The Petite Wife of the First Family

Chapter 212 Wretched eyes

Xie Jiaqi arrived at the door of Xu Zhizhi's house and was hesitating, as if he wanted to go in but was afraid to go in.

Xu Zhizhi and Xiao Jingheng came back from the outside, and when they saw him, they said politely, "Cousin Xie, let's go in for dinner. Seeing that it's getting dark, go back tomorrow."

When Xu Feng heard the voice of his master, he quickly opened the door and said, "You all go in together, and I'll park the carriage."

Xie Jiaqi got off the carriage, and when he looked up, he saw that the man had an extremely beautiful face, with distinct features like carvings, a tall nose, moderately thick lips, and unusually handsome with angular edges.

He held an equally beautiful girl in his arms, with long black and thick hair, but a pair of big eyes under Liu Ye's eyebrows, full of vitality, people would fall into it if they were not careful.

The girl's slightly swollen red lips now had a dazzling smile on her face.

Xie Jiaqi was stunned, standing beside the carriage, watching dumbly.

Xiao Jingheng stepped forward to block the obsessive gaze of this wretched cousin.

In fact, Xie Jiaqi is not wretched, but looks haggard.

Xiao Jingheng didn't even think about it, the two of them were so outstanding, everyone would be dumbfounded, okay?

What's more, Xie Jiaqi, who has been hurt by love, has no one to tell.

It's so normal for him to look dumbfounded!

Xiao Jingheng said coldly, "Cousin, please."

Xie Jiaqi felt that he had lost his temper, "Cousin, brother-in-law, please."

Xu Zhizhi raised her head and glanced at her husband, knowing that the man didn't want to go in front, so she said, "Cousin Xie goes in front, you are a guest."

Xie Jiaqi raised his foot and walked in, Xiao Mo greeted him and took him to wash his hands and prepare for dinner.

Xu Zhizhi asked, "Master, when did you become so polite? Do you still know how to let the guests come forward?"

"I won't be polite! I just don't want his wretched eyes to look at your back." Xiao Jingheng said dully.

Xu Zhizhi put on her toes and kissed her husband, this stingy man.

She said softly: "We look so good-looking, most people will be amazed when they see it, how can it be malicious in your eyes!"

Xiao Jingheng was rewarded by his daughter-in-law, and contentedly took his daughter-in-law's hand and entered the restaurant together.

Xie Jiaqi arranged to sit beside Xu Daniu, and he forced a smile with the corners of his mouth raised.

After dinner, everyone sits by the brazier and cooks the fire.

Father Xu asked, "Brother Qi, the Laba Festival will be tomorrow. Daniel will arrange for someone to pick up your parents, younger siblings, and come to our house for Laba porridge!"

Xie Jiaqi was trying to refuse, but their family members were very tired and in a bad state!

Furthermore, he felt very guilty for not being able to keep Xu Honghua in his house. That crazy woman had always been Xiaoxiang's cousin-in-law.

After that, I don't know how that crazy woman is going to be a demon, will his cousin be sad!

Xu Zhizhi looked at him with a tangled face and guilt, as if she wanted to open her mouth to refuse.

Xu Zhizhi knew what he was struggling with, but that their family members were all in a bad state!

However, Xu Zhizhi did not understand their family, and they were all tossed by Xu Honghua. Why does this cousin still feel guilty?

So she enlightened him and said, "Cousin from the Xie family, Daniel will arrange for someone to pick up my uncle tomorrow morning. Let my aunt and cousin come together."

"Let's liven up everyone, relax, be good to them, don't think too much about yourself, although the old saying goes: it is better to demolish ten temples than to destroy a marriage. But I still think it is best for the two of you to reunite. The ending, Xu Honghua, for you, a peaceful incompleteness is better than a bursting integrity."

Butler Wen's words that shocked the fairy girl are very good.

He was also one of the people watching the farce. At that time, he took Wen Yushu and Xu Xiaowu to the gate of Xu Sanshu's courtyard.

While watching, he kept lecturing his two children, and he must open his eyes to see clearly when marrying a wife in the future.

In particular, Xu Xiaowu said, how pitiful the two cousins ​​of the Xie family were upset by his cousin.

How Xu Honghua acted as a demon in the Xie family, he, an irrelevant person, was furious when he heard it.

Wen's housekeeper told the two children at the time that they must be divorced when they meet such a woman. The Xie family is too sinful!

However, he never thought of such an appropriate and perfect metaphor,

[Xu Honghua, as far as you are concerned, a peaceful incompleteness is better than a bursting integrity. 】

Heli was broken, and then it was calm again! There is a mad woman making a fuss at home, and that is the completeness of the explosion.

Such a complete, not worth mentioning! Wonderful wonderful!

Butler Wen's admiration for Xu Zhizhi is like a surging river.

Xiao Jingheng patted his daughter-in-law's head dotingly.

The two knowledgeable people sitting here both admire Xu Zhizhi, and the others are even more impressed.

Xu Zhizhi had no time to deal with the thoughts of these people, so she continued to persuade Xie Jiaqi:

"Are you regretting that the years have ruined your promises? Obviously not. You haven't been married for half a year. Xu Honghua has been making a fuss. No matter how deep the love remains, there is only powerless silence."

Xie Jiaqi was shocked, his cousin knew him too well!

All he had left was helpless reminding him that at least he was still alive!

He said excitedly: "I don't want to part with her at all. I'm afraid that letting her back will hurt... to the third aunt!"

When the butler Wen heard Xie Jiaqi finished speaking, he gritted his teeth and said:

"Why do you think like that? Do you think you are like this, attaching great importance to love and righteousness? No wonder you have such a miserable life, and you have also caused your family to suffer together. You are unfilial, and I sympathized with you before I lost it! Really! poor person must have something mean!"

Others also looked at him with contempt, and Xie Jiaqi had long felt that he was an unfilial person.

But he inexplicably didn't want his cousin to be sad, and he secretly glanced at her cousin with a disapproving expression!

Xu Zhizhi also really despised this big cousin. Her expression was well controlled, so others just saw a disapproving expression on her face.

Seeing Xie Jiaqi's expression, Xiao Jingheng knew that this cousin was not because of his aunt, but because of his Xiao Jingheng's woman.

He was full of anger and wanted to vent, but he turned his head to look at his daughter-in-law habitually.

yo! The daughter-in-law was full of contempt but cared about other people's face. She half-squinted her eyes with a look of disapproval on her face.

The fire in his heart dissipated, and his heart suddenly blossomed with joy, just despise him!

Since he met Xu Zhizhi, whenever he was full of anger and wanted to explode.

His instinctive reaction was that after seeing her, he would decide how to be angry so that he would not be disliked by her!

It was like this many times, as soon as he saw her, his negativity disappeared automatically.

Xu Zhizhi saw that Xie Jiaqi was said by the big housekeeper Wen, and it seemed that he didn't regret it, and wanted to be good for the third aunt.

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