In the early years, there were many western restaurants in Yanjing, because many Chinese felt that eating in western restaurants was very high-end, which gave birth to the barbaric development of this industry.

Just decorate a restaurant with some western style, get two steaks, waiters in suits and so on, it is a very famous western restaurant.

However, as Chinese people have become more and more knowledgeable, especially Western food is okay to eat occasionally. For the majority of foodies, even if it is not because of face, Western food is unpalatable, but the stomach undoubtedly belongs to Chinese food.

At the same time, with the establishment of local offices in Beijing, local specialties and private kitchen supplements, people who know how to eat in the past two years no longer talk about going to western restaurants, but always forget those in Beijing offices. Small canteens, as well as private restaurants in remote locations.

Tan's private kitchen can be said to be one of the more famous private restaurants in Yanjing. If there is a ranking for private restaurants, then Tan's private kitchen is at least in the top five, and even the top three.

Tanjia cuisine is most famous for cooking bird's nest and shark's fin. Its culinary characteristics retain the characteristics of family banquets in Hanlin Mansion, and it is salty and sweet, suitable for both the north and the south.

Yang Dongxu, who got off work in the evening, did not go back to the courtyard, but picked up Baiqian from Daqianmen by car, and came to Tan's private kitchen in the east area of ​​Chang'an Avenue.

During this time, Yang Dongxu was with Baiqian almost every day whenever he was free. Women are always sensitive in the early stages of pregnancy. Chen Xin, who had been talking about work, seemed to have noticed something, and left Yanjing directly after talking about work, without any intention of staying.

Li Fuzhen said before that she came to Yanjing to arrange work, but Yang Dongxu had been staying in Yanjing for almost half a month and she didn't come, and she didn't give a reason why she couldn't come.

In the past, Yang Dongxu thought that even if these women knew about each other's existence, they would not inquire about each other, and they would not even have any interaction in private.

Now it seems that these women of his may not have had any contact with each other before, but sometimes they know each other's situation better than Yang Dongxu.

Eating for pregnant women is a hassle. Although Baiqian did not show any special symptoms of morning sickness here, Yang Dongxu was trying to make delicious food for her during this time.

Now that the morning sickness is not serious and you can eat, then eat more good things to make up for it. Who knows if the morning sickness will suddenly become serious in the future. The body changes of pregnant women are sometimes more unpredictable than the clouds in the sky .

But today, the dishes in Tan's private kitchen are not for Baiqian to make delicious food, although the gutter oil, coloring additives and so on are not well known.

But Yang Dongxu is undoubtedly worried about the dishes of other restaurants. Anyway, Yang's family banquet has all kinds of cuisines, and the dishes change every day without repeating them for a year. So during this period of time, the place where the two of them ate was to taste various special dishes of the Yang family banquet.

Today, I only come to Tan's restaurant for dinner because of the dinner arranged by Baian. Baiqian's pregnancy had a big impact on Baijia, and even in Yanjing's circle, many people talked about it in private.

But on the surface, Baijia didn't react at all, didn't make a fuss, and didn't say anything to Baiqian, they kept silent all the time. Until today, Baian suddenly arranged this dinner, apparently to show something.

"I'll see you later." Bai Qian looked at Yang Dongxu and hesitated to speak.

Baijia didn't respond, and his father didn't know whether he felt ashamed or was still dissatisfied with her daughter who now controls Baijia's power. He didn't say a word to her about this matter.

Although she planned to be with Yang Dongxu when she was a child, she was already prepared. But when things really came to an end, Bai Qian was somewhat affected by the cold violence at home.

"For your family, if you feel that you are pregnant with a child, it is not convenient to take charge of Baijia's foundation. They are interested in your cosmetics factory, and they will give them the assets and bank deposits of Baijia in your hand.

After you give birth, if you still want to work, I will arrange other companies for you. If they don't want the cosmetics factory and only want money and other assets of Baijia, I will help you make up for the gap in the factory's spending. Yang Dongxu turned his head and smiled at Bai Qian.

"Things haven't reached that point." Bai Qian said, but she obviously didn't believe what she said.

Having children and not having children are completely different things, if Bai Qian followed Yang Dongxu without any children for no reason. The Baijia must have turned a blind eye.

After all, tying up Yang Dongxu is beneficial to Baijia, and all these things that Baiqian is in charge of will belong to Baijia in the future. Even if Baiqian's father can't take power now, it will belong to Bai'an in the future, or it will belong to Bai'an's son.

But now that Bai Qian is pregnant, no matter whether it is a boy or a girl, a mother must want to leave something for her child. What's more important is that her children will have the right to inherit the assets in Baiqian's hands, which is equivalent to directly killing Baijia, which makes Baijia have to guard against it.

Therefore, facing the matter of Baiqian and Yang Dongxu before, the Bai family lived because of selfish motives, or because they were afraid of Yang Dongxu and ignored this matter and pretended not to know about it. Some even flattered Yang Dongxu for some benefits.

But now on the matter of Bai Qian's pregnancy, the Bai Qian family's thoughts are surprisingly consistent. They know that it is impossible to make Bai Qian abort. Therefore, before the child is born, it is best to clearly divide the assets.

"I never thought about occupying these assets from the beginning to the end. I just felt that if Baijia continued to run down like this, I would be sorry for my grandfather who passed away." Baiqian bit her red lips tightly and couldn't hold back the tears in her eyes.

Yang Dongxu stretched out his hand to hold her in his arms, and gently patted her on the back to comfort her: "Don't pay too much attention to this matter, in fact, from the standpoint of your father and younger brother, it is right to speak clearly now.

Since we didn't intend to ask for these assets from the beginning, let's take this opportunity to give them all. As for the revival or decline of Baijia.

As long as you are there, there will be a bottom line for them to decline. After the child is born, no matter whether it is a boy or a girl, it will take your surname. If you still can't get over the hurdle that your grandfather told you before your death.

Then show the majesty of the eldest sister and fully cultivate Bai'an's children. At that time, if Baian's children have the ability to revive Baijia, I will help. If there is no hope for this, and our children are good anyway, you can cultivate another bloodline for the Bai family. "

"I understand these reasons. After knowing that I am pregnant, whether it is the father, or the second uncle and aunt." Bai Qian couldn't help but choked up when she said this. The mighty Queen Bai may only allow herself to be pregnant. A moment of vulnerability.

"Don't think about it so much, and don't always think about these things in the future. If you like work, think about the company more. In your spare time, think about our children. Read some knowledge about parenting. I will deal with the rest. " Yang Dongxu sighed.

To be honest, seeing Baijia treat Baiqian so coldly and violently, he was also angry, but he couldn't express this anger to Baijia. No matter how Baijia treats Baiqian, the other party has not done anything excessive after all.

Moreover, such an excellent daughter of Baijia grew up with him, and even ruined the child. Baijia just wants to get back what was originally Baijia's, and it's really hard for him to fight back.

The car stopped at the parking lot next to Chang'an Street, and when we walked to Tan's private restaurant, there were no other customers here today. Generally, such private restaurants have their own rules, and there are quite a few of them, so it is not allowed to book out such a restaurant.

However, although Baijia has declined, its assets have not decreased after all. On the contrary, the number of Baijia managed by Baijia has increased in recent years. Although the political career is not good, after all, the big face and connections of the older generation are still there.

Young Master Bai wanted to hire a private restaurant for dinner, but no private restaurant would dare to make trouble. After all, it's not that the hundred young masters don't give money to rent out the venue. How much money should be paid is a dime. If you don't agree, it's not just a matter of not giving face, nor is it a matter of the hundred young masters bullying others.

Bai'an didn't invite anyone else to dinner today, just him and his wife Su Jingrou, it looked a bit like a brother-in-law's family invited a brother-in-law to dinner, and it seemed to be the case.

"Sister, it feels like you're beautiful again. Your skin is good. What skin care products do you use?" After a simple greeting at the door and entering the private room, Su Jingrou pulled Bai Qian to talk about the topic between women.

"Maybe it's because I slept better during this period, so my complexion looks better. I dare not use those cosmetics when I'm pregnant now." Bai Qian replied.

"The one who is pregnant must be a son. The old man often said that if the pregnancy becomes ugly, it may be a daughter. Because the mother wants to share some of the beauty with the daughter. If the pregnancy becomes beautiful, then it is a son. It doesn't matter if the son is ugly .”

"Is that really the case?" Baiqian Yanjing brightened, obviously attracted by Su Jingrou's words that she didn't know where she heard it.

Bai Qian didn't really care much about other people's compliments on her beauty, because she had already listened to these compliments. But when a pregnant woman hears a question about the gender of her child, even the wise Queen Bai's IQ is plummeting at this time.

Although she doesn't favor boys over boys, Bai Qian still wants to have a son in her heart, especially after Yang Dongxu is willing to let her son take her surname.

The biggest failure in her life was being a daughter, otherwise the current Baijia wouldn't be what it is now even if her grandfather passed away.

"The old man is quite accurate in saying that. I became ugly during my pregnancy. My mother said that there is a high probability that it is a daughter, which made Bai'an feel a little unhappy." Su Jingrou complained, pursing her lips.

"I'm not unhappy. I like both my son and my daughter. It's your mother, and she kept saying that it would be great if she had a son." The always heartless Bai Daxiao, after getting married and learning that his wife was pregnant, his personality really changed. Quite a few, for example, the current desire to survive did not exist before.

In the past, when faced with such a problem, Bai Dashao had always been dismissive. If he annoys him, I won't bother to talk to you and go out to have some fun right away. There is no such a strong desire to survive.

"Come on, go out with me to smoke a cigarette." The food has already been prepared, after all, there is only one table of guests today.

But now everyone is undoubtedly not interested in eating.

Yang Dongxu's words instantly froze the atmosphere in the private room that had been relaxed because of talking about children. Although Su Jingrou kept a smile on her face, her expression was obviously a little stiff, and she kept winking at her husband.

For the man in front of her sister-in-law, the more she knew, the more afraid she became. Not to mention the current Baijia, the one in front of him is the master who can discuss the economy with those big shots who are currently in power. They don't exist on the same level as these second generations at all.

Although Bai'an has been more honest recently, the unscrupulous things she did before are still vivid in her memory, and she is afraid that her husband's ass temper will offend him.

"Then go out and smoke a cigarette." Bai'an stood up and gave himself a reassuring look.

In fact, if he knew the worry in his own heart at this time, he would definitely complain. Because it's not only his wife Su Jingrou who is afraid of Yang Dongxu, but also her brother-in-law Bai An, okay?

It's scary, but there are some things that must be clarified today, so even though his heart was trembling, Bai'an still stood up bravely.

Yang Dongxu gave Baiqian a reassuring look to Baiqian who was looking at him, and then turned and left the room.

Baian followed from behind.

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