Galen dropped the bionic mask, revealing his well-known face.

Then, he entered the digitalization mode, and transformed into the more famous armored sword.

Heitan Dashe stared and opened his mouth, almost spitting out his last breath.

"Cover, cover, cover"

The tongues of the senior agents were all a little knotted, and they all stuttered.

They never thought that the "Ghost Chief" who led them these days turned out to be


"This, how is this possible?"

The CP0 agents looked at each other in amazement, as if seeing aliens:


Galen laughed out loud, full of jokes in his smile:

"You are not mistaken."

"I, Galen, am your 'Ghost Commander'."


The CP0 agents looked at each other.

In the face of this unimaginable upheaval, their brains are a little bit overwhelmed.

"It's very simple."

"The real ghost chief has been killed by me a long time ago."

Galen chuckled and answered their inner doubts.

"Why, how did this happen?"

The complexions of the agents changed drastically, and one agent with a simpler mind and a more straightforward temper couldn't help asking:

"Aren't you an ally of our world government?"


Galen smiled even more heartily:

"I'm an ally of the World Government? Who told you that?"

"The Ghost Chief Says"

The upright agent replied subconsciously, and before he finished speaking, his face turned into a funny pig liver color.

Because Galen has always had a very harmonious relationship with the world government on the surface, and these agents did not know about Galen spreading reactionary readings in the East China Sea, so when the "ghost" fooled them, they really believed that. The theory that Galen and the World Government played a double act and conspired to eradicate Kaido.

Under the forceful brainwashing of "Ghost", this statement is really deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

However, the "Ghost Chief" who advocated the "Galen Ally Theory" has completely changed his face now:


"Even if the world government doesn't come to me, sooner or later I will show my sword against it."

"From the first day of my debut, those Tianlong people have been on my blacklist."

Galen no longer concealed his thoughts, and loudly stated his uprising declaration in front of all CP0 agents:

"Pirates, nobles, and the world government are all my enemies!"

"And their ending, in the end, there is only one—"

As soon as the words fell, the big sword in Galen's hand drew a dazzling arc in midair, beheading the black charcoal snake with its last breath.

The black charcoal snake that had been lingering on its last breath became a prop for Galen to create a speech atmosphere.

"As for you."

He raised the blood-stained sword in his hand, and a sense of oppression suddenly appeared in his eyes:

"Are you going to go to hell with reactionaries like Heitan Orochi, or are you going to accept reform and follow me to revolt and overthrow the world government?"

The answer is obvious.

Although these CP0 agents are loyal, they are not loyal enough to die.

Now that Galen is beheading snakes and revolting, if they don't follow in the rebellion, Galen will be the next one to behead them.

"Master Galen!"

The CP0 agents bowed their heads to Galen in a timely manner, and the small calculations in their hearts were also crackling:

In any case, let's surrender to save our lives.

As for whether to accept the transformation honestly in the future, or to find a chance to return to the world government, then we have to look at the limelight.

"very good."

Galen did not give them any chance to be fooled:

"Since you both intend to do anything anyway, then take advantage of the opportunity and accept a vote!"

On the other side, the upper echelon of the Revolutionary Army besieged the aerial battlefield of Yan Calamity Gold and Plague Quinn.

The high-level combat power of the Revolutionary Army has an absolute advantage, but Jin and Quinn are accompanied by two ships of elite minions, and their own strength is also very hardcore, which is not so easy to deal with.

Therefore, when Galen killed the black charcoal snake and the golden lion suppressed Shileu of the Rain, Sabo and other senior officials of the revolutionary army were still fighting fiercely with the enemy, and they were unable to take Jin and Quinn for a long time.

Quinn was alright, the big scorpion was just rough and thick, and it was hard to break through. Trapped on this isolated island at an altitude of 10,000 meters and surrounded by revolutionary army cadres, it would be a dead end sooner or later.

However, Quinn's elder brother Yan disaster gold is different:

Jin is an ability user of the Eudemons system, who can incarnate the divine bird Garuda, and this vast sky is almost his home field.

His figure was burly, tall, strong and heavy, but under the action of the pair of flaming wings, he flew as fast as a goshawk and as flexible as a black swallow.

The senior cadres of the Revolutionary Army can only fly at high altitude in the black crows driven by the crows of the "Northern Army", which is far inferior to Jin, who can fly by himself, in terms of flexibility and mobility.

However, due to the large number of revolutionary soldiers and abundant combat power, Jin still encountered a lot of trouble.

Especially Sabo who led the ambush team, after seeing the power of Galen's fake Devil Fruit, he asked Nami for some devil fruit candies suitable for air combat before coming.

Most of the other senior cadres of the revolutionary army are already devil fruit capable users, so they cannot enjoy this kind of benefits.

Therefore, Sabo is now incarnated as a temporary thunder fruit capable user, and started a fierce fight with Jin who was incarnated as the divine bird Garuda in the sky:


Although Sabo has just come into contact with the thunder fruit, his own strength is far stronger than the half-baked Thor Enel, so the lightning strike effect displayed is much more powerful than Enel.

He just had a thought, and a thunderbolt with a thickness of more than ten meters suddenly fell from the sky.

This thunder light was so bright that it even eclipsed the sun on that day, and even engulfed the gold that shuttled high in the sky in an instant.

When the thunder light disappeared, the Garuda bird with flames on its body was struck by the high-energy lightning so that wisps of black smoke came out.

And Sabo didn't give Jin a chance to breathe, and soon turned into a thunderbolt and approached quickly, and concentrated all the strength of his body on his arms, and blasted his fingers into claws to kill him with one blow:

"Dragon's Claw—"

Sabo is proficient in a special martial art called Dragon Claw Fist, and he has always followed the route of a strong physicist relying on fist and kick skills.

But his comprehension is extremely high, so after experiencing the counterfeit version of the Thunderbolt fruit for a long time, he spontaneously combined his own martial arts and fruit abilities, and comprehended the special Dragon Claw Fist that is ten times more powerful:

"Thunder Dragon's Collapsing Fist!"

Lightning rays of lightning continuously condensed on Sabo's fist, and the ear-piercing sound of the electric current was like a thousand birds chirping together.

The moment Sabo punched out, the extremely condensed electric energy was also released, turning into a blazing thunder dragon blasting out with the wind of the fist, and showing its ferocious fangs towards Jin.

Jin was engulfed by the thunder light once again, and the powerful punch combined with it made him tremble all over, and even lost a few bird feathers stained with golden flames on the spot.


Relying on his incomparable physical strength, Jin received two blows from Sabo, and his face became extremely ugly.

When playing against Sabo, he could clearly feel:

The kid in the revolutionary army in front of him is becoming more and more proficient in using the fruit ability, the way of manipulating lightning attacks is becoming more and more precise and powerful, and the speed of elements turning into lightning and leaping in the air is getting faster and faster.

Coupled with several other revolutionary army masters riding black crows and biting him tightly, he has absolutely no chance of winning.

"It can't go on like this."

Jin Yaoyao glanced at Quinn, who was stuck on a floating boat and was besieged by a group of revolutionary masters because he couldn't fly, and made a firm decision in his heart:

"Quinn, wish you luck!"

"I have to go first."

The situation is so severe that Jin can't care about his brotherhood, so he can only put his own life safety first.

"Fire Hurricane!"

The flames lingering on his body suddenly became more than ten times stronger, shining so that half of the blue sky turned red.

Immediately afterwards, the flaming wings on Jin's back shook violently, and the extremely bright flame roared out from his wings, and accompanied by the airflow of the pair of giant wings, it condensed into a huge and incomparable Flame tornado.

This flame tornado is so hot that the cold air at high altitudes is heated up rapidly, so that it looks a little distorted.

Sabo, Betty, Crow and other cadres of the besieging Revolutionary Army fled themselves to hide, not daring to collide with them head-on.

And after Jin suppressed his opponent with the flame hurricane, he immediately seized this hard-won gap, exhausted all his strength, and pushed the wings on his back to the extreme:

"Burning Wings!"

The flames wrapped around his wings further heated up and exploded, blazing like a sun.

At the same time, Jin's flying speed suddenly increased several times, as if a rocket engine was installed.

His figure turned into a golden-red streamer, and he disappeared from Sabo in an instant, and fled towards the vast and vast sky in the distance.

Sabo was already out of reach, and only the northern army commander Crow, who was closer to Jin, still had a chance to pursue him:

"Mad eating crows!"

Countless black crows around him fluttered out one after another, pounced on the enemy from top to bottom like a crow flying a plane.

"Don't come in the way!"

With a roar, Jin burst out with all his strength, completely igniting himself with the most powerful flame.

Before those crows had time to get close to Jin's body, they were burned to ashes by the extremely hot flames around him, and soon disappeared in the howling cold wind high above.

In the end, Jin, who wanted to escape, succeeded in breaking out of the encirclement of the revolutionary army.

Although Sabo and several other senior cadres of the Revolutionary Army are still chasing after him, Jin is still confident that he will be able to escape.

His tense mood finally relaxed a little.

Then, something that surprised Jin even more happened:

I saw two connected airships floating in front of him at high speed. They were the ships of his colleague Kurotan Orochi and the ally World Government.

"Very good!"

Jin hurriedly flew to the front of the ship and said overjoyed:

"Help me!"

"There is a revolutionary army chasing me!"

What answered him was a storm of chopping waves and flying finger guns.

And the ones who attacked him were the senior CP0 agents whom Jin regarded as allies.

"Are they all crazy?!"

Jin roared hysterically:

"You don't fight the revolutionary army, come and fight me, an ally?"

"That's right!"

These senior agents all looked serious, with awe-inspiring righteousness on their faces:

"We are fighting you, the pirate reactionary!"


Jin choked hard and couldn't help asking:

"You are CP0, why are you helping the Revolutionary Army?!"

In any case, he never imagined that CP0, representing the world government, would be able to mix with the revolutionary army.

The senior agents looked at the great sword held by Galen's right hand next to him, and they could only answer with courage according to Galen's intention:

"Sorry, we are undercover!"

After speaking, the senior agents looked at the image worm Galen held in his left hand.

They can never go back.

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