Xu Zhizhi looked around, not to mention rabbits, not a single pheasant feather.

There are no more beasts in this Ridge of Ribs!

Fortunately, deep in the mountains, they raised pigs, rabbits, chickens, and fish in the pools.

Xu Zhizhi thought that when she went back next time, she could catch two rabbits and go back.

She turned back to the place where the dried cabbage was kept, and waited for a few young men to go into the mountain together.

However, when she arrived, the boy was already waiting for her.

"You are so fast?" Xu Zhizhi asked in surprise.

"This radish is not too dry and it is not heavy, so let's go fast." Xu Qing said.

"Then you can put it here. Let's go to the deep mountains to see if there are any other animals to hunt."

"Master, let's go to the side near Houshan Village. Let's take a look. Xu Ming and the others said they saw wild bulls last time."

"Really? Then let's go and see. If we can hunt bison, we can make beef jerky!"

Xu Zhizhi was very excited. She was thinking of making some snacks and storing them in the space.

When I go to Los Angeles next year, I will take it out from time to time to eat.

Xu Zhizhi didn't know anything about making cookies, but she studied cakes with her girlfriends.

Although it is not satisfactory, it can still be eaten in this ancient times when there is no cake to buy.

However, it can only be eaten fresh. Even if the space can be kept fresh, it is very strange to make a snack for a cake that can only be stored for a day.

The peppers in Xu Zhizhi's space have only matured recently, but she has thought about making some spicy strips for storage.

If you can meet a herd of bison and make some beef jerky, you can eat it slowly for a long time.

Although Xu Qing and the others didn't know what beef jerky was, they imagined that it should be similar to dried cabbage!

It will definitely be delicious, and the most important thing is that when they see the master, the lady is very excited.

That must be a good thing to have to run away.

Xu Qing took the group and walked towards the unknown Zao.

Like mountains, ordinary zigzags have names, but the zigzags they are going to are deep in the mountains, where no one dares to go.

So, no one knows the name of that place.

Near Qili Village, there are "Penjiao Zuo" and "Wujiao Zuo"...

Zaozuo is the concave place between two mountain peaks, called Zao.

The Pork Ridge that Xu Zhizhi bought has more than a dozen peaks and a dozen of them.

Relatively speaking, the created land is more fertile, and the crops in it are easier to grow.

The cabbage and radishes they dry are grown in a few plants.

On the peaks and slopes, the same crops as sweet potatoes, beans, and corn are planted, and the yield is much lower than that planted inside.

They walked for an hour with light energy, only to see a recessed place between the cliffs of the two mountain peaks.

There is a lot of area. One side of the cliff is very steep, and the other side is not very steep, so animals can walk.

Xu Qing and Xu Ming accidentally discovered that they were planning to hunt some wild boars and prepare smoked bacon.

Before they were ready, Xu Ming had a task to leave.

Xu Zhizhi and the others stood on the mountain and leaned over to watch. The plants inside were more dense and the bison food was abundant. So far, the ecology has been virtuous and stabilized.

It is normal to have bison, there should be rabbits, pheasants...

Xu Zhizhi was excited. He would hunt more pheasants, make some spicy chicken or something, and bring them to Los Angeles to eat in the space.

Before, there were not many chili peppers, just enough for cooking. Now that a large area of ​​her space is mature, she can make some snacks for storage.

Xu Qing and the others looked at the excited master, Madam.

The teenagers were also amused, "Ma'am, let's go down and hunt some bison."

"I will also go down together. If we encounter a herd of cattle, we will surround them together, hunt the animals in this farm, and cultivate sweet potatoes next year."

This place is much easier to cultivate than terraced fields.

Xu Zhizhi went on to tell the boy not to run around, just go down here and surround a corner first.

If Xu Zhizhi, who had just come here, might not have dared to go down!

However, now she can kill a dozen wolves alone.

What's there to be afraid of, the nine people flew down together.

Xu Qing never dreamed that the strongest person here was actually the master.

The other teenagers also did not expect that the weak lady is so agile!

They thought that Madam wanted their protection!

Xiao Jingheng woke up after a long sleep, and Xu Ming told him, "Master, we will send out a carriage at dawn."

"Is there any other movement?"

"I haven't found it yet, but Brother Yecheng led a few people to follow. In addition, the people from the young patriarch of Nangong are still looking for us in Hengzhou Mansion.

The rear tail has been following them. "Xu Ming reported.

Xiao Jingheng thought for a moment and said, "You send someone to rent twelve carriages, form a convoy, walk on Fucheng Avenue, and slowly get out of the city."

He wanted to lead people out of the city and see how many spies followed.

Those rented carriage drivers will be out of luck!

Xiao Jingheng's black belly and ruthlessness are still the same as before!

He was just in front of his daughter-in-law, very talkative, and looked harmless to humans and beasts!

After Xiao Jingheng finished eating, Xu Ming came back to report: "Master, the nine carriages we rented and Xu Nei's carriages have already headed out of the city, and we can leave the city before dark."

"Well, now send a carriage full of sweet potato vermicelli out of the city, and you take someone to guard the yard."

"Okay, my subordinates will make arrangements now." Xu Ming quit to make arrangements after he finished speaking.

When it was dawn they announced that the carriage had left the city, not attracting anyone's attention at all.

After Xiao Jingheng arranged everything, he rode to chase the rental car.

It is more than 100 kilometers from Qingshan Town to Hengzhou City, and more than 300 kilometers from Hengzhou City to Linyuan City. The convoy traveled for four days and was delayed for two days in the deep mountains.

There are still more than 300 kilometers from Linyuanfu City to Luocheng, and it will take almost three days for a carriage to travel non-stop.

Xiao Jingheng planned to drive two cars a day. If there were no accidents on the road, he could go back to see his wife.

He has been out for two days, and he has to wait three days, and it will take several days for him to see his daughter-in-law.

Xiao Jingheng misses his daughter-in-law very much when he is free, and he can't wait to fly back to Qili Village immediately.

His daughter-in-law must miss him, she can't sleep or eat deliciously!

Xiao Jingheng led a few people on horses, and at the gate of the city saw ten carriages lining up to leave the city.

He drove his horse and followed behind the convoy, pretending to be the escort of the convoy.

When Nangong Yunhao's subordinates saw Xiao Jingheng, they were very excited, and finally received someone.

He sent someone to quickly approach the horse and ask, "Is the delivery to Los Angeles?"

Xiao Jingheng: His cousin's subordinates are so stupid? Are you still picking up people? I didn't notice the tail and the strings behind it!

He endured his impatience and nodded his head. It was obvious that we were the ones who sent sweet potato vermicelli to Los Angeles.

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