After eating, everyone gathered around to talk, rest for a while, and then work.

Because Xu Zhizhi said that he could not work immediately after eating, and had to rest for two quarters of an hour.

Xu Zhizhi said that he would help October to choose a name, because the character for the moon already had someone, and the cross didn't sound good.

Xu Zhizhi said: "October, you will be called Xu Hai from now on."

October quickly bowed to thank the master.

Xu Zhizhi felt that there were too many subordinates, and it was difficult to think of names. Her first thought was Mingyue Qingfeng, so it was easy to remember them by age.

At that time, Xu Ming felt that he was honored to be the boss, but in fact he was just a little older.

Of course Xu Zhizhi wouldn't tell them this, let him be embarrassed.

What Xu Zhizhi thought of this time was, [The sea is a confidant, and the ends of the world are like neighbors. 】

She said happily: "You remember, behind Xu Hai is, Xu Nei, do you think it sounds good?"

It sounds really good to everyone, everyone is thinking that they want to be called Xu Nei.

The voice of the young girl Huang Ying coming out of the valley was heard again: "The sea memory confidant is like a neighbor in the world. You will be ranked in this order in the future, and whoever becomes the squad leader first will ask Xu Nei to push it later."

Xiao Jingheng felt that his daughter-in-law was really literate and her exports were well established.

The subordinates think that the master is amazing, and the name rhymes like this.

This is the difference between reading and not reading. People who read are thinking of poems and songs, and people who don't read are just listening to it and rhyming smoothly...

After everyone had enough rest, they went to work consciously, thinking about what squad leaders they would like to be in the future.

Xiao Jingheng and Xu Zhizhi took Yecheng aside and explained to him.

"You go back and arrange for the people who didn't show up at the training ground to come here to learn with us for a while."

"Everyone who has done tasks outside will be managed by Yeyue. Just build a yard in Luocheng, and follow Yeyue's command. Tell Yeyue to work in groups of ten people and appoint a squad leader to manage them."

Xu Zhizhi said: "When you arrange for them to come over, they will be broken into pieces, and don't attract anyone's attention, especially the prince."

Ye Cheng was astonished in his heart, [Master has told his wife everything, but such a powerful wife, if he would have said it too. 】

He could only nod his head in yes.

Xu Zhizhi added, "All the girls will stay in Los Angeles for Yeyue."

Xiao Jingheng laughed heartily, [Daughter-in-law is jealous because she is afraid that the girl's heart will not be right. 】

Actually, it's really unnecessary. He told his daughter-in-law this morning that he had been to a training ground once, and two women wanted to climb on him and fell at his feet on purpose.

However, what he didn't say later was that he kicked one to death with one kick, and the latter one was sold to a special place.

He thought it was too bloody and a little too vicious, so he didn't tell his daughter-in-law.

Xia He, Qiu Ju, and the women in the training ground had seen his cruel and ruthless side with their own eyes, so when they saw him later, they were far away, where would they come forward again.

But the daughter-in-law was nervous, and Xiao Jingheng had fan bubbles in his heart~~

Without showing his face, he said coldly, "Have you heard what Madam said?"

"I heard it clearly, very clearly and very clearly." Yecheng was just stunned, and did not respond for a while.

He thought secretly in his heart, with the master's murderous appearance, how could any woman dare to approach him!

But he dared not say it.

Xu Zhizhi took out a box of body conditioning pills from her sleeve (that is, the space).

That is, last time, she specially made the body conditioning pills Su Zhixuan brought to his grandfather.

It's just that that one is specifically for her grandfather, this one is specially made for Mother Xiao Jingheng.

"Yecheng, when you go back, go to the Guogong's mansion and give this to my mother-in-law. This is for her body conditioning."

Xiao Jingheng was shocked that his daughter-in-law gave such a precious thing to his mother to eat.

He knew that his daughter-in-law had good things and secrets, but she refused to tell him, maybe he wasn't good enough for her to make her trust him completely.

The daughter-in-law can hide it, he pretends he doesn't know, and he can wait until she is willing to tell him all her secrets.

But he never imagined that his daughter-in-law would not only feed him, but now he would also feed his mother.

Those things are really good for his mother's body. His mother was poisoned when he gave birth to him, and he doesn't know what happened!

Now that he has the medicine Zhizhi gave, it will definitely be fine, because he has experienced it himself.

His eyes were wet, "'re so nice..."

Night City didn't pay much attention to it. When he saw his master like this, he knew that the things in this box were very precious.

He knelt down cautiously and said, "This subordinate will definitely hand it over to the old lady in person, please rest assured, master and madam."

Xu Zhizhi hugged Xiao Jingheng, patted him on the back to reassure him and said, "We are husband and wife, your mother is my mother, this is what I should do, you are welcome."

Xiao Jingheng put his arm around her and hugged her tightly, "Zhizhi, tell him how to eat my mother."

"You tell my mother-in-law, just one a day, and after a total of five, there will be no problems." Xu Zhizhi said lightly.

Xiao Jingheng believed, very believed, that after eating it, there was really nothing wrong with it.

Ye Cheng didn't want to believe it at first, but seeing Xiao Jingheng shaking with excitement, he had to believe it.

Xiao Jingheng then explained the relevant matters, and finally said: "Tell my mother, this pill is a panacea passed down by Zhizhi's grandmother, and it is very precious. Don't expose this pill, it will be life-threatening."

Yecheng knew about Xu Zhizhi's background, my mother! How precious is that!

The wedding dress made by the old lady herself is simply not enough to compare with this.

At that time, when he got the wedding dress, he still sighed, is a village girl worthy of the old lady's treatment?

Thinking about it now, he wanted to slap his big mouth fiercely, but fortunately, he didn't say anything like that to anyone.

The main reason is that the time is too urgent. He hasn't had time to see Yeyue yet, otherwise he will definitely ask him to talk about it.

So much so that if anyone disrespected Xu Zhizhi or spoke ill of Xu Zhizhi later, Yecheng would rush to fight, no matter what woman or not.

Yecheng took orders to say goodbye to Xiao Jingheng and his wife, and rushed towards Luocheng day and night.

When Xu Zhizhi and Xiao Jingheng got home, the sun had set, and it was dinner time again.

In a military camp on the border three hundred miles away, the old marquis Su Yunshan was listening to his grandson talking about his youngest son's family.

His granddaughter brought him five pills and a lot of food for him.

He immediately picked up a black pill with a fragrant and cool breath, and ate it in one bite without hesitation at all.

The granddaughter said that after a person's hand and foot joints are severely injured, they can be cured with this medicine.

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