The Pirate Garen

Chapter 406 The heroic and dedicated Stracey

Under Galen's iron-fisted rectification, the task force effectively controlled pornography-related operators and prostitutes headed by CP0 agents such as Stracey, while Debang soldiers carried out investigations on hundreds of entertainment venues throughout the city. A further unified investigation was carried out.

And the fact is just as Galen thought, none of the buttocks of this kind of black enterprise is clean.

There is no need to obtain information and evidence in advance. As long as you dare to come and investigate, you can immediately find out the big problem:

There is a huge secret prison built underground on Happy Street, in which nearly a thousand slaves guarded and imprisoned by CP0 agents are imprisoned.

On the wharf of Happy Street, the soldiers even found a cargo ship full of all kinds of slaves, who didn't know where they were going.

Apparently, this slave business has already been expanded by Happy Street and sold domestically for export.

"You guys."

"The business is doing quite well, isn't it?"

After Galen received the definite news from his subordinates, his face became extremely gloomy.

In order to wait for the results of the investigation, he randomly found a luxury hotel to settle down, and he is now sitting on the sofa in the hotel lobby.

As for Stracey, who had no hope of escape, and the CP0 agents who had been beaten to death by Galen, they stood obediently in front of him like children who had been trained in mistakes, listening to him obediently.

"If you only deal in flesh and blood, I won't pursue it further."


"Keeping slaves? Human trafficking?"

"Are you trying to be Doflamingo II?"

Galen stared at Stracey and the others coldly, the faint murderous intent in his eyes made the surrounding air chill.

Stracey's expression became more and more ugly.

She muttered at the corner of her mouth, not knowing how to explain, her cheeks were pale with blood loss.

Stracey's performance is quite determined, her subordinates who were beaten half to death by Galen have already shrunk their heads tremblingly, and they are too guilty to look at Galen.

"Gai, Lord Galen!"

Finally, a CP0 agent who was covered in cuts and bruises endured the pain and plucked up his courage to argue:

"These businesses are actually the property of the nobles of the world."

"After you killed Doflamingo, the supply of slaves required by the nobles of the world was insufficient, so we instructed CP0 to take over the work."


"We are just doing things for the Tianlong people!"


Galen raised his tone and deliberately teased:

"you mean"

"Do you deserve to die, let me go to the Holy Land to kill those Tianlong people?"


The agents wanted to nod and say yes, but they didn't dare to hold back the outrageous words after holding back for a long time.

And Stracey gave the talkative subordinate a hard look, and signaled this agent, who was not loyal to his master and was too flustered to speak, to shut up quickly.


Stracey bit the bullet to calm herself down, and tried her best to persuade Galen:

"We all admit these crimes, and you don't have to do business on Happy Street. You can take all the slaves and treasures here."

"But we are CP0 people after all, can you give the world government a face and let us leave"

"Stracey, don't take the face of your world government too seriously."

Galen was not moved at all, but replied coldly:

"If I don't kill the Tianlongren who are behind the scenes, I'm already giving face to the world government."

"As for you hawks and lackeys who help the evildoers"


He snorted coldly, causing dozens of agents present to tremble in unison.

Doflamingo's end is not far away, and they all seem to have seen their own end.


Stracey swallowed nervously, and then wanted to bite the bullet and try something else.

Although she had long been prepared to sacrifice her life for the world government, she still didn't want to die if she could.

However, just when Stracey was faintly desperate.

The awe-inspiring righteousness on Galen's face suddenly disappeared, and instead he put on an evil smile with a bit of a villain flavor:

"The face of the world government cannot save you people."

"But, Stracey."

He stared straight at Stracey's fair and flawless face, and said meaningfully:

"Your face still has some effect."


Stracey was slightly taken aback.

But Galen stood up directly and walked in front of Stracey, condescendingly admiring Stracey's beautiful face with a little bit of nervousness and doubts at a close distance:

"Stracey, I can let you live."

"But you'll have to come into the room with me and have a private talk."


Stracey was a little dazed:

"Alone? Talk?"

The CP0 agents behind her also looked surprised, not knowing what to say.

This is the place of Fengyue.

A man and a woman want to run into the room to "talk" alone, and ghosts know what they are going to talk about.


Stracey said in surprise, "You, are you serious?"


"Don't you want to?"

There was a faint smile on the corner of Galen's mouth, and the smile was very aggressive.

As a truly domineering president, Galen's aura is very strong.


Stracey was a little incoherent.

Although she is the Queen of Happy Street, she usually does this kind of business, but when will the restaurant owner personally serve the guests?

As a high-ranking senior agent in CP0 and an intelligence expert trusted by high-level government officials, Stracey's job has never been to entertain people with sex.

She could only forcefully smile and decline:


"What we don't lack here is beautiful women, and there are many prettier than me, how about..."


Galen's attitude is very firm:

"All I want is you, the Queen of Happy Street."

As he said that, Galen took Stracey's slender arm unceremoniously, and directly dragged Stracey who was in a trance to the guest room area of ​​the hotel.


A bunch of CP0 agents who stayed behind looked at each other in blank dismay:

"Galen, he actually took Chief Stracey with him."

"What's happening here?"

He came to Happy Street to sweep up pornography and rectify with great fanfare, and in the end.

Going to "have fun with the people" by yourself?

Sanctimonious! brazen! Hypocrisy to the max!

The three views of the agents are completely ruined.

Immediately afterwards, these agents who were seriously injured and lost their freedom even forgot about their own situation, and chattered with excitement:

"It's not impossible."

"It is said that Galen likes princesses and queens the most. Doesn't our Chief Stacy also have the title of 'Queen of Joy Street'?"

"Besides, Chief Stacy's appearance is no different from that of a pretty girl."

A group of agents carefully analyzed Galen's mental activities before finally reacting:

"In this case."

"Don't we have to die?"


The agents all looked relieved, and suddenly felt infinite gratitude to their Chief Stacy:

"Thanks to Chief Stracey who died heroically for us."

"We will never forget this kindness!"

Galen dragged Stracey and walked into an empty luxury room in the hotel.

The guest room is spacious and luxuriously decorated, but because it is located on Happy Street, the decoration style of the whole room reveals an ambiguous atmosphere.

Especially after the man and woman walked in, this ambiguous feeling became even stronger.

By this time, Stracey had completely calmed down.

She is a mature and stable senior female agent, not the kind of little princess who would blush and heartbeat after being teased by Galen twice.

Although she didn't know why Galen would make such a request to her, Stracey immediately figured everything out after recovering from the initial shock:

Galen is obsessed with sex, which is a good thing for her.

This not only saved his life, but he might also take the opportunity to shorten the distance with Galen and contribute to the intelligence work of the World Government.

Moreover, as a pseudo-girl who can even get along with her aunt's peers, Stracey looks at problems in a completely different way from those real girls who are not deeply involved in the world:

She is just an older female agent, while Galen is young, strong, handsome, with extraordinary bearing, standing at the top of the world in terms of status and power

After careful calculation, Stracey found that she seemed to be doing well in this wave.

"Cough cough."

After Stracey finished adjusting her mentality, her tense body immediately relaxed, and her cheeks also had a slightly charming and seductive expression.

Then, she asked Galen with some concern:

"We... this is the beginning?"

"Let's start directly."

Galen returned her a broad smile.

Then, Stracey felt that Galen's warm and generous palm was tightly held on her arm, causing her whole body to feel hot.

then and then

A cold and hard object was suddenly cuffed in her hand.

"Hailoushi handcuffs?"

Stracey was slightly taken aback.

I saw that Galen took out a pair of Hailoushi handcuffs out of nowhere, and they tightly handcuffed his hands and Stracey's hands together.

"That's right."

Galen's smile was still bright:

"Shackle you and me together so that you won't move around later."


Even though Stracey had a calm aura, she couldn't help but blush a little bit now.

She is the queen of Happy Street. Although she doesn't play in person, she is well-informed.

There are indeed many customers who have some special hobbies for things like handcuffs.

It's just that Stracey didn't expect that she would be used by others one day.

And when she was flustered and her cheeks were burning hot, the door that was only half-closed before was suddenly pushed open.

"who is it?"

Stracey cast a vigilant look instinctively:

I saw a little girl with cute brown bangs and girly double ponytails coming out from behind the door.


Galen seemed to have expected the girl's appearance, but he just greeted him indifferently: "Come in!"


Stracey was too shocked to speak:

Galen actually, actually called another woman over?

She is well-informed, and knows that many customers like this tune of using less to win more, but she didn't expect that she would bump into it one day.

However, Stracey's shock was not over yet

Behind Brin who had just entered the room, there was another young man with a handsome face, a slender figure and a spotted hat walking in.

As soon as he came in, he closed the door tightly with his backhand, and then yelled at Galen solemnly:


Galen nodded in response, then smiled and said to the man:


"Everyone is here, let's get started!"


Stracey was completely bewildered.

Some people, on the surface, are knights of justice, but secretly

She finally couldn't bear the long-suppressed strange emotion in her heart, and cursed at Galen:


"You pervert!"

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