The Pioneer of the Rebirth Era

Chapter 1626 Believe in your evil

While many bigwigs in the entire game industry were attracted by krypton gold games, Rising Sun Technology's sailing competition was in full swing.

Although there are CS, Red Alert, and World of Warcraft on the Internet, but in terms of competitive games, there is no way for foreign countries to enter the country for the time being. Basically, the games are popular, and the games can only be watched abroad.

As for the Sail Competition, although it is not the first domestic e-sports competition, it is definitely the largest domestic competition since e-sports existed.

Even if the national team wins the championship in foreign e-sports competitions, it can be seen from just talking about a few small reports. There is soil for competitive games in China, but no one pays attention to competitive games in China.

Therefore, the Qifan platform can be said to have taken advantage of the trend and directly set off a wave of domestic competitive games. Especially the design of skins and purchasing heroes, without affecting the balance of the game, it also highlights the difference between krypton gold players and ordinary players.

It can be said that it has won the favor of many players once it was launched, especially the campus competition, which has been held for the second time and has attracted the attention of many players.

Now there is a law in the game industry, that is, if your game can attract enough girls to play, then the number of male players in the game will skyrocket in a very short period of time, and then the game will quickly become popular.

For example, dazzling dance, such as flying car, and such as fantasy with more female players, all basically verified this law.

The rise of Qifan has broken this law.

Because there are indeed more female players than male players in competitive games, and even Qifan basically has few female players. But it still couldn't stop the male player's enthusiasm.

What's more important is that when the R live broadcast appeared, major game anchors began to appear, and the live effects of economic game anchors were significantly higher than those of other game live broadcasts.

There may not be many female players playing Qifan economic games, but the appearance of female anchors playing Qifan games can still attract a large number of male fans.

When the skills of some female anchors are really good, the gifts and the rewards of the major anchors are all dazzled. Let more female anchors focus their attention.

Especially when some rookie female anchors invite powerful male anchors to lead them, all kinds of cheating programs are full of effects, and some female anchors who don't know how to play economic games shine, and the entire Qifan platform becomes more popular.

At the same time, the officials of the campus competition in the second quarter continued to spend a lot of money. The champion directly rewarded 1.5 million, the runner-up 1 million, and the third runner-up 500,000. The bonus chips were increased again.

They even invited more professional game commentators to explain the game, as well as the game host, who instantly felt taller and on the right track, which made the whole game more interesting.

At the same time, the game competition is no longer the previous recording mode, but signed with 361 Video and R Live to broadcast live. The major anchors can also broadcast live commentary, which is simply a sharp tool for mixing live broadcast time.

For a while, the Sail game competition almost became the hottest topic on the Internet. Even players who don't play this game know that there is such a game in China, and there is such a game competition.

After all, the top three add up to 3 million prize money, which is an absolute high prize money in competitive game competitions.

A team with as many as seven substitute players, plus the coaching staff and so on, as long as they hit the top three, one person can get tens of thousands of dollars.

And what did you pay for?

Isn't it just playing games? If you don't have this competition, you usually hide in the dormitory and play games, so why don't you play this?

If game bonuses attract the attention of many players, then what attracts the attention of peers is the endorsement.

Because of the high attention paid to the second competition of Qifan Platform, Qifan Platform has started to recruit sponsors.

It is not uncommon for games to recruit sponsors. For example, adding soft advertisements for some products in the game is not a showy operation.

However, there are sponsors for the competition, and the teams of the contestants can also recruit sponsors.

With the current high level of attention in this competition, let alone a team that can enter the top three, as long as it enters the top ten, the advertising sponsorship of the team is extremely cost-effective.

Because the team's advertisement is not high now, only a mere two hundred thousand.

Some smart teams even signed a betting agreement. For example, if they don't make it into the top 50, the sponsor only needs to give 10,000 yuan.

Think of it as the facilities, the team's transportation and food expenses during the game.

The sponsorship fee for entering the top 50 is 50,000, the top 30 is 100,000, the top ten is 150,000, and the sponsorship fee for the top three is 300,000.

Now that the competition is getting so much attention, even the audition officials will broadcast the competition live. So just throwing 10,000 yuan out for a gamble is not too simple for manufacturers who want to advertise.

Don't report to the company at all, a district manager can call the shots, isn't it just 10,000 yuan.

Therefore, not only the general sponsors of the competition, but also the sponsors of the major teams have become extremely active. The food and travel expenses for the game are contracted.

If you can win and earn money, if you don't win, you can ask for a few days off. This makes the number of team registrations on the official website soar to an unimaginable level.

"Commercialization, commercialization, must be commercialized, this is the basis for the survival of competitive games. As long as there are merchant sponsors, the game can make money and not lose money.

Similarly, as long as there are merchant sponsors and the team makes more profits, more and more investment will come in. Don't set up so-called obstacles to protect your own interests in a petty way.

As long as the companies sponsoring products do not violate the law, and as long as netizens are willing to repost contest articles and videos, there is no threshold for full liberalization, let alone any copyright.

Only the capital sees that it is profitable to participate, and the whole people participate, so that capital can see a huge flow market. Only then can this industry continue to thrive for a long time.

The scale has increased, the capital has come in, and the whole people has paid attention to it. Are you afraid that you will not be able to make money in the future? "During Rising Sun Technology's conference, Yang Dongxu kept emphasizing the importance of promoting game competitions.

In short, at this time, as long as the publicity can be expanded, not to mention the fees from others, it is fine to advertise with money. In short, Qifan competitive games now require attention and traffic, and making money is just a incidental thing. The first two are up, and it is acceptable to lose some money if you don’t make money.

The meeting lasted for nearly an hour before it ended.

After the meeting, the management of the company in charge of the sailing game competition was all as excited as if they had beaten chicken blood. They seemed to see a broad road.

A time when the domestic game capital is starting to aim at krypton gold games to cut leeks, a unique broad road that belongs exclusively to Rising Sun Technology.

Don't you always feel that you are no worse than Rising Sun Technology?

Now let you see the gap. When you are waving your sickle to cut those old leeks, Rising Sun Technology has already begun to cultivate a large piece of leeks that is unique to you. This is the gap, the gap between the first and the second follower.

"Tell me, how about my participation in your company?"

With a lot of aura, some staff couldn't help looking sideways at Bai Feng, who walked into Yang Dongxu's office.

The only reason why she is here is because of the previous transaction conditions. Now the sailing competition can be done so grandly that the higher-ups acquiesce, that's why Bai Feng also helped lobby hard.

The current attitude towards e-sports is that if you want to become an official sports event, there is no way for the time being.

But if you engage in competitions by yourself, as long as it is not illegal, the higher-ups will turn a blind eye and neither encourage nor prohibit it.

Turning a blind eye and closing one's eyes is already a big concession. After all, the public opinion that the game is a scourge is still very high. The above default also puts a lot of pressure on it.

"It's not that good. If you really want to play, you can spend money to build your own team. Now that e-sports is so hot at the beginning, no blind person can see how much traffic it attracts in the future.

But because it is a precedent, everything is still in the wild era. So many teams don't even have coaches, they don't even have professional game experience and skills.

Basically, a few brothers in a dormitory form a team together, and if you can make a fortune if you go up, you won't lose a lot if you don't.

At this time, if you have the capital to end, you are willing to spend money to build a professional team. Find an experienced coach to help analyze the opponent's data and make a layout. Give players some professional training on hero selection.

Basically, as long as it is not unlucky to meet some teams with really talented talents, it is still safe to win the championship. Now get a professional team to play this game, although the time is a bit rushed, but it is still possible to vote 1 million.

If you don't have enough time and money to make up for it, there must be a brave man under the reward. Although the domestic e-sports is not very good, there are several domestic teams that shine in international competitions. They are not professional but they are full of talent to win the championship.

In this way, you invest 1 million, get a championship bonus of 1.5 million, not to mention earning 500,000. If the attention of the champion of the competition is calculated according to the advertising value, it should be at least 5 million yuan.

Your own team, you are advertising your own products, and after a game, you have all the benefits of face and face. Isn't this better than if Rising Sun Technology would be my subordinate? "

"No matter how good the team is, to put it bluntly, isn't Qifan Game owned by your Rising Sun Technology?" Bai Feng pouted.

She likes to go straight to the core when doing things, but she doesn't want to linger on the surface.

"I have been working hard to make e-sports formalized, and even operate it as a sports project approved by the Sports Bureau. The game is sailing, but for e-sports, all competitions must be fair and just. I can still do this Guaranteed."

"If you say that, I'm interested in forming a team." Bai Feng couldn't help but nodded.

As long as the organizer can guarantee fairness and justice, it is true that if you invest 1 million to play with a team, you will earn nothing, and the sooner you enter the arena, the more you will earn.

After all, where there is interest, the most indispensable thing is the hot money that flocks to it.

After thinking carefully about what can be done, Bai Feng rolled his eyes the next moment, "You're not the only one who said this to me, right?"

Cough cough cough. Yang Dongxu, who was drinking tea, almost spit out the mist from his mouth.

This woman is as sharp as ever.

"The more people there are, the more lively it is. Besides, the more hot money comes in, the greater the influence of this industry and the more traffic it will attract. As long as I insist on fairness and justice, the market will not jump, and the bigger the market, even if you can't win the championship, the harvest will be the same." Is it full?"

"I believe in your evil." Bai Feng rolled his eyes.

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