A child who has suffered so much, is still so optimistic and cheerful?

Xu Zhizhi suddenly became interested in Xiao Jingheng's training base.

The next day, Xu Zhizhi and Xiao Jingheng came to the place where they usually practice.

Continue the daily lessons, practice the exercises alone, and practice the two against each other. After an hour, they go to the creek to wash their hands as usual.

When I came to the stream, I saw two rows of people standing, arranged from tallest to shortest according to Xu Zhizhi's habit.

I saw two people coming over: "I have seen the master, ma'am."

Xu Zhizhi looked at Xiao Jingheng with a bright smile.

I saw the girl was wearing a pink dress with a thin waist, tied with a pink brocade belt.

Her jet-black hair was tied with a pink ribbon, and a few strands of her hair fell mischievously down her shoulders, making her finger-breakable skin even whiter.

She had a bright smile on her face, no makeup, but she was beautiful.

Xiao Jingheng is used to watching it, and he will be amazed, not to mention this gang.

It was also the first time Yecheng saw his wife, she was so beautiful, no wonder the master wanted to marry her so much.

This is a hundred times better than the fake fairy fiancee before the master, and it looks very real, not fake at all.

More importantly, the dishes made by Mrs. are so delicious...

The old lady asked him many times what the woman the master wanted to marry looked like. He didn't see it at the time. He thought that the master insisted on marrying, so she said it was okay. Is this okay?

This is a smile that allures the city and then smiles to the country, it's so damn good-looking.

The others also stared blankly at their master and wife, who were really handsome and beautiful.

Xiao Jingheng took Xu Zhizhi's hand, pointed at a person and said to her: "Daughter-in-law, this is Yecheng, my left hand, these people are all the people that Yecheng brought here this time, you can choose to keep some or all of them. ?"

All of them straightened their backs at once, and they all secretly asked the Bodhisattva to bless them and chose themselves to stay.

They met Xu Ming a few times last night, and it really changed a lot, and their martial arts have also improved a lot.

Xu Zhizhi looked at it, stretched out her jade-like hand, pointed it out, and picked one out.

Xu Zhizhi saw everyone's expressions, and had to say that Xiao Jingheng was really talented.

Although the trained people have a funny side, they are very upright, with clear eyes that everyone wants to keep.

The person she picked was ecstatic, but not complacent.

Those who have not been picked have only loss in their eyes, and those who have been picked have only envy but no envy in their eyes.

good very good.

Xu Zhizhi's red lips lightly lifted: "You are divided into two groups, the first group is selected, the second group is led by Xu Yue, the second group is led by Xu Qing, and Xu Ming will take care of Xu Yue and Xu from now on. clear."

"Subordinates obey." Everyone said loudly when they woke up.

Seems to be very happy.

Xu Zhizhi added: "Xiao Jingheng is the same as me, whether it is him or me."

Xiao Jingheng immediately said: "I'm all yours, everything is yours, and Yecheng they are also your subordinates."

Ha ha……

Xu Zhizhi let out a silver bell-like laughter.

Xiao Jingheng smiled until his white teeth were exposed, blinding everyone's eyes.

Many people here are seeing their master for the first time.

It's far from the man in the legend, who is ruthless and uncertain.

Everyone looked at the boss Yecheng with contempt, as if to say that the boss is just bullying us that we haven't seen the master, and saying that the master is deceiving us.

Night City feels so wronged! The master has only become like this recently.

But such a master is really good.

Xu Zhizhi said to Xu Ming, but everyone could hear it, "You call their names like this in the future. For example, if there are ten people in Xu Qing's team, you can call them Qingyi, Qinger, and so on."

"The people Xu Yue brought, it's not easy to call Yueyi, so you can call them January, February..."

"So don't call Ye 101 such a tongue-in-cheek name."

"Thank you for your name, my subordinate." Everyone said in unison.

Xiao Jingheng felt that his daughter-in-law was really amazing.

Why didn't he think of it then? He is recognized for his outstanding talent!

Xu Zhizhi said to Yecheng again, "How do you arrange for those who failed in training?"

Ye Cheng glanced at Xiao Jingheng, wondering if he should say it? Those who fail in training are generally killed by those who are stronger than them.

Xu Zhizhi knew from the look on Yecheng's face, she was someone who had watched TV, and there were even more cruel ones.

She is not Guanyin, she cannot save all sentient beings, and she does not have the ability.

However, she can do her part and do as well as possible, at least to make those who have encountered her not so sad.

She said: "People who fail in training in the future, even if they are disabled, can still be transferred here to farm."

Night City and everyone were moved to tears.

They thought silently in their hearts that such a master is worth their lives.

Xiao Jingheng finally couldn't help wrapping his arms around Xu Zhizhi's waist in front of everyone.

He really wanted to hug her and kiss her, but he didn't want his people to see it. He wanted to respect her.

He could only hug her tightly.

Only then did Xu Zhizhi realize that there were dozens of pheasants and hares lined up by the creek...

She taught them how to handle it, how to make beggar chicken and roast rabbits.

The crowd acted quickly, not knowing where they got a cauldron.

Xu Ming and the others also brought people to dig up a bunch of yam, these are so funny!

There was no girl brought here this time, so Xu Zhizhi picked a boy who smiled a little shyly and taught him how to make yam porridge.

The boy who looked fifteen years old was in Xu Yue's group and ranked in October.

In October, the hands and feet are quick and the learning is fast, but cooking porridge is also the easiest.

Xu Zhizhi personally handled the two chickens for the demonstration process, and gave her and Xiao Jingheng two to eat. She secretly added a little spring water.

There is no need to add spiritual spring water to make yam porridge. After all, there are many people, and we will eat it often in the future.

It's impossible to say if it tastes good once, and it doesn't taste good once.

It didn't take long for a burst of fragrance to waft out of the forest, with the fragrance of yam porridge, roasted rabbit meat, and the rich fragrance of beggar chicken.

October winked and gave Xu Zhizhi a bowl of porridge: "Master, try it, how does it taste?"

He felt that this porridge was made by him, because Xu Zhizhi only moved his mouth, and everything was his hands.

Xu Zhizhi said with face: "It's really good, I have the potential to be a chef."

October laughed so much that his mouth went behind his ears.

Xiao Mosheng gave Xiao Jingheng a bowl, and then he quickly filled a bowl himself.

The porridge made from the stream and wild yam is also very delicious.

Xu Zhizhi didn't lie, she really has the potential to be a chef this October.

Everyone held the porridge bowl in one hand and the rabbit meat in the other, gobbling down the porridge and eating the rabbit meat.

Xu Zhizhi used a spoon and sipped the porridge alone. The original taste was good.

Xiao Jingheng also held the porridge in one hand and the rabbit meat in the other, handed it to Xu Zhizhi's mouth from time to time, and she took a small bite along it.

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