The Petite Wife of the First Family

Chapter 272 Country people?

Butler Wen knew that his friend had a lot of questions, and he also wanted to know how Lin Zixi was sold.

Shangguan Zhuoyun is fifty-one years old this year, eleven years older than the two of them.

In this way, there is no secret between them that cannot be said.

Butler Wen introduced: "This is my classmate, the third son of Earl Jing'an, Lin Zixi."

Shangguan Zhuoyun was stunned: "What crime did you commit? Exiled or not?"

Lin Zixi glanced at Wen Yanxing, wondering whether to say it or not.

Butler Wen said: "Zixi, tell me, I should be a dead person without a household registration, and I'm not doing well."

"Boy, it's no big deal. Old man, I'm also hiding in this place where birds don't shit. I only met Shi Lang today."

Lin Zixi was shocked: "You only met today? Is it so good?"

"The same people from the end of the world, why did you know each other when you met! I left the imperial capital last year and lived in Xunyang City, where I was ill.

Besides, we used to know people! The most important thing is that we all know the fairy girl. "

Butler Wen is very arrogant, and he is proud to know the fairy girl!

Xu Daniu and Xu Feng sat in front, and they smiled proudly at each other.

The old doctor in Shangguan is also proud of knowing girl Zhi, so the two soon became good friends.

He said, "No matter what crime you committed, it's not a big deal to know girl Zhi now.

Guarantee that you will be happy and happy in the future. "

If Xu Zhizhi was here, he would definitely roll his eyes and despise them.

One by one treat her as a fairy! Why not go to God!

Lin Zixi heard his friend and Shangguan Zhuo Yun say this.

He also let go, he told them both.

"As you all know, I'm a fourth-rank general, and it's really nothing in Luocheng.

My personality is inherently anxious and straightforward, and when I see many Zhongliang being framed, I will become more and more irritable.

Therefore, I offended the henchmen of King Wei, and they formed a party and framed me together.

I was sent to prison and asked to be executed on another day, and my father spent money to find a relationship to replace me.

I can't stay in Los Angeles without my identity.

My father replaced me with the status of a slave in the family of a sinner.

Wouldn't this become a slave to be sold, I was stubborn, and I sold it all the way here when no one dared to buy it! "


The old doctor of Shangguan laughed and continued: "We are really the same people, half a catty! We will communicate more in the future."

Butler Wen also smiled: "Zixi, don't worry! You will also like it here in the future."

"Really? Yan Xing, I think you look good, and you are doing well!"

Lin Zixi had wanted to ask for a long time, he was really curious.

"I'm doing well now, the one sitting next to Xu Feng in front, Xu Daniu is my son-in-law.

My son, Yushu is also by my side, I have no regrets in my life. "

"Really! Your son-in-law looks like a talented person, and he is extraordinary at first glance, and the jade book is also safe and sound! It's great! Thank you Bodhisattva for your blessing!"

Lin Zixi was happy for his friend, and he bowed to the sky with his hands folded.

Wen Yuluo was sitting in the carriage and said to Mammy Li, "Mammy Li, I am Wen Yuluo, the daughter of Wen Fu's Servant."

Mammy Li has stayed in the Wen residence for the longest time. She naturally knows Mrs. Wen.

However, she never dreamed that the Wen Shi Lang who was exterminated would still be fine.

"You said it, I remember that when your grandmother wanted me to educate you well, something happened to your family."

"Yes, our family is now only my father, my brother and me."

Mammy Li: You are a family that has been exterminated, and you are lucky to have three other people!

However, she didn't dare to say it, if it had been two years earlier, she would definitely have said it.

Now, she is also afraid of being sold! Time and time again, like an animal, being picked by the host!

"Is your fiancé standing next to you just now?"

Wen Yuluo said shyly, "Yes, his name is Xu Daniu. We are here to buy a maid for my future mother-in-law today."

Mammy Li asked, "Why don't you have a maid by your side?"

"Our family is from the countryside, and we don't have the habit of using maids. My sister doesn't even have maids!"

"You are from the countryside? Don't you live in the town?" Mammy Li was very surprised.

The first few counties where her main family has a prefectural city are much worse than the worst family in Los Angeles!

Mammy Li saw that Xu Daniu and Wen Yuluo had good temperaments, so she really didn't expect them to be from the countryside.

Wen Yuluo is not happy, what's wrong with the countryside? Are you yelling like that? And also educate the mother!

Wen Yuluo suddenly regretted buying Mama Li, she was young after all.

However, Mammy Li was an old fox again, and she was not happy when she saw Wen Yuluo.

She was only too surprised to exclaim, and did not mean to look down on the country people.

But the girl sitting next to her didn't make a sound, because she was a countryman.

So the girl doesn't matter, as long as the host has food to eat.

Mammy Li was very satisfied with the newly bought girl, and she also gave Wen Yuluo a high look.

Not a soft persimmon, who can accompany his fiancé to buy people, he should be the one who will be the master of the house in the future.

Although Wen Yuluo didn't pull her face, she didn't want to talk anymore.

She closed her eyes and sat silently.

Sun Hao, who was driving the carriage in front, listened to it all the way, and felt that this mammy was not good.

snort! Look down on the country people, and when you see the big yard, I will scare you to death.

Sun Hao forgot himself, and when he saw Xu Zhizhi for the first time, he shouted like this, one village girl, one ugly village girl.

Sun Hao has been to the Xu family several times, especially when Xu Zhizhi got married.

The shock to him was too great, too great.

He and his master eat the free dishes of Zuixianglou every day, which is the privilege given to them by the Prime Minister Xu Zhizhi.

Therefore, now he hates people saying bad things about Xu Zhizhi.

That's what foodies are, they will only be grateful to those who give them delicious food.

As soon as he flicked the whip, the carriage shook, and Mammy Li knew, and the teenager in front was also dissatisfied with her.

At this time, Li Ma was curious about this new master family.

Mammy Li was thinking about it when she saw the carriage stop.

Wen Yuluo lifted the curtain of the car, jumped up and got out of the car.

Mammy Li felt funny, she was a thirteen-year-old child after all.

She lifted the curtain of the car, and what caught her eye was a luxurious yard that was bigger than Wen Mansion and the Shang Shu Mansion behind her.

Sun Hao saw that someone got off the carriage, so he went to stop the carriage with Xu Feng.

Lin Zixi, who just got off the bus, was also shocked, her eyes widened.

He sold all the way from Los Angeles to the tooth shop in Fucheng, no one bought him, and then to the tooth shop in the county seat.

Although I suffered a lot along the way, I also saw a lot of scenery.

Especially from the county seat to the small town, all the way is a place where even the birds don't shit.

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