The Pirate Garen

Chapter 393 Seeking Cooperation

Under Galen's questioning, Yixiao, Kerla and the others fell into deep thought.

Galen didn't interfere with their thinking any more, but turned his head and arranged with Zefa and other subordinates to execute Weibull and Miss Bajin.

Weibull is a lone gangster, there is no residual value to recycle, and it is the most convenient to chop it up directly.

But Galen specially brought these two guys here for execution, not only to educate Yixiao and others, but also to start filming the first issue of "Today's Statement".

Using a king Shichibukai with a bounty of 480 million as the opening protagonist, the educational effect is bound to be extraordinary.

Soon, the filming work will be ready.

The staff first interviewed the excited victims and asked the victims to tell their painful experiences of being persecuted and looted by Weibull.

Then, the camera of the image worm swept across the devastated town, and then the panicked and bloodless ugly face of the criminal Miss Bajin, and finally fixed on Zefa who was chosen by Galen as the host of the show .

Zefa is a highly respected naval instructor and an admiral who once led an era. His appeal in the navy and among the people is extraordinary.

"Today's Statement" is hosted by him, and it is more convincing.

"Edward Weible, and his mother, Miss Barkin"

Zefa read Weibull's past criminal records in his mouth, with a serious and sad expression.

It's still the same blacklist, it's still the same A3 paper, and the crimes committed by Weibull have reached five full pages.

When those shocking crimes were read out one by one, the air at the scene froze.

"In 1514 in the lunar calendar, Weibull attacked a naval recruit training warship and killed 102 naval recruits."

After reading this, Zefa's expression was distorted due to extreme anger.

Like those local residents, he was also a victim of Weibull's butcher knife, and the pain he suffered was even deeper.

Everyone could feel the anger in Zefa's heart.

But he still suppressed that anger, and continued to state Weibull's crimes one by one in an extremely cold tone.

Finally, Weibull's crimes were finished.

The air was dead silent.

"kill him!"

A thunderous howl suddenly broke out in the silence, and the hatred and anger of the crowd burned again.

Zefa couldn't hold back the anger in his heart for a long time, and raised the huge Hailoushi mechanical arm, trying to crush Weibull's head into mud.


Galen stopped Zepha, whose eyes were already red.

"Step aside!"

Zefa's emotions have become a little out of control, his eyes are red, and the flames of hatred are full:

"I'm going to kill this guy myself!"


Galen reassured him sternly:

"Zefa, don't let hatred blind you."

"If you kill people not for justice, but for hatred, then the incident at the previous end point is very likely to happen again."


Zefa was really shaken by Galen's few words, and couldn't help but let go of his clenched iron fist.


"Your hatred will be borne by me!"

Galen patted Zefer's arm, then raised his sword and walked up to Weibull, who was being slaughtered by the neck:


A bright golden light fell, and justice was finally served.

The victims cheered happily, and Zefa's face showed relief as if he had been reborn. Everything was so beautiful.

"that is."

Seeing that his boss took the initiative to help others "carry hatred", Luo, who had been recited by Galen twice before, couldn't help but muttered to himself:

"Why do I always feel that this scene looks familiar?"

The executions of Weibull and Miss Bajin have ended, and the filming of "Today's Statement" is coming to an end, while Galen's subordinates are helping the residents to repair the houses destroyed by Weibull.

"Senior Garen."

Kerla took the initiative to step forward and bid farewell to Galen solemnly:

"The matter of the Budokai is over, and Sabo and I should return to the headquarters of the Revolutionary Army."

"Your teaching today, I will keep it in my heart."

"Are you leaving?"

Hearing that Kerla and the others were about to leave, Galen suddenly thought of something:


"It just so happens that you guys are here now, and I have something I want to discuss with your revolutionary army."

"What's up?"

Sabo took the initiative to greet him, and he could tell that Galen was going to talk about something serious.

As the future successor of the Revolutionary Army, Sabo is the most powerful representative of this team.

Galen lowered his voice and said to Sabo:

"I believe you can also see that there will be a big battle between Kaido and me sooner or later."

"I want to know if your revolutionary army is interested in cooperating with me to eradicate Kaido's cancer together."

The Hundred Beasts Pirates occupy the natural dangers of the Wano Kingdom, with a large number of soldiers and sufficient combat power.

And the strength of Kaido, the "world's strongest creature", should not be underestimated:

You know, in the "future" without Galen, the straw hat Luffy, who was already the fifth emperor, was knocked unconscious by Kaido with a mace.

A known:

The strength of the Five Emperors Luffy is about equal to that of Katakuri. Katakuri has the ability to temporarily resist the mad mother, and now the upgraded Galen can already surpass the big mother in its heyday.


Five Emperors Luffy ≈ Katakuri ≈ 1 stick.

Big Mom ≈ 1.5 Katakuri ≈ 1.5 sticks.

Galen ≈ 1.5 aunt ≈ 2.25 sticks.

Rounded up according to this calculation, Galen can barely survive Kaido's two sticks. It's hard to say whether the old Whitebeard can survive two sticks. There are only a handful of people in the sea who can have two sticks.

Facing such a powerful enemy, Galen naturally had to make adequate preparations in advance.

And the Revolutionary Army, which is like-minded with him, is the powerful ally that Galen is most looking forward to.

"Eradicate Kaido?"

Sabo looked a little embarrassed.

There is no doubt that Kaido is the enemy of the Revolutionary Army and one of the major cancers that caused the turmoil in the sea.

He is the largest illegal weapons manufacturer in the sea, and even the arrogant Doflamingo before was just a peripheral horseman who helped him run arms sales.

However, the Revolutionary Army never confronted Kaido head-on.

The reason is simple, that is, insufficient military strength.

Although the revolutionary army has a huge organization, its members are usually scattered all over the sea to fight hard against the world government and its allied countries, and they are simply unable to provoke the Four Emperor Pirates.

They and Galen went in two directions:

Galen is temporarily succumbing to the world government and focusing on cleaning up the pirates.

The revolutionary army is temporarily coexisting peacefully with the pirates, focusing on resisting the world government.

Therefore, Galen's alliance proposal actually conflicts with the revolutionary army's grand strategy.

"Feel sorry."

After much deliberation, Sabos could only temporarily reject Galen's proposal:

"This matter is of great importance, and it is not for me to make a decision."

"I have to go back and discuss with the leader before I can give a formal answer."

"no problem."

Naturally, Galen didn't expect to gain an ally right away, but said to Sabo meaningfully:

"I hope that the two of us can cooperate as soon as possible."

"After all, apart from Kaido, we have a common enemy."


Sabo understood what Galen meant, and couldn't help asking with some overjoyed:

"Galen, are you ready to start rebelling against the tyranny of the World Government?"

Although Galen's theories and ideas have been widely spread among the revolutionary army, he himself has always acted like an ally of the world government, and there is no sign of rebellion.

And if Galen also unequivocally joins the revolution, then the struggle situation of the revolutionary army will definitely be greatly improved.

Therefore, they have been expecting Galen to take substantive actions against the world government.


Facing Sabo's question, Galen no longer concealed it as before.

He has grown to such a size that he can threaten the world government. Even if he talks about peaceful coexistence and mutual benefit, the world government will never believe it.

Judging from the intelligence sent back by Spandam and Kalifa, the top leaders of the world government are already studying how to deal with him, a "law-abiding citizen".

Galen had no choice but to rebel.

Therefore, Galen said loudly in front of everyone without concealment:

"The more pirates I kill, the clearer I am:"

"It is not the One Piece King or those pirates who took advantage of the chaos that created this era of great pirates, but the world government."

"It is because there are a group of thieves living high above the temple that there will be more and more thieves on the sea."

"That's right!"

Sabo and others echoed with deep feeling.

And Galen directly expressed his strategic direction to Saab:

"When I get rid of Kaido's cancer, and then integrate the pirate forces in the new world, I will officially go to war with the world government."

"At that time, I hope to fight side by side with your revolutionary army."

"It will definitely work!"

Sabo heard a surge of emotion, and promised again with a serious face:

"Galen, I will do my best to facilitate this cooperation."

"I'll leave it to you, Comrade Sabo!"

Galen and Sabo shook hands tightly and formally bid farewell.

After watching Sabo and others go away, Galen turned around and asked with a smile:

"Smile, how about it?"

"Do you want to continue reading?"

"no need."

He shook his head with a smile, a relieved smile appeared on the corner of his mouth:

"I've seen enough."

He put on the ancient etiquette of a swordsman, and bowed solemnly to Galen:

"Galen, I am willing to be your helper!"

"Please let me see the day when justice will be done."


Galen raised a smile with a smile, and the atmosphere was harmonious.

And just when Galen was about to leave with a smile, the brisk chirping of the news bird suddenly sounded in the sky.

Galen called down the newsbird out of habit and bought a newspaper.


Looking at the information in the newspaper, Galen suddenly had a bold idea.


He put down the newspaper, smiled seriously and said:

"I have an important task for you."

"Please say."

"I will do my best to complete it."

Yixiao had just joined Galen's command, and it was the time when he wanted to shine.

"Look at this newspaper"

Galen handed over the newspaper without saying a word.


There was a silence for a while, and after holding back for a long time, he said:

"My knowledge-colored domineering can only perceive things with outlines, and cannot be used for reading."

"Cough cough."

Galen took the newspaper back with some embarrassment, and explained with a smile:

"What is written in the newspaper is a major decision just released by the world government."


A little puzzled with a smile.

A gleam flashed in Galen's eyes:

"World conscription."

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