The Pirate Garen

Chapter 200 Arriving at Chambord Land

After a journey, the airship arrived at its destination:

The Chambord Islands near the headquarters of the Navy.

Nami, the navigator absent-mindedly positioned the airship, and broadcast to everyone angrily:

"Everyone, the Chambord Islands are directly below us!"

Over the past few days, Galen has shown no signs of mastering domineering at all, and Hancock naturally didn't leave either.

Nami can see the glamorous Hancock dangling "smugly" in front of her every day, so she is naturally not in a good mood.

In particular, the haughty and charming unique temperament of Hancock made Nami feel an irresistible sense of loss, and even felt ashamed and flinched in front of her opponents many times.

But after hearing the word "Chambord Islands" from Nami, the noble and inviolable temperament of Hancock was quietly shattered.

Her body trembled in an undetectable way, and a layer of gloom quietly appeared in the depths of her eyes, as if she was suppressing some painful emotions.

Except for Galen, no one in the room noticed the pent-up pain in Hancock's eyes.

Chambord Islands, this place was the starting point of that nightmare for Hancock, and she had never set foot here in these years.

But Galen didn't say much, he had been pretending in front of Hancock that he didn't know about it, and it was meaningless to rashly uncover the scar in her heart.

"The Chambord Islands?"

Weiwei also has a lot of impressions of this name, and the impression is not bad:

"When I was a child and attended the World Conference with my father, I came here to play by the way!"

"The island has a lot of fun with an amusement park, exotic food from all over the world, and a unique natural setting!"


Nami also became interested immediately, and said to Galen:

"Galen, let's go shopping on the island!"

One of the purposes of this trip is to travel, and Nami will naturally not miss an island that sounds so interesting.

"no problem."

Galen nodded in agreement, looked at Robin again and said:

"Robin, everyone is on vacation this time, so you should join in the fun."


Robin nodded slightly and didn't say much.

After being tested by Kuzan, Robin has developed an inexplicable trust in Galen.

And Galen is not very worried that Robin will be discovered by the navy:

Because although the Chambord Islands are close to the headquarters of the navy, only ten of its 80 islands are naval stations, and the other seventy are dominated by pirates, businessmen, nobles and even human traffickers.

The two have clear boundaries and maintain a delicate balance.

Countless pirates come and go on the island, and the stationed navy only thinks that they are blind and have never opened their eyes to see.

"Galen, I advise you not to go."

Kuzan's indifferent voice suddenly sounded from the side.


Galen followed the prestige and smiled puzzledly:

"Are you worried that I won't be able to protect Robin?"

"My current status and strength are not so bad that I dare not take her out, right?"

When Galen said this, he was very confident.

Compared with the previous "law-abiding citizen" who "supported the rule of the world government", Galen was no longer so timid, and when he talked about "reactionary speech", he seemed a little casual.

Kuzan can see why.

"I don't mean to underestimate your strength."

Kuzan's eyes became very dignified, and he said in a deep tone:

"I felt it clearly in the few days from the time Alabasta set sail to defeating the Golden Lion"

"You seem to have suddenly stepped on two steps, and your strength has undergone a qualitative change."

Kuzan's sense is very keen, and Galen's improvement in strength has indeed stepped on "two steps":

Relying on the lives of those wild beasts on the floating island, Galen rose to level 12.

Galen then took the opportunity to take the head off the golden lion's neck.

The Golden Lion is extremely powerful, and the experience points he provided alone almost filled Galen's empty experience bar, which had just reached level 12, in one breath.

Seeing that the upgrade was about to happen, Galen stayed here for a while after dealing with the affairs of the Flying Pirates and Nine Snake Island, and went to the calm belt to upgrade in the wild.

Galen didn't have much experience, so he quickly raised his level to level 13 without killing a few sea kings.

If it weren't for the high IQs of the sea kings, who knew how to avoid dangerous places after sending a batch of heads, Galen would probably stay in the sea and kill fish endlessly.

After the upgrade, Galen's newly acquired skills are:

【Devouring Soul】:

"(Passive) You enjoy an additional 20% lifesteal bonus."

This passive skill comes from the desert god Nasus in the game. It can provide considerable blood-sucking ability, simple and powerful.

Coupled with the upgraded physical strength bonus, the current Galen may not say that he can fight the general 50-50, but it is by no means difficult to retreat in front of the general.

This growth rate is almost like a monster in Kuzan's eyes.

"In addition to the improvement of your own strength, the power of this follower of yours is also daunting."

As he said that, Kuzan looked at the ghostly golden lion sitting next to him leisurely smoking a cigar with solemn eyes.

After going through the initial stage of resistance, the Golden Lion gradually accepted his current state of neither human nor ghost under forced circumstances.

You can't die, you can't escape, and the golden lion begins to enjoy life in a bitter way.

These days, he consumed almost all the spirits and cigars stored on the empty boat.

After noticing Kuzan's gaze, Golden Lion took out the cigar in his mouth and laughed triumphantly again:


"Kuzan, you are right to worry."

The smile on the corner of Golden Lion's mouth suddenly became ferocious, and he said in a tone that sees through everything:

"This kid's own strength has already improved to this level, and with the help of me, a big pirate, he has already"

"Don't be afraid of the world government anymore!"

As soon as this remark came out, the surrounding area was quiet.

Kuzan's eyes became sharp, and the temperature dropped a few degrees.

"calm down!"

Galen smoothed things over with a smile, and said sincerely:

"Although I have grown stronger now, I never thought of doing things that would mess up the sea."

"Catch pirates, do logistics, build airships, and repair railways"

"My original intention has always been to build, not to destroy."

"As long as I'm not pushed to a dead end, I'll still be that 'Model Qiwuhai'."

Hearing this, Kuzan's expression eased a little.

Kuzan also saw all these things Galen said, which is why he, like Garp, appreciates and agrees with Galen, a non-naval personnel.


Kuzan frowned tightly, and said with some concern:

"The big tree attracts the wind, and now you are already standing on the dangerous line."

"Although I haven't reported the details of the Battle of the Floating Island to the Navy Headquarters, as long as the existence of the ghostly golden lion is exposed, you will definitely become the number one target of the Warring States Marshal's fear."

"I don't want to see an unstoppable big pirate appearing in the sea after today."

"I see."

Galen felt the caring in Kuzan's words, and chuckled with some emotion:

"You don't want me to play in the Chambord Islands, are you worried that I will directly tear myself apart with the World Government after seeing the situation here?"


Kuzan raised his eyebrows in surprise:

"You know what's going on in the Chambord Islands?"

The Chambord Islands have another nickname in the navy that cannot be put on the table——

Where ideals shatter.

Countless naval officers and soldiers who have survived fighting on the battlefields from all over the world and hold great beliefs in practicing justice will come to the Chambord Islands and see the ugly faces of the world's nobles, and they will find out in despair:

It turned out that they were not vanguards of justice, but just dogs guarding homes for the nobles of the world.

Then, many of them will degenerate into cowards who are greedy for life and fear of death, corrupt moths, and even take off their navy capes and become bandits.

Eight out of ten defected navies visited the Chambord Islands.

Even the sailors couldn't bear the cruel reality behind the light, so how could Kuzan rest assured of Galen, an outsider?

In the face of Kuzan's worries, Galen just vowed to say:

"You don't have to worry about that."

"I know exactly what a nobleman in the world is."

"I have long been mentally prepared for this, and even if I see those ugliness, I will not do anything drastic."

"Although my current strength is more than enough for self-protection, I don't want my production and construction activities in the East China Sea to be affected by my impulsiveness."


Galen smiled self-deprecatingly:

"I'm a man who can't even awaken my arrogance. Do you think I'll be dazzled by that kind of reckless courage?"


Kuzan suddenly felt that Galen's words were very convincing.

It is not uncommon for a strong person like Galen to have the strength of Galen in the sea, not to mention the color of arms and the color of knowledge, even people who have the color of domineering and domineering.

However, no matter how hard Galen tried, he couldn't awaken the armed domineering that even the soldiers of Nine Snake Island could.

"Forget it!"

Hearing Galen's words, Kuzan could only sigh deeply: "I just hope that we won't become enemies in the future."


Galen promised solemnly:

"I'm here to take my family on a trip this time, and I will definitely not cause trouble!"

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