The Pirate Garen

Chapter 137 Interpreting History

If Galen's combat system comes from LOL, then his experience value system is probably copied from some MMORPG games:

The experience required to level up will increase exponentially with the increase in level, all the way to the point where players can beat monsters to death.

However, Crocodile still relied on his own strength to fill Galen's experience bar from level 9 to level 10 by himself.

The sound of the system's promotion came as expected:

You have been upgraded to level ten and get random upgrade rewards:

[Turtle Stance]:

"After active release, every third basic attack of yours will heal 2.5% of your maximum health, and you will get a temporary shield that can absorb a certain amount of damage for 5 seconds."

This skill comes from Udyr, the hero beast spirit walker in the game. He can control the special energy of four primitive beast spirits and obtain different ability effects.

And the [Spirit Turtle Stance] that Galen obtained is the tortoise beast spirit that represents tenacity and recovery, and will provide the hero with a guarantee of vitality.

In addition to the slightly different skill effects from the game, Garen's version of the turtle stance only takes effect for a duration of 5 seconds.

But considering that the cooling time of this skill is as short as 6 seconds, Galen can almost be under the protection of the turtle and beast spirit throughout the battle, and the health recovery effect it provides can even exceed Galen's own passive Skill.

That is to say:

If the current Galen is allowed to face off against Crocodile again, Crocodile will find that the opponent not only catches up with him in hardcore strength, but also has the ability to restore blood that can consume his life and death.

It's a pity that Crocodile can't enjoy this kind of treatment.

Galen glanced at Crocodile's corpse on the ground with some emotion, and it took two seconds to erase the death of this hero from his mind.

He is busy experimenting with skills, so he has no time to feel sorry for an ambitious man who is not enough to kill ten times:

"Spirit Turtle Stance!"

With the release of the skills, the special energy of the spirit turtle and beast spirit appeared on Galen:

There was a flash of green light on Galen's body, and there was a phantom of a big green bastard looming around Galen's body.

The appearance of this big bastard is not at all majestic and domineering as the "spiritual turtle and beast spirit" imagined, but it perfectly restores the graffiti style in the game. striking.

Immediately afterwards, Galen was suddenly covered with a shield that could absorb part of the damage.

The shape of this shield is a translucent spherical shield composed of many hexagons, which looks quite sci-fi.

But this shield also inherited the main color of the tortoise, releasing a faint green light all around Galen's body.

The excited expression on the face of Galen, who was wearing a bastard and a green light above his head, immediately stagnated, and he couldn't help covering his face helplessly:

"This skill."

"Use less if you can in the future"

Underground of the royal tomb, the secret room where the text of history is located.

With a heavy sound, the heavy stone door of the secret room was opened again.

Seeing the scene in the secret room, Galen couldn't help being a little surprised:

I saw that the cushion I had laid for Robin was in a mess, and Robin, who was handcuffed by Hailou Stone, was weakly leaning on the stone of the historical text, his body trembling violently. stand firm.

Her hair was messy, her clothes were disheveled, her forehead was soaked with sweat, and her skin was slightly flushed as a result, as if she had just gone through some strenuous exercise.


Galen asked a little puzzled:

"You don't want to escape like this, do you?"

For things like Hailou Stone, the stronger the person, the stronger the resistance.

At this time, Robin's strength was obviously far from insufficient. As soon as he touched Hailoushi, his strength was exhausted, and his whole body was as limp as noodles.

With her state of barely walking, even if she climbed to the door, she couldn't push the stone door open.


Robin panted heavily, and glared at Galen angrily:

"Only one side of the stone in the text of history has words."

"You just put me on the non-word side."

"Ha ha."

Galen smiled a little embarrassedly, and stepped forward to support Robin's unsteady body in a gentlemanly way:

"Your former boss, Crocodile, has died in my hands."

"So, do you still want to go now?"

Robin glanced at Galen's big hand on his shoulder, and sighed helplessly:

"Do I have a choice now?"

Robin laughed at himself helplessly, then tremblingly raised his hands, which were handcuffed by Hailoushi, and placed them in front of Galen.

"very good."

Galen nodded with a smile, and finally took out the key to Hailoushi's handcuffs under Robin's somewhat complaining eyes.

Robin, who got rid of the sea tower stone, finally had the strength to move freely, and immediately stood upright independently from Galen's arms, and moved his wrist that had been restrained for a long time.

The handcuffs were held for too long, and Robin's movements were not very lawful, so that when the handcuffs were taken off, her white wrist was already covered with two deep bloodstains, which looked a bit miserable.

"Are you hurt?"

Galen looked at the two wounds that were caused by him with some concern and said:

"Don't worry, go back and ask the royal doctor in Wangcheng to give you some medicine. There should be no scars."


Robin didn't answer, but just looked at Galen with some puzzlement:

"Why don't you come to ask about the news of the main text of history, but instead care about my trivial injury?"

"That's right. I almost forgot about it."

Just now Galen noticed that there was a conspicuous square stone in front of him, so he asked Robin with a serious face:

"Robin, have you deciphered all the information in the historical text?"

The air suddenly became quiet, leaving only the two people staring at each other silently.

Robin hesitated for a long time before finally making a huge determination and sighing:

"I figured it out."

"It is written above"

"It's good to understand it."

Galen didn't intend to listen at all, but just smiled and said:

"Since you've got your wish, let's get out of here quickly."


Seeing Galen's reaction far beyond his expectations, Robin's eyes were full of surprise: "Don't you listen to the information recorded in the main text of history?"

"Historical text?"

Galen shook his head and said very sincerely:

"I'm not even interested in that stuff."

"I don't believe that a so-called 'worst battleship' can dominate the sea. With that archaeological time, I might as well cut down two more pirates to upgrade."

Robin couldn't understand what an 'upgrade' was, but he was still shocked by Galen's words:

"You, how do you know that Pluto is a battleship?"

Although the existence of ancient weapons is already a widely circulated legend, no one knows their exact form.

Pluto is a battleship, this news is definitely beyond the reach of ordinary people.


Galen was taken aback for a moment, but he opened his mouth and said something that surprised Robin:

"Because, I can also interpret the historical text."

"You can also interpret?!"

Robin's emotions became very excited, as if he had found something of the same kind, he burst out with a different look.

"That's right."

On the face of Galen, he was not panicked at all. Instead, he walked up to the stone that recorded the historical text seriously and began to "read" it seriously.

While "reading", he muttered something in a low voice, as if he could really understand.

Robin held his breath tightly, looking at Galen expectantly, excitedly and nervously.

After a while, Galen said in a deep voice:

"This stone records the unknown gap in history for a hundred years."


Robin's look of anticipation suddenly faltered.

She really wanted to swear "nonsense" at Galen, but she restrained herself with the elegant instinct of a mature woman.

Galen, on the other hand, focused on the stone and read it word by word:

"Under the whole world, among the four seas, there was once a great kingdom left in the world."

"This eternal kingdom is famous for its mighty power. It is a human federation representing light and justice. Its brilliance shines on the earth and shines in the world."

"The name of this great kingdom is."

Robin couldn't help holding his breath again, and couldn't help turning his shocked eyes to Galen:

Robin, who can understand the text of history, of course knows that the history Galen said is not what is recorded in the text of history in front of him at all.

However, the "huge kingdom" in Galen's mouth is exactly the historical text researched by her hometown of O'Hara.

In order to protect Robin's safety, the archaeologists in his hometown refused to allow Robin to participate in the research of the historical text.

Robin still barely knew the existence of this huge kingdom by relying on his uncontrollable curiosity and his fruit ability to eavesdrop from the mouths of those scholars.

After the fall of O'Hara, the huge kingdom unearthed by O'Hara's scholars has once again been lost in the long river of history.

Even Robin is simply aware of its existence, but does not know the name of this huge kingdom at all.

But now, Galen clearly stated the news about the huge kingdom in front of her, which made Robin tremble with excitement.

In Robin's expectant eyes, Galen said the name of the huge kingdom solemnly:

"The name of this great kingdom is."


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