The others at the table were happily eating, and no one knew what the three were thinking.

After Father Xu finished eating, it was rare that he didn't do carpentry work immediately. He sat down to cook the fire, and the housekeeper Wen also cooked around the brazier like him.

Xu Zhizhi knew what her father wanted to say.

She pulled Xiao Jingheng and sat beside the brazier, and put her fair hand on the fire to bake.

When Xu Xiaowu saw that his sister and brother-in-law were staying to cook the fire, he took Wen Yushu and sat next to Xu Zhizhi together.

The little guy followed his sister's example and put his little hands on the brazier to roast it over and over again.

Father Xu waited for Xu Daniu and Wen Yuluo to sit down before asking, "Do you know when your grandfather will arrive?"

Xu Zhizhi: So I miss his father! She knew that the old marquis would arrive at the earliest around the year.

Xu Daniu said, "I received a letter from my grandfather the day before yesterday. I have been very busy recently and haven't set off yet!"

Butler Wen said, "Did the letter say when to leave?"

He knew that the border was about 300 kilometers away from here.

The horse-drawn carriage has been on the road for almost three days, but I wonder if the old marquis can handle such a hurry?

Xu Daniu said: "The letter did not mention the specific departure time, but said that it would arrive about a small year ago."

Xu Zhizhi said, "Dad, do you miss your grandfather? Didn't you just receive his letter?"

Father Xu said, "Girl Zhi, your grandfather didn't say whether your uncle will come to the Chinese New Year, so I want you to write and ask."

Xu Zhizhi: It turns out that his father knew that his grandfather would definitely come, but he didn't miss him too much, but cared about his brother!

Then there is no way, her uncle can't come.

Butler Wen was very surprised! He never dreamed that his brother Xu was so devoted to love and righteousness, and he still wanted his big brother to come to celebrate the New Year together?

How is that possible? Not to mention that his brother is inexperienced and incompetent, and he has no important official position. The idle position is easy, but without special assignments, he can't leave for a lifetime.

If his brother is a person with high power and position, it is even more impossible to leave the imperial city at the end of the year!

However, Butler Wen understood that Father Xu didn't understand these things. When he looked at Father Xu who was a little sad and didn't know how to comfort him, he heard the crisp voice unique to the fairy girl.

"Dad, you miss our uncle! You won't be able to come during the Chinese New Year, but my husband and I will go to Luocheng to see him after the New Year. This time, I brought a lot of food for them, and you and my uncle will be very fast too. See you soon, don't worry!"

Xu Xiaowu also said: "Dad, don't worry, my brother Zhixuan said that next year, I will bring my uncle to our house for roasted sweet potatoes."

After being enlightened by his daughter and son, Father Xu smiled and said, "Okay, then Dad will go to the dining table that your brother-in-law painted."

Butler Wen felt that the fairy girl was amazing, and a few words made her sad-faced father happy.

Xu Zhizhi said, "Father, it's cold now, so you should go to bed earlier and do it tomorrow. Grandfather will arrive in ten days at the earliest!"

Father Xu wanted to say: Ten days will soon pass!

However, he also knew that his daughter cared about him, so he said, "Okay, then I'll go back to sleep after I cook for a while."

Xu Zhizhi and Xiao Jingheng said good night to everyone and went back to sleep.

Xu's father and Wen's housekeeper talked a lot again, and Xu's father finally knew how much rice and oil their family had to eat a day, and how much money they had to spend.

He said in surprise: "I used to earn a tael of silver in two months!"

Butler Wen also said, "My salary before was only over one hundred and sixty taels a year! Today, I earned more than one thousand taels a day. I feel very happy, so I want to share it with my brother."

Who knows, when you meet someone who doesn't understand more than you!

Now, that's fine, Brother Xu can understand, and I will encounter this again in the future.

hey-hey! Although it's been so long, it's only been a day like this!

However, when he has a large income in the future, he will have someone to share the happiness!

Seeing that it was getting late, the two went back to their rooms to sleep.

Father Xu returned to the room and saw that his daughter-in-law hadn't slept yet.

He usually comes back around this time, and usually sees Xu's mother asleep.

Even if Mother Xu didn't fall asleep, she was still lying on the bed. As for whether she fell asleep, Father Xu didn't look at it, so Father Xu automatically thought it was falling asleep.

This time, seeing that my mother-in-law was not sleeping, I asked casually, "Are you still up so late? What kind of monster do you want to be? Do you want to go back to your mother's house?"

The conscience of heaven and earth, Father Xu just asked casually, he really didn't know the contradiction between his mother-in-law and Xu Zhizhi and Xu Daniu.

Father Xu didn't even know that Mother Xu was being punished recently!

"Nothing, I just want to wait for you to come back and sleep again!" Mother Xu said in a low voice.

Father Xu said, "Didn't you tell me? Don't wait for me in the future, just go to sleep first."

After Father Xu finished speaking, he went to wash up. He usually washes up very quickly. Today, seeing that Mother Xu was not sleeping, he didn't want to face it, so it took a little longer.

Mother Xu saw that Father Xu deliberately made such ink marks, so she could only lie on the bed obediently and pretend to sleep. She drank white porridge for a day in front of her, and she went to Wen Yuluo when she couldn't stand it.

Yesterday, Wen Yuluo gave a bowl of Laba porridge, which was delicious.

However, today is white porridge again, and it is not as thick as the day before yesterday, and it is much thinner.

Therefore, Mother Xu was so panicked that she couldn't sleep, and she always wanted to go to the thatched hut.

Seeing that her husband is back, she is full of enthusiasm and wants to serve him well...

Trying to eat some meat tomorrow, I would never have heard Father Xu say to send her back to her parents' house!

At this time, Mother Xu had no more thoughts, and honestly pretended to sleep!


At this time, in a military camp on the northwest border, the old man was helping his grandson Su Zhiming with bruise medicine!

"Grandfather, take it easy, the wound doesn't hurt as much as you rub it!"

Su Zhiming gritted his teeth in pain and said dissatisfiedly.

The old man said: "You still know it hurts! Aren't you brave? It's the most basic common sense to chase the poor, you know? You are so eager for quick success! I usually teach you for nothing?"

Su Zhiming admitted his mistake: "Grandfather, please calm down, it's the grandson's fault. I too want to teach Xichu's son of a bitch a lesson, and come to harass and snatch it every year!"

The old man said: "I know you want to drive away those Xichu dogs quickly, so that I can leave earlier! Hey!"

Su Zhiming said: "Grandfather, don't be angry, it's because the grandson is not good at learning skills. He will practice diligently in the future, and he will never lose face to his grandfather!"

The old man believed this, because this grandson was indeed excellent.

Old Hou Ye was still very relieved, although his son was abolished by his second siblings.

However, fortunately, he will have a son. The two grandsons that the old Houye carefully nurtured are all very well now.

The eldest grandson, Su Zhixuan, raised by the old marquis himself is very good, and the second grandson, Su Zhiming, is also very good.

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