Xu Zhizhi listened to the gossip of the villagers.

She won't blatantly clarify whether she wants to harvest sweet potatoes next year.

She continued to listen to what Aunt Ma and the second boy of the Hu family said.

By the way, let's test the character of the two people.

The second boy of the Hu family hurried to the door of the workshop when he heard his brother's advice.

"Aunt Ma, are you looking for me?"

Aunt Ma said: "The villagers are worried whether the Xu family will receive our sweet potatoes next year."

The second boy of the Hu family disturbed his head and said, "I really don't know about this!"

Aunt Ma asked again, "Does your brother know? Do you want to ask your brother?"

"Aunt Ma, don't ask my brother, he doesn't know either. Another day, I'll go directly to ask Daniel's owner and tell you!"

Aunt Ma's main purpose is not to really ask the Xu family if they want sweet potatoes next year.

What she wanted to know was when the Hu family went to their house to propose marriage.

However, as a woman, it is not easy to ask directly. She thought that the second boy of the Hu family would say something when he saw her.

Who knows, they didn't say anything!

The second son of the Hu family, he was only fifteen years old after all, so he was embarrassed to see Aunt Ma with his thin skin.

The two stood awkwardly for a while and said goodbye!

Aunt Ma saw that it was getting late, so she went straight back to make dinner.

Ma Chuncao was embroidering a handkerchief at home, and when she saw her mother came back with an unhappy face, she asked:

"Mother, who messed with you?"

Aunt Ma glared at her daughter and said, "It's not you, but you, who would provoke me!"

Ma Chuncao lowered her head and said nothing: Her mother is worried about her marriage again!

She really wants to understand it now, but the villagers dislike her a little in their hearts!

Ma Chuncao bowed his head and continued to do embroidery work.

When Aunt Ma saw her daughter like this, she couldn't blame her for cooking.

Qian Duoduo burned the cabbage for an hour and felt a little sore in his arm.

Fortunately, I heard the call to eat. He learned to be smart this time, and they all moved chopsticks when the old man was waiting.

Qian Duoduo moved quickly to eat with vegetables, and the dinner was over.

It took a lot of money to realize that I ate too much.

Holding his stomach up a bit, he saw that Xu Daniu was cleaning up the tables and stools.

He immediately went up to see what Xu Daniu did.

The eldest son of a county magistrate's family is really good at learning.

The old man, Father Xu, and Butler Wen sat by the brazier together and chatted over the fire.

Xiao Jingheng took Xu Zhizhi back to their yard, daring to see other men show satisfaction! He punished his daughter-in-law

Xu Xiaowu and Wen Yushu also sat next to each other and talked together.

Qian Duoduo, together with Xu Daniu and Xu Feng, cleaned up the tables and stools and swept the floor.

After everything was done, he was surrounded by the fire. Qian Duoduo had no time to be sad after a day.

Xu Xiaowu is young, but his writing and eloquence are very good.

It made everyone laugh, and Qian Duoduo laughed even more.

At night, he also slept soundly. This was the most peaceful sleep he had ever had when he returned from Los Angeles.

The only bad thing is that I woke up the next day with severe pain in my arm.

Qian Duoduo saw that Xu Daniu, Xu Xiaowu, Sun Hao, and Wen Yushu were all practicing martial arts under the leadership of the old marquis.

Not willing to be left behind, he endured the pain and practiced behind him.

After breakfast, I continued to pull and cut radishes in the morning.

After two days like this, Qian Duoduo felt that his arm was unexpectedly better!

He felt that his whole body was full of energy, and the food of the Xu family was very fragrant and delicious.

A lot of money doesn't want to go home!

Seeing that tomorrow will be a small year, he heard that Xu Daniu's twenty-sixth engagement banquet.

Qian Duoduo went home to celebrate the new year, and by the way invited his father over for a wedding banquet.

He got acquainted with Xu Daniu, Sun Hao, and Xu Xiaowu, and he turned back and left reluctantly.

Xu Xiaowu said as forthrightly as little adult: "Brother Duoduo, you are coming again the day after tomorrow, it's getting dark, hurry up and leave!"

Makes the Xu family laugh out loud.

During the past three days, Xu Zhizhi and Xiao Jingheng often went to the deep mountains to encircle and suppress the bison.

After the harvest was full, I sent some beef jerky and braised beef to Qian Duoduo to bring back to his family to eat.

Qian Duoduo was in a better mood than ever before. He came out empty-handed and returned with a full reward!

He thought about going back and buying some gifts, which he would bring to the Xu family the day after tomorrow.

The Xu family is happily preparing meals for tomorrow's New Year's Eve.

The relationship between the various backyards in the Luocheng State Government has become more and more tense!

This has to start a few days ago!

After Nangong Xueqing's repeated deliberation, she still gave the medicine given by her son to the father-in-law.

It had been three days since Xiao Jingheng gave it to his mother.

Xiao Xuanshen likes Nangong Xueqing very much, but after all, he is a little older.

Moreover, there are usually many beauties in the backyard, and he is not very restrained.

Now, he is in love with Nangong Xueqing's beauty, and is often a little powerless.

Nangong Xueqing felt bad for him, so he said to him, "Brother Shen, here are two hard-won pills. It is said that they are very good for your body."

Xiao Xuanshen still believed in Nangong Xueqing, took the pill and ate it.

It didn't take long for me to feel comfortable, but also full of stench.

Mei Hua and Ye Shi Shi poured more than a dozen buckets of hot water before Xiao Xuanshen washed himself thoroughly.

After Xiao Xuan washed deeply, the pills also worked, and his whole body was full of energy.

He didn't get out of bed the day he tossed Nangong Xueqing, until the next day, when the grandfather of the country came back from duty, he saw that his Xueer was still in bed.

Grandpa Guo was very excited, and asked Nangong Xueqing, "Xue'er, if you don't tell my husband who gave you the pill, I will toss you again!"

Nangong Xueqing originally planned to help his son and daughter-in-law to gain benefits.

They told the grandfather of the country in a hurry that their son was chased by unknown people and went to the countryside.

He was rescued by a village girl, and his son was recuperating at their home.

However, there was no way to save his son's legs.

Nangong Xueqing also said, how did the girl go to seek a doctor to help their son's leg.

The girl's sincerity touched the genius doctor and finally cured their son.

The girl is very good at cooking, and the genius doctor especially likes the girl's food.

I sent two such precious pills to the girl.

They Heng'er lived in a foreign land and had no money, so they could only promise each other with their bodies.

Married to a girl! That girl is also nice.

They didn't hide it, and after they got married, they gave the two precious pills to Heng'er.

Heng'er asked someone to bring it back to his father.

This is almost a fact, but after Nangong Xueqing's beautification, it is even more touching.

Grandpa Guo finally understood after hearing so much.

He and Xue Er's son, Xiao Jingheng, is still alive and well.

This is also something to be happy about for the grandfather of the country.

When he learned that Xiao Jingheng's whereabouts were unknown, although he was not heartbroken, he was also a little uncomfortable.

After all, it is his own flesh and blood! But he couldn't find his son.

Now that he learned that his son is still alive, he is also full of joy!

Especially, this son also gave him all such precious pills.

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