Since the bodies of Luo Cheng and Lu Jiu had been confirmed dead, the Warring States gave the order for the navy to retreat.

On the shore, tens of thousands of navies boarded the warships one by one in an orderly manner, and their faces did not have much excitement about killing Luo Cheng and Lu Jiu, some only doubts.

It’s so weird, it’s incredible. Luo Cheng, who was obviously so powerful in Rogue Town, was actually killed by a gun like this?

If it weren’t for the bodies of Luo Cheng and Lu Jiu right in front of their eyes, and the bloody scene was still vividly remembered, they wouldn’t have believed this kind of thing at all.

The yellow ape looked at the silent Warring States, Zefa, and Red Inu, and everyone’s faces were also puzzled.

The yellow ape grinned and said, “Don’t put on such a scary face!” The fact is that you killed Gord Rocheng and the wife of One Piece, Sa, be happy. ”

The yellow ape’s joking tone made Warring States wait for him and said in a deep voice: “I always feel that there is something wrong here, and Luo Cheng said those words before he was shot, I care a lot!” ”

The yellow ape shrugged

“Whatever, people are dead anyway, think whatever you want!” If you are still in doubt, simply bring the bodies of Gord Luocheng and Bitkas D Lujiu back to Vegapunk for study, and then no matter what secrets he has, he can study them. ”

Sengoku nodded, and there was no need for the yellow ape to say, he had already ordered his navy to do so.

“Well, the matter is over, the whole army returns to the headquarters of the Navy, Marin Fandor.”


As one warship after another moved and slowly sailed away from this nameless island, the entire island suddenly fell into a brief period of peace and quiet.

On this day, the world shook again.

Countless newspapers were distributed around the world through the news birds, and Gal Durocheng died, as did the wife of One Piece Gal Roger. In just a moment, the world was once again moved and shocked.

Chambord Islands, inside a small wine house.

Looking at the news placed on the table, One Piece’s deputy captain Hades Renly couldn’t help but shed tears in his eyes, drinking liquor one after another, trying to anesthetize himself with alcohol.

“Renly, you don’t want this. Maybe Luo Cheng and Lu Jiu are not dead, maybe the Navy sometimes reports such fake news, doesn’t it? ”

Xia Qi took a cigarette and gently exhaled a puff of smoke. Saying this, even she herself did not believe it.

Although the Navy does deliberately report errors in some newspapers to guide the direction of fishing vessels. For example, Roger was not caught by the Navy, but turned himself in. But the death of two people, this cannot be tampered with in any way.

That is, they are indeed dead, confirmed by the Navy to be really dead.

Reilly drank wine one after another, and for a long time, tremblingly got up from his chair, and walked towards the door step by step. “Renly, where do you want to go?”

“Hiccup!” Renly burped drunkenly, shook his head and said, “I’m fine, I just think life is really tired.” I want to go around casually. ”

Xia Qi exhaled softly: “Come back early!” ”

Xia Qi knew that Renly was a person who would not do stupid things, but maybe the mighty Hades King Renly would really retire from now on and become a bad old man.

On the other side, an island in the East China Sea.

Crokdal, whose left hand was cut off by Luo Cheng, held the newspaper and laughed: “Good, good.” Luo Cheng, you are finally dead. ”

Klockdar smiled viciously, looked at the left hand that was cut off by Luo Cheng, and suddenly felt that the world was bright.

In front of him, there were more than a dozen dried corpses that had been sucked dry, looking extremely terrifying.

In the new world, Whitebeard is also embarrassed, although he laments that Roger’s relatives died like this, but it is not his business. It is naturally good to be alive, but if he dies, he can only be blamed for his poor life.

On this day, the news of Luo Cheng’s death was well known, and the navy once again won a big victory.

On the island in the South China Sea, Luo Cheng and Lu Jiu looked at the news sent by the navy and laughed separately.

PS (The new book urgently needs to be collected, the book is changed four times a day, flowers, and if there is free time, you can also call crazy.) If you have 1300V today, add another one. Come on, everyone! )

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