in Luocheng also say that my grandfather eats living people!"

Mo Yu was embarrassed: "Hehe, that is, that is, Young Master Xiao is really blessed! The former fiancee was the most beautiful woman in Los Angeles, and now her daughter-in-law is like a fairy."

Su Zhixuan was unhappy to hear it: "Shut up for me and talk about other people behind my back, what kind of formality is it?"

Mo Yu...

It seems that you speak ill of others behind your back and say less.

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