The Petite Wife of the First Family

Chapter 291 Daughter-in-law didn't reply

When it was getting dark, Xiao Jingheng sat on a big tree and nibbled scallion pancakes.

This is the scallion pancake that his daughter-in-law taught Xu Hai to make, and it tastes delicious.

They walked all afternoon without encountering anything on the way.

It must be his daughter-in-law's idea. This ordinary carriage is walking on the road.

The spies guarding the road were not paying attention at all.

They were all staring at the convoy, and everyone who followed Nangong Yunhao's men had already been wiped out.

There are also some people who follow Su Shizi's subordinates, and Xiao Jingheng has no time to destroy them now.

He wanted to quickly deliver all the sweet potato vermicelli to the Zuixiang Building in Los Angeles to complete the task as soon as possible.

Going back to accompany my daughter-in-law, without her by my side, is really not used.

When she eats, she thinks of her daughter-in-law, and she doesn't have the soup to pick up the fishbone. She doesn't know if she will drink the soup? Will you eat fish?

Xiao Jingheng felt that he was very happy, and could eat the scallion pancake that his wife taught others to make.

When I sleep, I miss my daughter-in-law more. I feel sorry for my daughter-in-law because she is afraid of the cold. She will definitely be alone and sleepless!

He came out for four nights and three days! My daughter-in-law doesn't know if she has lost any weight!

When Xiao Jingheng slept alone, he always had a lonely chest hugging his cold arms.

Therefore, he would rather not sleep, so he can only continue on his way!

Xiao Jingheng leaned against the tree for a while when he was tired,

He especially likes that his daughter-in-law sleeps on his chest and rests on his arm~~

After rushing through the night, Xu Cun and the two got closer and closer to Luocheng with the carriage.

Xiao Jingheng saw that the journey was safe, and when it was dawn, he flew to Yecheng.

Among the crowds queuing to enter the city at the gate of the city, Xiao Jingheng discovered Yecheng and the others.

He quietly approached, Ye Cheng was startled, and whispered, "Master, why did you come to Luocheng?"

Xiao Jingheng said calmly: "Don't worry about you guys, I also drove a car by the way."

Yecheng threw himself on the ground with his master's admiration: "Master, you have brought a carriage so quickly? Don't you know where that carriage is from Xiao Man?"

Xiao Jingheng also doesn't know where Xiao Mo is still! He ordered Xu Cun to take two trails, which was naturally much faster.

Xiao Mo and the others were on the official road as planned, so they didn't meet them.

Xiao Jingheng mainly rushed over to read his wife's letter.

He looked at Yecheng without asking until he handed over the letter.

The two stood in line for a long time, Yecheng was extremely excited, Xiao Jingheng was impatient.

He can't bear it! Can only ask: "Where is your carrier pigeon?"

Night City:  …

He didn't react for a while, and looked at his master in confusion.

Xiao Jingheng asked again: "Where is the letter you received from the carrier pigeon these two days?"

"Master, did the subordinates receive the letter? Since you came out, the subordinates have not sent any letters back."

If you didn't send a letter, there would be no reply, so Yecheng didn't think about the carrier pigeon at all.

Xiao Jingheng was not easy to tell his subordinates, he sent a carrier pigeon back, and he had been waiting for a reply.

Followed all the way here!

He asked, "You are in charge of the carrier pigeons. Are all letters delivered to you as soon as possible?"

"No! Who sent the carrier pigeon, and the first target of the carrier pigeon's reply is who."

Yecheng knew that his master had never personally sent a carrier pigeon.

So I explained it to the master. His idea is very simple, and the master understands it routinely.

Xiao Jingheng was delighted when he heard it, this time he personally tied the letter to his daughter-in-law on the leg of the carrier pigeon.

Then, the reply letter from the daughter-in-law will be delivered to him as soon as possible.

That's good, very good! His heart was bubbling with happiness, but his face was not obvious.

He hurried to follow up the letter, just because he didn't want his daughter-in-law's letter to be read by his subordinates first.

Xiao Jingheng said to Yecheng, "You and I will send this car into the city, and all your staff will go back to pick up Xu Cun."

Yecheng took orders to give instructions, and Xiao Jingheng was lining up to enter the city.

He had already arrived at the door of the house, so he took the opportunity to go back to see his mother.

He is not worried now that his daughter-in-law's letter will be seen by his subordinates.

Because my daughter-in-law didn't reply at all!

However, he was worried about his daughter-in-law again. According to the normal speed, the carrier pigeon should have arrived yesterday!

Now, I haven't received it yet. Could it be that my daughter-in-law is entangled in some trouble!

The more I think about it, the more anxious I become, so I have to make arrangements and go back.

And Xu Zhizhi, who was worried about him, was still sleeping!

She entered the space last night and worked for more than eight hours, happily harvesting and planting.

Although she was tired, she was also very happy. After she was done, she took a bath in the hot spring for a while and came out.

Lying in bed, I thought about going to the mountains to collect beef jerky the next day.

They hunted more than a dozen bison that day, and roasted about 5,000 beef. According to the calculation, three catties of fresh beef roasted about one catty of beef jerky.

This time, after being able to bake about 1,700 jin, Xu Zhizhi thought about saving 1,000 jin for space.

The rest are given to the family to eat, and the rest are kept in the deep mountain warehouse.

There are also some parts of beef that are not suitable for roast beef jerky. Tomorrow, I will go to Shenshan and teach Hailiu to make braised beef.

Braised beef can also be stored in some storage space and eaten on the way to Los Angeles.

After thinking about this, I haven't fallen asleep yet!

Why! I don't know what's going on with Mei Xianggong now!

Xu Zhizhi was thinking about Xianggong Mei, wondering if he had a good rest!

The man who treats her wholeheartedly must be a little worried about himself.

In fact, he was eating and sleeping soundly, and told him countless times to ask him not to worry about himself!

I don't know if he will be foolishly worried about himself!

Xu Zhizhi felt that Xiao Jingheng usually listened to her words very much, and should have already entered the dream at this time.

She thinks that everything she is doing now is to live a more stable life with Xianggong Mei in the future.

Thinking of stepping into the evening with Xiang Mei in the future, watching the stars with him, and spending the rest of his life with him.

Xu Zhizhi thought about it, and she fell asleep.

Xu Zhizhi slept until ten o'clock the next morning before waking up.

After washing up, she went to the kitchen to have breakfast, and went into the deep mountains as planned.

Xiao Jingheng also finally entered Luocheng, which had not been back for more than half a year.

Yecheng sent sweet potato vermicelli to Zuixianglou, and it was not so dangerous to enter the city gate.

Those people didn't dare to grab things on the street in broad daylight.

However, they still try to keep a low profile, it is best not to attract the attention of the spies.

Xiao Jingheng went directly to the slum, their newly built courtyard.

The layout of the courtyard is the same as that of Qili Village, except that the outer walls of this courtyard are made of old bricks.

In this slum, it is not particularly obtrusive or eye-catching, it is only the people nearby who know that this yard is new.

In the hospital, the luxury and high-grade are very connotative.

Last time, Prince Sheng Sheng wanted to hide because he knew about this place.

Finally, I found this unusual courtyard, and I found out that it was Xiao Jingheng.

With Prince Sheng Sheng's intentional reminder, Yeyue led the people to be more secretive.

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