The old marquis figured it out, and when he was in a good mood, he wanted to find Xiao Jingheng unhappy, "What are your plans in the future?"

You can't always eat and drink behind my granddaughter!

Xiao Jingheng glanced at the old marquis, "We will go back to Luocheng after the New Year. I want to participate in the spring festival next year."

After listening to it, the old man was very relieved and said: "It's not a problem to be the champion with your ability, but you do farm work every day, and you can't do it without reading books! You'd better study your books from now on."

Xiao Jingheng humbly accepted the old master's teaching: "Thank you grandfather for his teaching, I study hard every night."

Xiao Jingheng silently added in his heart that his daughter-in-law is the best book~~

Xu Zhizhi couldn't help but complain, this man said nonsense and didn't write drafts, but it was true that he worked hard every night.

However, he is so arrogant, the middle champion should be what he has in his pocket.

However, it is the real ability to have that life to enter the examination room.

When the old man saw his grandson-in-law say this, he was much more pleasing to his eyes when he looked at him again. It turned out that he misunderstood him, and he was reading books every night.

Sometimes, the setbacks encountered by a person are a kind of thorny and penetrating inspiration that directly reaches the soul, because only when he feels pain can he leave a lasting memory.

Those past injuries don't seem to be all bad.

The old marquis told Xiao Jingheng some political matters again. Xiao Jingheng's unique insights deeply attracted the attention of the old marquis.

The old man praised him constantly and appreciated him, "I didn't expect that your kid is so knowledgeable, which will benefit the old man a lot..."

Xiao Jingheng was praised, but his face was not obvious, but he still had an expressionless face.

In fact, he was very happy in his heart, although many of them were the opinions of his daughter-in-law.

However, the daughter-in-law is amazing, he is just happy, it is sweeter than eating honey~

From beginning to end, Xu Zhizhi didn't say a word, just listened quietly, as if she was a real village girl who didn't understand the outside world.

The old man looked at his granddaughter. Although she didn't understand, she still sat obediently and was not bothered at all. His old heart was comforted.

Xiao Jingheng looked at the old marquis with a comforting expression, so he couldn't look directly.

He is even more satisfied with his daughter-in-law's performance. The only thing he can do is to let himself know that her daughter-in-law is powerful. Even if it is her grandfather, she doesn't want to show it~

The three grandparents did not leave the study room until lunch.

The old man was leaving after lunch, and Xu Zhizhi made a lot of food for him to eat on the road.

There are no pills this time, and I haven't had time to make them. I also gave some other food and asked him to bring them back for everyone to taste.

Father Xu and Xu Xiaowu reluctantly sent them to the entrance of the village:

"Father, come here early during Chinese New Year."

"Grandpa, I don't want you to leave."

The old man was also reluctant to bear his son and grandson, "Go back, the Chinese New Year is coming soon, I will come back here earlier."

Xiao Jingheng and Xu Zhizhi said together, "Grandfather, take care of yourself."

The old marquis looked at the couple in front of him, the man was a suave and suave man, and the woman was charming and beautiful, just like a couple of gods.

I sighed again in my heart, I can meet like this thousands of miles apart, and the fate is not shallow. This kid has a good life, and he is a perfect match!

Although the old man went to the border alone this time, he had hope in his heart, and he didn't feel desolate when he saw the barren mountains and mountains on the road again.

Xu Zhizhi looked at Xu's father in a depressed mood, "Father, grandfather will be here in more than a month. You have to quickly get the furniture in Xiaowu's yard ready."

Father Xu felt better when he heard his daughter's words: "Girl Zhi, don't worry, I will definitely do a good job with my heart."

Xu Xiaowu was still a little reluctant to give up. Hearing that his yard will have new furniture, he clapped his little palm happily:

"Dad, do it well, don't worry, I'll wait for my grandfather to come and move in together."

Talking and laughing all the way in this way also dilutes the sadness of parting.

There are very few villagers on the road. Most of them go to reclaim wasteland and earn more wages for the New Year.

Xu Zhizhi taught his second uncle to dig sweet potatoes and hang them on the beam to eat slowly, or dig a cellar to store them.

If you have extra, you can sell it to her, or you can make sweet potato vermicelli by yourself.

The life of the villagers is getting better and better, and the people are more diligent.

Xu Zhizhi and Xiao Jingheng sent Father Xu and Xiao Wu back, and the two of them went deep into the mountains.

When Yecheng saw the master coming, he let out a whistle of assembly.

The boys knew that the master was coming in the next two days, so they hurried over and stood up when they heard the whistle.

When Xu Zhizhi and Xiao Jingheng landed, they were already arranged in order of height.

Xu Zhizhi was standing in front of one of the teams, a teenage boy.

She looked at the little boy with a straight and small waist like the little adults, obviously a little nervous, but also pretended to be calm.

"Haha..." She let out a silver bell-like laugh happily.

Everyone knows that the master is a little nervous when he comes here, especially when the closer you get closer, you can feel the powerful aura emanating from the master.

They all had their heads bowed, and when they heard laughter, they looked up.

My goodness! The two people who are as beautiful as the gods are the master and the wife?

They had met the master before, with gloomy faces, as if others owed him a lot of money.

How can there be such a gentle look, he looked at the lady with a gentle side face, and seemed to have a smile.

The subordinates quickly wiped their eyes with their hands. It's not an illusion, it's really laughing!

Wen Yuluo stood behind her brother, the second, she could see more clearly, the lady was so beautiful, with a bright smile.

The master was really laughing. She had seen her twice in three years, and both had a gloomy face. Although she was beautiful, she was terrifying.

That year, the brutal appearance of the master kicking a sister to death is still vivid in my mind...

This man next door, like his brother, is their master?

She quickly lowered her head and looked at her toes.

Xu Zhizhi observed the crowd while laughing. The little boy really wanted to show himself well.

The little girl glanced at Xiao Jingheng, with fear and doubt in her eyes, but no admiration, um! very good.

Others were amused, looking at her dumbfounded.

Some people try their best to hide the hatred in their eyes, they should have been thoroughly hurt and desperate...

However, those have nothing to do with her, as long as they don't hate herself, they are understandable.

She walked up to the little boy and asked, "What's your name? It's your original name."

Wen Yushu, when their family was framed, he was seven years old, he had read books for three years, and he had learned all the etiquette and etiquette.

It's just that for the past three years, he has followed the training and thought about taking revenge...

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