The Pirate Garen

Chapter 465 Identity Exposure

Navy Headquarters.

Admiral Akainu is a model worker in the navy, and he rarely has leisure time.

The war is imminent, and he will work tirelessly every day to inspect the school grounds on time and supervise the training of the naval officers and soldiers.

And the training situation of the navy is indeed not optimistic, and Akainu can be keenly aware of:

With the step-by-step advancement of Galen's propaganda campaign, the morale of the sailors has almost dropped to freezing point, and they can't raise their spirits in training and preparations.

Morale dropped to freezing point, but resentment towards the world government gradually climbed to burning point.

It only takes a small spark to set off a flame with the potential to start a prairie fire.

Fortunately, under the difficult suppression of the hawk generals such as Akainu, the fire has not been completely burned yet.

However, the little flames still ignited uncontrollably, one after another in the Navy Headquarters.

And now, when Akainu had just rushed to the training school grounds to patrol, he saw another cluster of "flames" among the navy soldiers:

"Is this war meaningful?"

"We are here to prepare for war, who are we fighting for?"

A young officer shouted loudly in front of the soldiers, his eyes were staring straight at his officer, and he didn't stop at all because of the officer's scolding.

Arbitrary discussion of state affairs, inciting rebellion, disturbing the morale of the army, and contradicting superior officials.

Akainu has seen no less than ten such extreme people in these days.

From the initial rage and severe punishment to today's numbness and ignorance, Akainu's heart has also undergone unknown changes in this general environment.

He was already familiar with this phenomenon, but this time the situation made him a little surprised:

The senior officer who contradicted him face to face was none other than Vice Admiral Ghost Spider, a powerful general among the hawks.

Ghost Spider is a taciturn and ruthless person, a staunch successor of Akainu's "absolute justice" concept, and has always had an unshakable majesty in front of his subordinates.

No matter how close his subordinates are, they dare not smile in front of the ghost spider.

In a certain mission, the ghost spider once ordered the bombing and sinking of the enemy's pirate ship regardless of the casualties of the civilian hostages.

Faced with the opposition of his subordinates, the ghost spider's reaction was not to argue with his subordinates, but to

Pull out the saber directly, and chop all those subordinates who do not agree with absolute justice into the infirmary.

And now.

But there is a radical young officer who dares to spread reactionary ideas in front of the ghost spider?

What surprised Akainu even more was:

Not only did the ghost spider not draw his sword directly like before, but his tone of speech was not so harsh, as if he had no confidence to argue with that subordinate.

"Ghost spider?"

Akainu called out the ghost spider's name in some surprise.

"General Sakaski?"

The ghost spider noticed the surprise in Akainu's tone, and a helpless expression appeared on his face that was always so cold that his face was paralyzed.

Just by looking at this expression, Akainu knew that the ghost spider's thoughts were inevitably slipping.

"Ghost Spider!"

Akainu put on the aura of the iron-blooded general, and shouted to the ghost spider with some dissatisfaction:

"Since you are still a vice admiral, you have to do your duty as a vice admiral and lead the troops for me!"

"The soldiers under him are in a mess, and they don't even train. What does it look like?!"


Hearing Akaken's scolding, Ghost Spider immediately corrected his mentality:

"The subordinate has indeed dereliction of duty."

As the spokesperson of "absolute justice", Akainu is a benchmark of justice and loyalty among these hawk generals, and has an unusual appeal in the hearts of ghost spiders and others.

As soon as he spoke, the ghost spider quickly realized his dereliction of duty as a soldier.

After being swept away by Akainu's somewhat dissatisfied gaze, Ghost Spider felt even more ashamed of his doubts about absolute justice in his heart.

With the appearance of Akainu, the school grounds, which had been noisy just now, immediately quieted down.

The young officer who dared to fight even a ghost spider face to face, somehow lost his original momentum after seeing Akainu.


Before the young officer could speak, Akainu approached him with a cold face:

"Tell me, are you still in the Navy?"

As soon as the questioning sounded, the scene became much quieter again.

Akainu's power in the navy is unmatched. Except for Aokiji, who was of the same level as before, no one dared to confront him face to face.

The young officer who was being targeted by Akainu was also unknowingly frightened out of courage, and he couldn't hold back a word for a long time.

"I won't discuss justice or the meaning of war with you."

When he said this, Akainu was actually a little bit lacking in confidence.

However, as an admiral, Akainu knows that he must maintain the most basic military discipline of the navy:

"Let me ask you, are you still a navy?"

"Yes Yes"

The young officer finally came up with a stammering answer.

"Since you are still in the navy, you can tell me."

Akainu put on the majesty of the admiral, and asked with a cold face:

"What is the duty of a soldier?"

"obey orders."

The young officer replied bravely.


Akainu's voice became more and more oppressive, so that the naval officers present dared to breathe too loudly:

"In that case."

"As your chief, have I ever given an order not to train or prepare for war?"

The marines lowered their heads in shame, while Akainu's scolding continued:

"When did I say that there is no need to fight this battle?"

"When did I say that you are allowed to say these words during training?!"

"If you don't even want to listen to the officer, then don't waste your time talking, just take off your military uniform."

Before his impassioned speech was over, a shrill voice suddenly sounded beside him:


This voice not only called Akainu by his name, but also carried a touch of sarcasm and a lot of pride, without any respect for the admiral.


Akainu followed the prestige and saw a group of CP0 agents in white suits at a glance.

The leader of the team is none other than Spandam, the son of the chief of military command and the loyal lackey of the Tianlong people.


Akainu recognized this good dog of Tianlongren, and an undisguised disgust appeared on his face:

"Now is the time for our naval training."

"What are you running here for?"


Spandam snorted coldly, then put on the look of a villain, and laughed wildly:

"Ha ha ha ha."

"Ask me what I'm doing here?"

"Of course they are here to catch the traitor!"

Speaking, Spandam also deliberately shook the Hailoushi handcuffs in his hand, and said triumphantly to Akainu:


"Please obediently cooperate with our work!"

In fact, Wu Laoxing asked Spandain to invite Akainu over, referring to the kind "please".

But when the word "please" came to the mind of Spandain, a loyal dog, it became a ruthless "catch".

But when the word "catch" came to Spandain's good son Spandam, who volunteered to carry out the task, but harbored evil intentions in his belly, it completely turned into an almost insulting "cuff".

This is not Spandam's original intention, but the arrangement of a certain behind-the-scenes mastermind.

However, this is indeed true for Spandam.

He only needs to use his ugly face that he has trained for many years to serve the lackeys of the Tianlong people to the fullest, and he can make all the naval officers and soldiers present, including the red dog, so sick that they want to rebel.

"to cooperate in work?"

"What work do you cooperate with?"

Akainu was slightly taken aback by Spandam's arrogant attitude, and after a moment of hesitation, he replied with a straight face:

"What does your CP0's capture of rebellion have to do with me, Sakaski?"

"Ha ha ha ha."

Spandam laughed wildly again:

"How dare you pretend to be garlic?!"

"The rebellion who secretly communicated with the German bandit is not elsewhere, nor is it someone else"

"It's you!"

Spandam pointed at Akainu's nose and shouted aggressively:

"Admiral, Sakalski!"


As soon as this remark came out, the sailors were all dumbfounded.

Soon, there was an uncontrollable commotion in the crowd:


"General Sakaski secretly communicated with the German bandits? How is this possible?"

Most of the people were so shocked that they couldn't close their mouths from ear to ear, as if they had heard some fantasy:

"He was still educating us just now"

"how to yourself"

Everyone's expressions became extremely strange.

As a loyal follower of Akainu, Ghost Spider was shocked by this horrifying news.


Akainu was furiously stimulated by this groundless accusation, and couldn't help but yelled at Spandam:

"I, Sakaski, have worked in the navy all my life, how can I be a bandit?!"


Spandam snorted coldly, and said calmly:

"Your good friend Polusalino is also in the Old Navy, isn't he defecting as well?"


Akainu choked hard, but was a little powerless to refute.

Huang Yuan and Chi Quan are fellows from Xihai. They joined the army in the same year, trained in the same class, and graduated in the same batch. They are indeed old friends for many years.


"It's not impossible that General Huang Yuan is already General Red Dog."

Under Spandam's deliberate instigation, such discussions began to sound among the navy officers and men:

"Besides, General Sakaski was saved by Galen before."


As soon as these harsh discussions sounded, the anger ignited in Akainu's heart became even more sizzling:

"Shameless villain!"

"You say I'm a traitor, what evidence do you have?"


Spandam smiled dismissively, and took out a black phone bug from his arms:

"I really don't cry without seeing the coffin!"

"If our CP0 has no evidence, how can we come here to arrest someone?"

As he said that, he directly raised the black phone bug high up, and started the playback mode in front of hundreds of naval officers and soldiers:

"who is it?"


"It's been a while, Akainu."

"Remember us."

The dialogue is short, but extremely informative.


The angry Akainu was so excited by the phone recording that he blurted out a sentence:

"You guys tapped my phone?!"


The air was instantly quiet.

Although Akainu just wanted to vent his dissatisfaction that he was not trusted as a general, but when he said this, he undoubtedly admitted the authenticity of the wiretap recording.

Obviously, Akainu really made this secret phone call with Galen, and there is still some kind of unknown agreement.

The charge of red dog gangsters has been confirmed.

The eyes of the navy officers and soldiers looking at Akainu suddenly became extremely strange.

Red Dog, Galen's "undercover agent" in the navy, was exposed just like that.

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