After finishing speaking, Butler Wen gave Su Zhiming a proud look.

That means: I don't work next to you, what are you urging!

Su Zhiming also returned an unintelligible look.

That means: what I am doing now is the first job, as many radishes as I pull out, all of you will finish drying them.


Su Zhiming happily went to pull the radish.

When he got to the field, he was dumbfounded, a whole mountain of cabbage and radishes.

If they also plant their own crops in the barracks, why would there be no way to solve the living conditions of the soldiers?

For the sake of the Su family army, his grandfather still licked his old face and begged those old guys in the court, and even paid the old man of the Houfu!

Brother Zhixuan is not enough to earn money, Su Zhiming finally understands.

His grandfather said he won't be asking for those old guys starting next year.

His grandfather said that Zhi girl would give them a lot of sweet potato seeds and let the soldiers plant them themselves in their spare time.

His grandfather laughed as he talked to him.

At that time, although Su Zhiming couldn't get his grandfather's laugh, he still listened.

Because, his grandfather brought back some sweet potatoes and sweet potato vermicelli, which he liked very much.

Su Zhiming has also been looking forward to the arrival of spring. How could he know that cabbage and radishes can also be grown in autumn and winter!

The pork ribs and radish soup he eats, the ribs are hunted by his idol, and the radishes are grown by his cousin.

If so, what is the cost? He and the soldiers will too!

His soldiers will be able to eat and clothe themselves in the future, and they are bubbling with beauty just thinking about it.

Xu Zhizhi didn't have a fixed job in the afternoon, just instructing them how to do it best and with the least effort.

She also came to the radish field first, and she saw Su Zhiming staring at the radish in a daze.

I thought he didn't know how to start, "Second cousin, look at me like this, poke the radish leaves with my hands to see the roots, choose a larger one and pull it first, and leave the smaller one for a while longer."

Su Zhiming was fascinated, but he really didn't see that there were two or three radishes in a bag.

If my cousin doesn't say it, he will definitely pull it out. It turns out that growing vegetables is so stressful!

He raised his eyes and saw Xu Feng's movements are skillful and swift, pulling out a large one in one bag.

He knew that Xu Feng worked behind his cousin every day, and he did a really good job!

"Okay, I'll try."

Su Zhiming pulled hard, causing the remaining two radishes in his pocket to reveal white.

"Mother! I'm in trouble! Will those two little radishes die like this!"

Su Zhiming shouted, causing the contempt of the big butler Wen.

"Why isn't Xu Feng as reckless as you are!"

Father Xu also said worriedly, "Girl Zhi, what should we do?"

"Haha..." Xu Zhizhi smiled and frowned.

Xiao Jingheng stood beside Xu Zhizhi, he didn't want his daughter-in-law to teach that idiot.

So, he stepped forward a few steps to Su Zhiming's side and said, "A country bumpkin who hasn't seen the world, why are you making such a fuss? Just step on it like this, it's fine."

"Ah! Yes! Why didn't I think of that! Idol! You are amazing!"

As soon as Su Zhiming was happy, he lowered his head and pulled the radish swiftly.

Butler Wen asked in surprise, "General, what do you mean by idol?"

Su Zhiming finally raised his eyebrows and exhaled, and he said irritating words:

"Wen Shilang, aren't you very capable? You have read poetry and books, memorized the Four Books and Five Classics, and have words you don't know?"

Butler Wen also scolded him unequivocally: "Then do you know what hillbilly means?"

This is again, once he heard the fairy girl say that Xiao Jingheng is a "hills bump", he was puzzled.

As the name suggests, a hillbilly should mean a countryman, but Young Master Xiao is a Luocheng noble.

And the fairy girl herself is a countryman, why do they talk so much with gusto?

He licked his old face in a puzzled way and asked humbly:

"Fairy girl, do you mean hillbilly?"

The fairy girl was stunned for a moment, then told him with a smile:

"As the name suggests, hillbilly means country man, but it has another meaning, that is, people who have never seen the world, and people who don't know anything about another industry are collectively called hillbilly. 》

The fairy girl also told him that if someone who was very familiar and close said this, it would be a joke and a sentiment.

If you say this to a stranger, it is a kind of contempt and an insult, and you will be beaten!

So, when Butler Wen found out that his son didn't understand, he would say, "You hillbilly."

And Wen Yushu will also laugh, father and son are having fun!

When he saw Su Zhiming's stupid look, Butler Wen wanted to scold him as a country bumpkin several times.

However, they are not that familiar yet, and they will beg for a beating. I heard Xiao Jingheng scold Su Zhiming as a hillbilly.

This is definitely not sentimental, it is definitely despising Su Zhiming.

Butler Wen asked this on purpose, and he smiled gloatingly, waiting for Su Zhiming to turn his face.

I don't know! He heard the voice of Su Zhiming's villain: "I know! This is my idol making fun of me! It means that I am very close."

Wen's housekeeper Yanba said, "Xiao Wu told you again! Why did he tell you everything so quickly?"

"Hahaha... The two of us are very close! Are you envious?"

Su Zhiming's laughter cut through Banjo Village.

None of the villagers in Qili Village went out to work as coolies this winter, and they also earned a lot of money at home.

Now, there are not many barren hills left, and the pace of the villagers has slowed down.

After lunch, the men of each family went to reclaim the wasteland as usual, and a small number of women still went to work.

Some women from better-off families began to put the soles of their shoes under the gossip tree to make new clothes for the new year.

When the aunts heard the laughter, they also laughed happily.

An aunt said, "This uncle of the Xu family has many rich and noble relatives!"

"Yeah! And everyone is good-looking, handsome in men and beautiful in women!"

"The ancestral grave of the Xu family is smoking. The daughter is married to a rich and noble son, and the son is married to a rich and noble lady."

An old lady lowered her voice and asked the third sister-in-law of the Ma family: "You Ma family Chuncao girl is not bad, why are you so eager to talk about others?"

The heads of the aunts gathered together and whispered, "You don't know yet! The fight between Ma Xiaojiang and Wen's son the day before yesterday was provoked by his sister."

"Really? Does Chuncao still want to marry a Daniel? They are already engaged to a lady from a wealthy family!"

"Maybe she's not convinced! She instigated her brother to beat his brother."

"You know this? Who did you hear?"

"Why didn't she know that her son was there that day."

An elderly daughter-in-law sighed and said:

"This spring grass looks honest and is not a good girl. I want to tell my nephew!"

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