After the turmoil, the business of the fried chicken shop became as prosperous as when it first opened.

Everything seems to be business as usual, but something is different:

The waiters in the store were replaced by free laborers Pei Jin and Xia Bo.

At the entrance of the fried chicken shop, there is a chubby white bear as a welcome guest and a mascot.

With Luo, a highly efficient cooking assistant, the food preparation speed in the store has also reached the extreme.

And the prestige of Galen, the "retired colonel", unknowingly spread throughout the island.

No more evil forces dared to come here to make trouble until one afternoon a few days later.

The afternoon sun was shining brightly, the noon meal had already passed, and there were very few customers left in the shop.

The cashier Enilo was busy counting the income for the morning at the counter, the mascot Beppo was still standing at the door dutifully, and the actual store manager, Kentucky, was having fun directing both Pekin and Beppo A coolie cleaned the tables, chairs and floors.

At this time, three uninvited guests came to the door of the Kentucky Fried Chicken Restaurant.

Then, the leading swordsman wearing a large hat with plumes and feathers, two facial lines on his face, and a conspicuous red cloak couldn't help but stop.

This guy who looks like an aborigine is named Diamanti, and he is one of the four top cadres of the Don Quixote family, code-named "Cube".

The purpose of Diamanti coming here is naturally to take the head of the family's rebellious Trafalgar Law.

But after seeing that unusual fried chicken shop, Diamanti had some doubts in his heart:

"Are you sure the kid's here, Buffalo?"

"It should be here."

Buffalo, who is huge and has a strange hairstyle like a propeller, nodded:

"Intel says that guy has been showing up at this fried chicken shop these days."

"Also, he seems to be here"

"Being a chef?"

Buffalo gave some information that he himself could not accept.

"It is indeed here."

A beautiful woman in a strange maid outfit beside Buffalo suddenly spoke.

She pointed to the white bear standing guard in front of the door and said:

"According to the information, the white bear of the fur clan is named Bebo, and he is one of Luo's best friends."

"Since this white bear is here, then Luo will naturally appear."

This maid is named baby-5, and she is also the killer of the Don Quixote family.

The lineup that Doflamingo sent to catch Luo this time was also carefully arranged:

Baby-5 and Buffalo are both orphans who joined the Don Quixote family at the same time as Luo. They can be regarded as classmates who trained and grew up with Luo.

And Diamanti, the top cadre who was the main force of this trip, was the teacher who taught Luo swordsmanship back then.

Doflamingo sent three old friends here just to make Luo realize that since he is a rebel of the family, he must not escape the investigation of the "family".

The three of them were ready to fight, and they all stepped into the fried chicken restaurant.

Both Diamanti and baby-5 are dressed in exotic clothes, and Buffalo himself is very curious.

Once the three appeared, they attracted everyone's attention.

Diamanti scanned the audience, and immediately asked straight to the point:

"Is Trafalgar Law there?"

"We are all his old friends, and we have something to do with him here."

Bei Bo, who was welcoming guests at the door, and Pei Jin and Xia Bo, who were waiters in the hall, all stared at them immediately.

They all know in their hearts:

At this time, the guy who came to look for their elder brother with such great fanfare was probably Luo's enemy.


Galen, on the other hand, looked at the three people in front of him seriously, and then replied in a flat tone:

"He's not in now."

"Because the business in the store today was better than expected, we didn't prepare enough ingredients, so Luo was sent out to make an emergency purchase."

"If you want to eat, we still have some ingredients in stock to deal with first."

His expression was very calm, as if he was just talking to ordinary guests.

"Have a meal?"

Diamanti looked at the man wearing wide sunglasses in front of him with some amusement, and said coldly:

"Do you think we're here for dinner?"

"That's none of my business."

Galen spread his hands and replied casually:

"Anyway, I'm telling the truth."

"The guys you are looking for will take a while to come back."

"As for eating? Like to eat or not."


Buffalo stared at him, and he was about to attack Galen, an arrogant guy.


Diamanti stopped Buffalo's actions:

"Don't startle the snake, go to the store and search first."

"In case what he said is true"

"We are making too much trouble here, and it will be troublesome for Luo to run away when he sees the movement."

Buffalo nodded, and baby-5 rushed into the back kitchen as if no one else was there, and began to search for Luo's trace.

After a while, baby-5 came out of the back kitchen and shook his head at Diamanti again.

Pei Jin, Xia Bo, and Bei Bo quietly clenched their fists, and Ai Nilu, who was counting money in front of the counter, also had a flash of electricity in his eyes.

"What are you doing in a daze?!"

Galen, however, acted as if nothing had happened, arrogantly ordering the shop assistants: "Keep working for me!"

"Yes, but."

Pei Jin hesitated.

"There's nothing wrong with that."

Galen glanced at Diamanti casually, and said meaningfully:

"Since they are Luo's 'old friends', then"

"What's the matter, wait for Luo to come back and solve it."

He had already recognized the identity of the visitor, but he didn't pay attention to the three cadres of the Don Quixote family who were quite famous in the underground world.

And Gallente waited for Luo to come back, in fact, he just wanted to use those three unlucky ghosts to brush up his favorability and loyalty in front of his new younger brother.

However, the powerful Diamanti has a very keen sense, and he can clearly feel:

The man wearing sunglasses in front of him was not stupid, but he already knew their origins, but he still couldn't feel any fear.

Diamanti's eyes were firmly fixed on Galen, and she couldn't help thinking secretly in her heart:

This man should be the retired navy colonel mentioned in the intelligence.

However, he is just a colonel, why should he be so unscrupulous in front of the Don Quixote family?

Could it be

Behind Luo, is there any other support?

Questions plagued Diamanti, making his brow furrow even tighter.

At this time, Kentucky had already supervised the work of two coolies, Pekin and Xia Bo, under Galen's order.

Anyway, with Galen protecting him, Kentucky didn't feel the slightest bit of fear.

He looked at a floor where some footprints remained, and then casually commanded:

"come come come"

"Come here and mop the floor here too."


The answer was a crisp female voice.


In the astonished eyes of the crowd, baby-5, who appeared as an enemy, picked up the mop next to him, and followed Kentucky's instructions to mop the ground with a satisfied face.

"what's the situation?"

Kentucky was puzzled.

But Buffalo shook his head helplessly:

Most outsiders don't know that his partner baby-5 actually has a huge flaw in his personality:

As long as she is needed by others, she is completely unable to refuse other people's requests, no matter how outrageous the request is.

So in addition to being baby-5's combat partner, Buffalo has also been playing the role of baby-5's guardian.

If he hadn't been watching, let alone fighting for the family, baby-5 would have been abducted and returned home long ago.


Now I just help people mop the floor.

Buffalo, who had to take care of baby-5 dozens of times a day and was worried about preventing her partner from being abducted, didn't bother to stop her voluntary labor.

At some point, two uninvited guests appeared on the street outside the store.

The two of them stopped far away from the store door, and observed the situation inside the store through the floor-to-ceiling glass windows with extremely strong eyesight.

These two are a man and a woman.

The clothes on them are very ordinary, but their respective hair colors are very eye-catching:

One is environmentally friendly green, and the other is charming pink.

These two are the two main fighters of Germa 66:

Eldest daughter Vinsmoke Reijo and fourth son Vinsmoke Yuuji.

Reiju was originally responsible for hunting down Kentucky alone.

However, after receiving the detailed information, Reiju fell into deep thought:

When she came last time, she obviously left a poisonous trap in the secret room.

But Kentucky not only didn't die, he didn't run away, and even reopened the fried chicken restaurant on the spot.

He is just a researcher, why should he be so unscrupulous in front of Germa 66?

Could it be

Behind Kentucky, are there other reliance?

With such doubts in mind, endless guesses arose in Reiju's heart.

For the sake of the success rate of the mission and her own safety, Reiju no longer came alone this time, but specially invited her younger brother Yongzhi to accompany her to complete the mission.

And now.

The doubts in Reiju's heart were finally solved:

"A member of Don Quixote's family?"

Reiju's tone became extremely dignified:

"That guy from Kentucky, actually got mixed up with Doflamingo?"

Doflamingo is the king of the underground world, monopolizing the arms trade in the New World all the year round.

It's no surprise that a greedy arms dealer mixes with a researcher who holds the secrets of clone warrior technology.

And look at the scene in the fried chicken shop:

That Kentucky, who has no power to restrain the chicken, is casually ordering the famous killer maid baby-5 of the Don Quixote family to clean up?

And Doflamingo's general Diamanti sat on the side, completely indifferent to this scene.


Kentucky is a rare place to live, and it was because of Germa 66's scientific research secrets that he gained a high position in the Don Quixote family.

"The Don Quixote family?"

Younger brother Yuji didn't think as much as Reiju thought.

Among the four "supermen" in Germa 66, Reiju's ability is poison, Iji's ability is fire, and Niji's ability is thunder.

Only Yongzhi is the simplest, and his special ability is great strength.

Having had such brute force since he was a child, his style of doing things is naturally very straightforward:

"Isn't it the cadre of the Don Quixote family?"

"Just kill and go in!"


Reiju wanted to stop subconsciously:

"The other party is sitting there waiting for us so openly, there must be something wrong"

But she didn't finish her sentence

However, Yongzhi had already put on a green high-tech combat uniform and rushed into the fried chicken restaurant.

With one blow, he kicked the glass door directly into fragments flying all over the sky:

Yuji made his grand debut, and immediately shouted coldly to the astonished Diamanti three:

"We Germa 66 people, you Don Quixote family dare to get involved?"


As soon as the words fell, he slammed a fist full of terror and brute force at Diamanti.

"Germa 66?"

Diamanti hurriedly drew out his sword to resist, but his heart was solemn:


This kid Luo really has a backer behind him!

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