Xu Feng sent Mianhua to the carriage and went back to the cloth village to find Xu Daniu.

When I was walking on the street, I heard everyone saying that the Zhou family had robbed two beautiful men.

He didn't care much at first, and was still gloating at the misfortune in his heart!

Men are robbed! Which man is so useless, and he grabs two at the same time!

However, the more he listened, the more wrong he was!

Xu Feng ran into Buzhuang and asked, and only then did he know that the people who were kidnapped to Zhou's house were Xu Daniu and Wen's housekeeper.

He asked people on the street how to get to the Zhou Mansion, but no one dared to point the way.

He was so angry that he wanted to scold his mother, this damn Zhoufu!

Xu Feng could only use his light energy to fly to the Zuixianxiang Tower and call for someone to lead the way.

When he arrived at the door of Zuixianglou, he saw several thugs preparing to go out.

"Where are you going? Does anyone know how to get to the Zhou Mansion?"

The thug knew Xu Feng: "Xu Gongzi was kidnapped, we are going to Zhou Mansion to save him, you go with us!"

Xu Feng rushed to the Zhou Mansion with the thugs of Zuixianxianglou, and when he was far away, he heard the scolding of the big butler Wen.

"Don't fight, fight again, and your Zhou family will be finished..."

They rushed over to the sound and saw a group of people beating Xu Daniel.

Xu Feng's eyes turned red with anger, and he sped over.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Zhou Youcai and his gang of fox friends and a few others were on duty, and were kicked to the ground by Xu Feng.

Among Xiao Jingheng's many subordinates, Xu Feng is not a master.

However, to these ignorant dudes in the town, he is the existence of martial arts.

"You... you are good, don't want to hang out in the town?"

Zhou Youcai was kicked to the ground again, he said angrily.

"My father will destroy your nine clans, you are too arrogant!"

"What kind of thing are you? You said that you won't let Xiaoye mix, Xiaoye, I won't mix in the town?"

Xu Feng sneered at him: "Destroy my nine clans? Your Zhou family is finished this time! Last time, the little master wanted to destroy your Zhou family!"

"The toad wants to eat swan meat, the delusional bed bug, in broad daylight, openly robs the beautiful man of the good family!"

Xu Feng saw that Xu Daniu was beaten until his nose was blue and his face was swollen, and his eyes were red with anger.

"Your Zhou family girl is so short of men? The young master will send the two of you to the kiln."

Xu Feng blah blah blah blah blah blah!

The thugs in Zuixianglou were stunned! They haven't even started yet!

Is this all crawling?

The thug saw that Xu Feng was scolding Zhou Youcai, how could he be able to fight and scold like this?

They quickly helped Xu Daniu up and loosened the shackles.

As soon as the housekeeper Wen loosened the shackles, he walked in front of Xu Da and saw his son-in-law with a blue nose and a swollen face.

He felt distressed for a while, "Xu Feng, don't scold him, go home quickly, Shangguan's magic doctor is still at home, and the big cow is seriously injured."

Butler Wen gave Zhou Xiaoyu a cold look, his whole body trembling with anger, this crazy woman was touching him.

His clothes will be burned on fire! Gotta take some hot showers!

He instructed the thugs of Zuixianglou: "Tie up all these people and send them to the county magistrate Qian. If you don't give the Xu family an explanation, the magistrate will not do it!"

The thugs in Zuixianxiang Lou could not help but listen to Butler Wen's orders!

The aura of this man is very strong, are all the Zhou family blind?

Does this man dare to steal? They were all frightened, why weren't the Zhou family frightened?

The reason why the Zhou family was not frightened was because the housekeeper Wen underestimated the enemy!

He never dreamed of a county magistrate's aunt who dared to openly rob him in broad daylight!

By the time he reacted, he was already in chains.

A person who has his hands locked, no matter how powerful he is, he is still a weak chicken!

Zhou Xiaoyu was scared this time! what did she hear? The county magistrate should not do it?

really! There is a powerful man in the town, even more powerful than the magistrate!

She is so beautiful! It should be treated gently by men! How did it become like this?

Isn't it because I haven't eaten bird's nest at my parents' house recently, so I've become ugly!

Zhou Xiaoyu glared at Lian'er fiercely: "You are beautiful as a flower, you are useless at all, why can't you keep a man?"

Zhou Lian'er is still in shock, the county magistrate doesn't want to do it anymore?

Why didn't her brother listen to her! Beat up her husband to the death!

Her aunt was absolutely right! This man is even more powerful than the magistrate!

Now being accused by her aunt again, she is also very aggrieved!

The thugs of Zuixianxianglou would not be able to take pity on Xiangxiyu and use the shackles that Zhou Youcai and the others brought.

Lock this group of people, and if the shackles are not enough, they will be tied by their belts.

One of the thugs went back to drive the carriage. One carriage was not enough, so he had to rent one.

The next day, Xiao Jingheng woke up and had breakfast, and then arranged for a carriage with sweet potato vermicelli to set off.

There was also a six-carriage, and he sent Xu Ming out to investigate the situation to see if there were any suspicious people.

He was waiting for his wife's reply, and after calculating the time, he should be able to receive it.

However, why didn't the carrier pigeon come back! Could it be that the carrier pigeons do not know about the newly rented yard?

The carrier pigeon won't chase the night city away!

What Xiao Jingheng is worried about now is not sweet potato vermicelli!

He is worried that the carrier pigeon will go with Night City!

He knew that it was impossible for a carrier pigeon to get lost, and there was only one possibility. The carrier pigeon followed the night city.

Xiao Jingheng never thought that the carrier pigeon was not sent out!

Xu Hai thought that the master was worried about the carriage sent out, and he was also very worried, so he didn't know how to comfort him!

Xiao Jingheng did not eat lunch, and called Xu Cun to come over and instructed: "You drive a carriage and leave now, and I will escort the carriage behind."

Because everyone else was injured, Xu Ming had to guard the yard.

Now Xu Cun is slightly injured. If something happens on the road, he will not have the ability to deal with it.

Therefore, he can only escort the car himself! The most important thing is that the letter from the daughter-in-law cannot be read by Yecheng!

"Master, you are still injured, why don't I go." Xu Hai said weakly.

He knows that his martial arts is not good, but the master is still injured!

Xu Cun also said, "Master, why don't you let Brother Xu Ming escort the car!"

Xu Cun didn't dare to drive a carriage of sweet potato vermicelli to Los Angeles alone!

Those dead soldiers are really not vegetarians, all of them are cruel and fierce, and they are also strong in martial arts!

What Xiao Jingheng determined would not be given up easily. As soon as he sat here waiting for news, he especially missed his daughter-in-law.

Then, they can only hurry on the road without stopping, and they are busy to send them into Luocheng as soon as possible, and then they can go back with peace of mind.

From Linyuanfu City to Luocheng, he could go there on horseback one day and one night.

It took three days for Yecheng to follow the carriage. They left yesterday and will arrive tomorrow.

Xiao Jingheng thought that if he sets off now, he will arrive tomorrow, so that he can catch up with Yecheng.

His wound is growing and almost healed, but the wound on his shoulder is too big!

According to normal medicine, it takes at least one month to grow meat.

Xiao Jingheng just felt a little itchy, and there was nothing else wrong.

If you meet a master on the road, you can still fight.

"Go get ready to go! I'm not seriously injured, it doesn't matter."

Xu Cun didn't dare to say any more, and hurried to prepare to go out.

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