Every time a person stood up to introduce himself, Yang Dongxu nodded with a smile on his face. Although these people were older than his father, he did not stand up to show respect. After all, he is the big boss of the company, and these people are all himself. Employees, there is no need to be so courteous and virtuous at this time.

In addition to smiling and nodding, he also took a pen and drew circles on the blank A4 in front of him. He didn't know what he was writing. For a while, he couldn't see anything from the face of his big boss.

When the introduction of the last person was over, Yang Dongxu stopped writing and closed the document and put it in front of him and said, "Now that the introduction is over, the meeting will officially begin. Two topics will be discussed today."

Everyone in the conference room was sitting upright, and the atmosphere couldn't help but become a little dignified.

"Don't be so serious, I don't have the idea of ​​adjusting the company's personnel structure and positions." Seeing everyone's serious eyes and nose, Yang Dongxu said with a smile.

As soon as this sentence came out, the atmosphere in the originally dignified conference room relaxed, but everyone did not relax their bodies at the moment. As soon as the big boss came up, he kicked out the former general manager and shareholder Fu Dehai, which obviously involved a lot of things, so although Yang Dongxu said with a smile that he would not pursue it now, he did not prove that he would not pursue it in the future.

"The first topic is the building of the company's office building. The location is in Shanghai. We will discuss the specific place later. I only have one requirement. The new company office building must have its own characteristics, and it is best to be a The landmark building of the magic city."

The complexions of the people sitting in the meeting room have more or less changed. With the continuous development of the Hurricane Building, the total assets of a property continue to increase at a rate of drinking water every year. At present, it is roughly estimated that the total assets of the real estate have exceeded 10 billion. The company, not having its own office building has always been a heart problem for the company's management.

In the past two years, the construction of the company building has been mentioned within the company. Fu Dehai also discussed with Yang Dongxu several times, but in the end there was no clear result. Who would have thought that he would be thrown out today. And this is not a discussion, but something that has already been decided, and the next thing to do is to put this decision into action.

"The second topic." Yang Dongxu raised two fingers and continued: "The issue of the company's management stock options."

If everyone was able to keep quiet about the construction of the company's office building before, everyone's face turned to one side when the word 'share option' appeared, and the longing in their eyes couldn't be stopped.

The company building is the overall benefit of the company. Although I benefit from it, I can have a more spacious office environment after all, and I can also have a bit of vanity in front of outsiders, but how can these be compared with the company's stock options? own money.

"Before using the company's management stock options, first classify the company's employees. This is the current classification. There are four grades in total: A, B, C, D, and 16 grades. The first step of stock options starts from grade B. It starts with everyone here.”

The classification of company positions is what Yang Dongxu discussed with Zhou Ya these days. In fact, it does not mean that it was completely made by two people, but after having this idea, Zhou Ya directly took a mature template from abroad and slightly modified it. , it becomes a file that is now placed in front of everyone in the conference room.

The job classification is from level 1 to level 16, of which level 1 is the lowest level, for example, the cleaners of the company belong to this level, and level 16 is the highest, that is, the big boss Yang Dongxu and the major shareholders.

Class B ranges from level 9 to level 12, level 9 is from the regional supervisor, or regional manager to administrative manager at level 12, level 13 belongs to level A and the chairman and shareholders are in a large range, which meets this standard At present, there is only Zhao Yu, the marketing director, and the others have not yet reached.

The stock options that can be obtained by different grades are naturally different. Zhao Yu is the highest grade, so he can own up to 1% of the stock options. According to the current market value of Hurricane Construction, this is worth 100 million shares. The lowest level is 9, only 0.2% start.

And this stock option is not given for free, but needs to be subscribed with real money, but this is not a disguised fundraising to bind these managements, but a real benefit.

Because at the current speed of development of hurricane architecture, needless to say, wait five years, or even three years later. Just wait until next year, and the value of the stock options in their hands will double, but the speed of appreciation will definitely make them wake up from sleep.

Therefore, the management present here doesn't care about the need to pay for these stock options at all, but one by one expects to be given more stock option subscription standards, which is faster than stealing money.

After a few minutes of whispering among the management in the conference room, Yang Dongxu knocked on the table to attract everyone's attention.

"If there is no opinion, the matter of stock options will be handled according to the grades in the document, and the first prerequisite must be clearly understood. Those who are eligible to purchase stock options must first have worked in the company for more than five years.

Second, if the resignation share options are automatically withdrawn, and you only have the right to dividends and no voting rights in the first three years of obtaining the options. " Yang Dongxu said.

Everyone feels nothing about these two conditions. The five-year work limit in the company is nothing to them. The latest people here have joined the company for more than four years, and they will be able to get their own in a few months. Share option purchase rights.

If it is stipulated that the working years must be at least 10 years, then Yang Dongxu must be playing with them, because other than Zhao Yu and the other two old people here, other people can't meet this condition at all. Only five years is required. To give them the sincerity of dividends.

As for the second condition, it is not a prerequisite at all. Stock options must be in the position. If you leave the position, this benefit will naturally be left to the successor, and you cannot take it away directly.

Therefore, compared with the two conditions, they are more concerned about the price of stock options. According to the usual practice, the price of stock options will be lower than the company's actual assets.

So after getting the documents, they saw their grade and the upper limit for purchasing stock options, and immediately they took a look at the pricing of stock options. When they saw that the price of stock options was priced according to the company's assets of 5 billion After that, everyone was ecstatic, feeling that their big boss was really too generous.

Now the total assets of Hurricane Construction can safely exceed 10 billion, and the development prospects are excellent. It can be said that it changes every day. Such a slashing price is simply giving them money for nothing, and everyone who was originally a well-to-do man can't help but want to sing a song with a smile on his face.

But at this time, everyone is the same and no one is laughing at anyone. If you are not happy about such a pie falling directly on your head, you are not a city, you are simply stupid.

"If the subscription conditions are met, the company's lawyers will draw up the contract from today, and the stock option will be officially signed and implemented one month later. The option shares will be assigned to your name within 24 hours after signing, and the dividend distribution time is subject to the signing day .

If you have money, you can pay off the subscription funds within one month. If you don’t have money, you can choose to settle with annual share option dividends. This is your choice. Now let's go back to the first topic of building the company's office building.

My request is very simple. As I said just now, the company's office building is built in Shanghai and it is best to become a landmark building in Shanghai. For the time being, Zhao Yu will take the lead and be directly responsible for me for the specific site selection and the need for funds. After these two conditions are determined, the building design will be invited to bids from all over the world. "

No one present was unwilling to build an office building, and no one in Modu opposed it. As for the international bidding for the design drawing, that would be great. If Yang Dongxu wanted to make Hurricane Architecture's office building a landmark in Shanghai, they would only agree with it and would not oppose it.

After the people in the meeting room had a heated discussion for a while, Yang Dongxu continued to say: "In addition to the previous topic, there are two more things. First, the financial department will cooperate. In the next period of time, all the company's accounts will be expanded. Three-party review, as well as a comprehensive audit of the company's total assets.

Second, help me find a male assistant to the chairman, who will be promoted from within the company, and then help me find a secretary who is female, with a bachelor’s degree or above, both domestic and foreign. There is no requirement for work experience. Take a while. "

If it is said that the two things announced just now, especially the stock option matter, made everyone smile, then the two things that Yang Dongxu seemingly said casually surprised many people.

Why the general manager Fu Dehai was dismissed? Although everyone is not very clear about the specific situation, they do know a little bit. So whether it is a financial review or a re-audit of the company's total assets, it is undoubtedly ready to whack the mole. Even shareholders like Fu Dehai were dismissed without hesitation. Those who have not signed the stock options

People often say that the radish plus stick policy, but this time Yang Dongxu did not give the radish, but a real banquet of Manchu and Han. So what he held in his hand was no longer a big stick that could be taught a lesson, but a bloody butcher's knife.

"If there is no problem, today's meeting will end here. The third-party audit company will arrive in the afternoon. At that time, all departments will cooperate with each other. The audit will be completed earlier, and you will sign the stock options one day earlier."

After speaking, Yang Dongxu got up and left without waiting for other people in the conference room to speak. He told Fu Dehai and the others that as long as they exchanged the greedy ones, they would forget the past. within his tolerance.

But for the Shuoshu in the company, there is nothing to say. The good benefits of stock options are to reward those who work for the company seriously and loyally, but it’s okay to raise Shuoshu.

So the stock options are taken out to stabilize the turbulent situation that may arise after Fu Dehai leaves, just like hanging a carrot in front of the donkey, so that he can keep moving forward if he wants to eat but can't. Then naturally there will be a cleaning, so that everyone in the company can get acquainted with the skills and character of this big boss who has always been very mysterious.

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