After returning to Shanghai, Yang Dongxu basically stayed at the Honor phone.

Compared with other companies are on the right track, normal operation on the line. It can be said that smart phones are developing rapidly every day, and they continue to encounter problems of one kind or another.

For example, when cutting fruit on a smartphone made everyone's eyes shine, many gamers discovered that there is still an undeveloped virgin land of mobile games.

Countless game companies with their own ideas began to quietly spend a lot of money on mobile games. After all, compared to the tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of research and development funds and operating costs compared to end games.

A small mobile game seems to require only one-tenth of the capital of a client game, or even less.

So during this period of time, various mobile games began to appear, which not only opened up a new source of revenue for Honor mobile phones, but also brought new challenges to smartphones.

The new source of income is easy to understand, because if the game wants to enter the software of the Honor mobile phone, it needs to pay a fee. The fee is not much and only 10% of the fee on the software is charged.

Compared with the 20-30% of Apple's various management and operating expenses in later generations, this fee is undoubtedly very conscientious.

However, in addition to software charges, these game companies cannot do without Alipay if they want players to recharge, and they can also charge a sum of money for using Alipay.

So what I have to say is that in the previous life, Ma Fengyun separated Alipay independently to vacate the cage and change the bird's vision, which is not generally accurate.

But let's not mention this for now, let's turn to the matter of charging for mobile games on Honor mobile phones.

This management fee is not free, it is something to do.

For example, while charging, you are obliged to make the smart phone platform a good one, right?

How to make the game run more smoothly in the mobile phone system and give players the best experience. This is a great challenge to mobile phone hardware and software.

Therefore, how to improve the system performance, if the computing power of the mobile phone chip is improved, the game quality will be higher-definition and smoother, and how to increase the hard disk space of the game so that the player’s mobile phone memory will not appear too crowded.

This is a new challenge for Honor phones.

Of course, it is both a challenge and an opportunity, and it is also an important reliance on whether smart phones can occupy the market in the future.

A smartphone that can't even play mobile games smoothly, probably can only go to Africa to see the market. In the mainstream smartphone market, that simply doesn't hold water and no customer wants to buy it.

Of course, in addition to mobile games, there is also Weixin, which seems to be very similar to YY, but is better and more popular, and a short video platform that finally occupies the mainstream of the market.

As long as you step on the right rhythm, among other things, as long as there is no earth-shaking gap in mobile phone hardware in the next ten years. Yang Dongxu can still sit firmly on the Diaoyutai relying on these software alone.

So now we have to gnaw the first hard bone-mobile games!

Although Gang Leader Qiao is powerful, he is optimistic about the future of smartphones, but Yang Dongxu is not clear about what the market will be like after the launch of smartphones and how the supporting facilities will be improved.

Therefore, the core focus of Apple and most smartphones is to produce smartphones to achieve a complete revolution in the traditional sense of mobile phones.

Therefore, even if it is Qiao Gangzhu, the performance of smartphones he cares about is still a function in a more traditional sense.

For example, increasing the pixels of the mobile phone camera makes the mobile phone a more convenient digital camera.

Integrating MP3 and MP4 into smart phones, the touch of the smart screen of the mobile phone, the smoothness of system operation and other performances. The game is just one of the functions that all Joe Gang cares about, but not all.

Even if he had played sliced ​​apples on the Honor mobile phone, it felt pretty good.

But this game is more of a novelty. In fact, after playing for a while, it feels boring.

Therefore, in his cognition, the most basic performance of the mobile phone is the biggest reliance for him to defeat the Honor mobile phone.

With such a blind spot in vision, mobile games are not just a source of income for Honor mobile phones.

At the same time, when the Apple mobile phone is launched next year, Honor will once again separate itself from the opponent.

The upstream control of the production chain focuses on improving the experience of chat software and mobile game software on the premise of ensuring that the experience of other functions of the smartphone is not bad.

This time, you don't have to worry about your own dominant position in the next five years when you open your Honor mobile phone. Therefore, this direction of development must be thoroughly implemented as soon as possible.

Yang Dongxu has to sit in the company and keep an eye on the changes so that he can feel at ease.

"Software is actually not a big problem, and now it's the hardware that is constrained. Whether it's the computing power of the mobile phone chip, or the space of the memory card, or even the heating problem of the mobile phone motherboard, there is actually no way to effectively solve it."

Lei Jun said helplessly.

If you want to talk about the smartphone system, there is no way to maximize the hardware functions. This is his responsibility.

But now Glory's Pangu intelligent system is three versions higher than the current system. But the hardware functions can't keep up, so he really can't do anything about it.

"Deep image quality processing and high-definition video fluency, these two aspects should be strengthened. The hardware is conveniently handed over to Tunghsu Technology.

They are also looking for partners in hardware now, and it is a bit unrealistic for one person to handle all the hardware.

So what Glory needs to do in the future is to ensure the superiority of the calculation of the Pangu intelligent system. And mobile phone chip design leadership.

As for mobile phone cameras, motherboards, and batteries, just look for top partners from all over the world.

At the same time, the production of mobile phones is outsourced to reduce the burden on the production line.

There is also an explanation to those game companies who are preparing to make mobile games. They have to adapt to the calculations of the Pangu system in making games, not how an intelligent system can adapt to the programs developed by mobile game companies. There is no such reason in the world. "

"I've already communicated about this, and asked them to update their game versions in real time with the calculations of the Pangu system." Lei Jun said.

"Is there any problem that needs to be solved now?" Yang Dongxu asked.

"Programmer." Lei Jun said directly, "Most of the company's programmers are brought from Tunghsu Technology.

To be honest, the technical ability is good, but the age is too old. At present, the training of relevant programmers in China is not in place at all, so many newcomers have to be trained from scratch, and the talent ladder is slightly broken. "

For a period of time in later generations, the news of layoffs of programmers over 35 years old by major Internet companies such as Ali, Netease, and Tencent can be said to be overwhelming.

It stands to reason that these programmers can work in large companies, and after so many years of doing it, there is no doubt about their working ability.

And after working for so many years, my personal work experience is extremely rich, and such a capable old employee in other companies should be a treasure, for fear of being poached by others.

Why do major Internet companies lay off employees?

This is obviously not a financial crisis in the company's operations. After all, the company's benefits are exaggerated year by year.

The reason for dismissing old employees over 35 years old is that the times are changing and the issue of cost performance.

To be more realistic, because domestic programmers can be said to be scarce at this stage, so the salaries of major companies are not generally high in order to retain their own programmers.

Even some programmers were given manager-level salaries when they were poached.

So this has led to the generally high wages of domestic programmers, and once the wages rise, it is impossible to lower them.

And after a few years, domestic programmer college students began to flood, compared with young people who are willing to work more overtime, younger, and lower wages. Who would you choose as the boss of the company?

So the fundamental reason for being dismissed is that there are cheaper alternatives.

Of course, Honor now needs to train younger programmers, and cost performance is only one aspect. What is more important is the reserve of the talent ladder.

At the same time, the programmers of Glory, or Dongxu Technology, are actually facing the problem of being poached.

Compared with the flood of old programmers in some companies, with the hot Internet industry, many new small companies are short of experienced programmers who can lead a team.

These people stay in Tunghsu Technology or Honor Mobile Phone Company, and it is basically impossible for the company to increase their wages. Unless it is a promotion, the salary is already the ceiling of the industry and it is impossible to increase it.

Because the whole company has to go up if one goes up, the company will definitely not be able to stand it.

Therefore, it is very important to train more newcomers. As long as the old employees have passed the test and are willing to continue to do it, then they will continue to do it.

If you don't want to continue to be attracted by high salaries from the outside world, then resign yourself. Yang Dongxu will definitely not make it difficult. After all, with the salary of an old employee, you can support several newcomers who do the same thing.

This not only reduces the burden on the company, but also finds a good home for the old employees, and both parties are happy.

Of course, these are middle and low-level grassroots programmers. The benefits and benefits given by Yang Dongxu, a reserve of high-end talents, are top-notch in the world, not to mention domestic.

These are irreplaceable treasures, and what is updated is only replaceable people.

"Have you talked to the university?"

In China, if you want to recruit professional employees in batches, the talent market is a choice only made by the lowest-level companies. As long as companies with some connections and channels go straight to colleges and universities.

Young, passionate, aggressive, and cheap college students are the best choice for every company.

The salary of newcomers is low, as long as the salary is not too excessive, the other party can accept it. After the internship period, you can work, and the salary can be increased little by little from the beginning.

Every salary increase will inspire employees to work passionately. By the time the salary increase reaches the cap, it has been several years.

It’s not like the old employees now, whose original salary was tens of thousands. If you add a few hundred yuan, it’s better not to add it. The company doesn’t run a welfare agency if you add a few thousand yuan.

At the same time, there is greater potential for new employees to be cultivated, and one or two talents may be discovered.

Veteran employees, who have been stereotyped for so many years, will be the same after training, and the residual value will be greatly reduced.

"I have contacted, but the gap is still a bit big. The Internet market has been too hot in recent years, and everyone is robbing people. There are even many companies that have focused the attention of some core talents on those foreign companies.

Now if you have a resume working at Google or Amazon, you can almost raise your salary by one level. "Lei Jun said helplessly.

Everyone is scrambling for talent, which will undoubtedly make the cost-effectiveness of talents lower and lower. Often, many newcomers recruited by high-tech companies do not have many personal abilities that are worthy of their salaries.

But this still needs to be robbed, because if you don't rob, even such unqualified employees are useless.

"Let me find a channel for you. You can go to Northern Russia to have a look. The universities in Northern Russia are still good. Don't think about the United States and Europe. Now the European and American Internet markets are almost out of their minds.

At this time, if he doesn't come to our side to dig people, Amitabha will be lost. Those who want to dig them probably have no hope in the past two years.

Well, you can also look at the Indian market. In terms of software, there are also many talents in India. "

Yang Dongxu pondered for a moment and said.

Not to mention the North Russia side, although the economy is depressed, there are endless streams of mathematical geniuses, and there are many talents in computers.

India is a bit of a taste of coming from behind.

Don't think that India is as dirty and messy as it is reported on the Internet when you mention India. At the same time, there are various unequal human rights issues for women.

Such a big country, if it was really so unbearable, would have fallen apart long ago. How could the GDP be gradually increasing?

Not to mention anything else, just talking about software development, there are many Indian or Indian technical talents in many large US technology companies.

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