Xiao Jingheng kicked his daughter-in-law and was so frightened that he immediately flew to catch his daughter-in-law from mid-air.

Xu Zhizhi's face was pressed against Xiao Jingheng's chest, and she heard his heart jump out of his chest to the side of his throat. If the throat wasn't too narrow, the heart would keep jumping out of his mouth...

Xu Zhizhi knew that the man was frightened this time, but she was actually fine, and her kung fu was not practiced in vain.

She saw the man's face full of murderous kick and kicked it.

If he kicks Mother Xu with that kick, then that selfish woman will be disabled if she doesn't die!

After this, how did she end up with the Xu family? Her cheap father is really kind to her.

Her two younger brothers, but she pulled them out of the abyss with one hand.

It's not too long before these good days!

If the man she loves kicks the mother of her two younger brothers to death, how can this be done?

She knew that the man was furious and lost his mind, so she jumped up and pretended to be kicked by him.

If the man's reason has not returned to the reincarnation, she will use light work to control herself and pretend to fall to the ground.

Fortunately, the man flew over to catch her when he saw that she accidentally hurt her, but she didn't hurt a single strand of her hair!

Angry man, now he doesn't find himself unscathed!

So sad!

Xianggong is in such a hurry, will something go wrong in such a hurry?

In a panic, Xiao Jingheng directly carried Xu Zhizhi back to his yard to check to see where the injury was.

He was so furious that he tried so hard that he didn't stop and kick his daughter-in-law. At this moment, he was so anxious.

After walking for a while, Xu Zhizhi pressed the man's heart with her hand, afraid that it would run out!

Xiao Jingheng was stunned for a moment, "Daughter-in-law, where are you hurting, where are you hurt? It's really right for your husband..."

Xu Zhizhi put his hand on his lips and said, "Idiot, I have kung fu, how could you hurt me so easily?"

"Really... ah! Then you have to go back and check it out for me~~"

Xiao Jingheng just remembered that his daughter-in-law's Qinggong was stronger than him, and her internal strength was just a little bit behind him.

Just now, he was very angry at first, and then he was stunned. He was so scared that he lost his mind. How could he still remember that she was skilled!

He smirked and said, "Daughter-in-law, I'm so scared, I'm so stupid, will you dislike me?"

Xu Zhizhi's soft and glutinous voice sounded like water:

"No, you also care about me too much. The so-called concern is messy! On the contrary, I am very happy."

Xiao Jingheng's shock couldn't be further enhanced. His daughter-in-law was not moving now, so she just said some sweet words.

Why is it so sweet and so sweet! He flew back to the room and couldn't help but lowered his head and kissed her red lips...

Xu Daniu followed his sister into the small restaurant in his parents' yard.

He watched his mother grow a lot fatter and whiter in the past few months. If it weren't for their home, he really wouldn't recognize the fat woman in front of him as his mother!

Now, he has more and more plans for the days to come. He has too much to learn, taught by Wen Bo, taught by his sister...

He absorbs new knowledge, new skills like a sponge...

Therefore, he didn't have time to come and see his mother, and he was very happy to see her. He finally had the ability to raise his mother so fat.

However, before he was happy for two words, his mother exposed her selfish and ugly face!

When he was so angry that he didn't know how to express it, his sister spoke out the words he had suppressed in his heart for a long time.

That is, the complaints that have been accumulating in his heart. In the past, he was young, and he was squeezed by his mother all the year round...

He has fantasized countless times that one day when he grows up, he will say that to his mother, but he has no chance.

Before, he had no guts. Later, as his sister taught him, he already had a lot, and he no longer had the desire to speak out.

Who knows, when his mother sees their siblings alone, they reveal their true colors again? !

Xu Daniu looked at his mother coldly: "Mother, are you satisfied now? If my sister hadn't blocked that kick just now, would you still be alive?"

Mother Xu was really scared to pee. Now her pants are soaked and cold! I almost broke my guts, it hurts!

Mother Xu was stunned for a moment, and said strongly: "Da Niu, I'm your own mother, you can't let me drink white porridge! I want to eat meat every meal like you every day..."

Xu Daniu was stunned and couldn't come back to his senses!

He wanted to, and like his sister, Barabara said that he was a motherfucker, but his vocabulary was limited, and he couldn't say that his sister was so fast and fluent!

Now, there seems to be something stuck in his throat and he can't speak.

Xu Daniu felt like he was going crazy!

He sighed heavily, gritted his teeth and said, "Mother, that's impossible, my sister still doesn't know how she's hurt! You used to be cruel to starve a few of our brothers and sisters to death, but I'm not as cruel as you are. , I promise you won't be so hungry that you want to eat meat, but there is no door!"

Mother Xu did not expect that her son would refuse so bluntly.

In her memory, this son was as timid as a mouse, and he couldn't make a single fart with three sticks.

What he said in the past, he did it obediently without saying a word. It was the first time that Mother Xu had seen such a tough attitude.

She asked pitifully with the last glimmer of hope: "Da Niu, don't you listen to what your mother said?"

"Yes, I won't listen to it in the future!"

Mother Xu began to swear frantically again: "You bunch of unscrupulous white-eyed wolves, the family would rather raise so many crippled people than their mother and grandfather's family. I'm going to the yamen to sue you..."

Xu Daniu interrupted his mother's words in a dull voice: "Mother, I won't be accustomed to you this time. If you think your son is unfilial, you can sue the official and take me to the yamen! But I remind you to yell at me again. Dad is about to leave you! Your Li family has nothing to do with our Xu family. I see how you can sue you. If you want to go back to the Li family, just say it! I will call someone to take you back."

When Mother Xu heard her son's words, she immediately stepped forward and hugged Xu Daniu's leg and said: "Mother don't say it, mother don't go back to Li's house, mother just drink white porridge every day. Daniel! I beg you, don't let your father If you leave me, then you and Xiao Wu will have no mother!"

Xu Daniu has been half-dead with anger since the beginning, and has never smelled it.

Now his mother is holding his leg and begging him, and he can smell the urine on his mother's body at close range!

He really wanted to kick her away like his brother-in-law!

But he can't! Although this mother did not raise their siblings, after all, she gave birth to three of their siblings in ten months of pregnancy.

Xu Daniu felt that his father was too pitiful. If such a woman hadn't given birth to their biological mother, he would have disliked it.

It was uncomfortable for him to stand so close. What a pity that his father sleeps with his mother every day!

How does this young man know that his mother usually washes well!

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