Although the name does not give the name D, there is no doubt that Joey Boy’s philosophy is consistent with the philosophy of the D family.

Therefore, as time goes by, Joey Boy becomes more and more surrounded by everyone in the D family, and his status increases accordingly.

Joey Boy believes that it is difficult for the D clan alone to completely overthrow the rule of God. To be able to solve them, we will need thousands of help from all over the world.

As a result, the idea of freedom began to spread around the world with Joey Boy.

In particular, the giants who were most severely enslaved by gods were deeply influenced by Joey Boy’s ideas, and thus joined the front line against the rule of gods.

With the addition of more combat power, and the fact that Devil Fruits are no longer rare in the world, God’s control over the world is increasingly weakened.

The shipbuilders of the Seven Capitals of Water were finally freed. They joined Joey Boy’s team and built a super battleship in order to defeat God.

That was the official appearance of the three ancient weapons – Pluto.

Among them, the ancestral king of Alabasta became the commander of Hades and joined the camp against the gods.

In order to reverse the defeat, God’s side also created a super weapon, the ancient weapon-King of Heaven.

The duel between two super weapons brought the world to the brink of destruction.

In order to reduce casualties, Joyboy, who had become the leader of the D clan, sought foreign aid from the Ryugu Kingdom under the sea. It happened that the mermaid princess at that time appeared once in hundreds of years and had the power to summon several Neptune-like Neptunes.

Joey Boy made an agreement with the then mermaid princess that after the war was won, he would help them solve the problem of racial discrimination, just like he did with the giants, so that they could live equally on land.

In the end, the coalition with two ancient weapons and the D family defeated the god.

The D clan, the first to stand up against God and lead the coalition to victory, was later called God’s natural enemy.

After the gods were defeated, more kingdoms began to appear around the world.

The D clan established a great kingdom in Ladru, and built Noah’s Ark in order to fulfill their agreement with the mermaid princess.

Everything seems to be going in a good direction.

But among the annihilated clan of gods, a very cunning careerist secretly survived.

After the god’s regime was overthrown, that careerist secretly invaded the great kingdom and gradually gained a reputation in it, making more and more people remember him as”Im”.

World peace lasts for about ten years.

Noah, the huge ark built through the joint efforts of everyone, has also reached the final stage of completion.

The accident happened not long after that.

For ten years, Im has been secretly hoarding his own strength and power, and successfully obtained eternal life through the immortality surgery, thus obtaining the only key to mastering the King of Heaven at that time.

With the decisive power to control the battle situation, Im began to put the plan on the table.

At some point, the idea that Ravdru would become the last kingdom of gods spread throughout the world.

Maybe it started as a rumor, but as the great kingdom became powerful enough to dominate the entire world.

There is fear, jealousy, and jealousy, and dazzling gradually takes root in people’s hearts.

And coupled with the”performance” that Im secretly asked people to deliberately show in the Great Kingdom, the balance of the Great Kingdom began to tilt unconsciously.

Even that performance involved the Kingdom of Alabasta, so that Alabasta, which had command over Hades, was distanced from the great kingdom.

Taking this opportunity, Im contacted twenty royal families including Alabasta, Dressrosa, etc. to form a coalition to attack the huge kingdom together.

The Great War broke out, this time also involving horrors around the world.

The great kingdom suffered from internal and external troubles, and the combination of the King of Heaven and Pluto made it difficult for even the King of the Sea to withstand the situation. The D family suffered heavy casualties.

Joey Boy knew that everything was irreversible, so he used ancient characters that not everyone could understand and combined them with the Kingdom of Wano to create a historical text, which included the origin of the huge kingdom, the information and locations of ancient weapons, and the true history of the kingdom. The truth and so on were all recorded, as well as a letter of apology specially written to the Mermaid Princess using the stone tablet.

The great kingdom eventually began to fall, and the Alliance gained the upper hand.

Many are connected to great kingdoms, such as Shantora City, which was destroyed by the Alliance.

After the war, Wano had to cut off contact with the world and became a closed country.

Fishman Island once again fell silent in the deep sea.

At the end of the war, Alabasta knew the truth of the war. At this time, the other nineteen royal families had been brainwashed by Im’s theory of claiming to be gods, and they all wanted to establish the so-called Celestial Dragon system.

After the victory of the war, the Alliance tried to create a false history to cover up this history.

Alabasta is opposed to this, because the other party controls Pluto and has a certain right to speak, so the fabrication of false history is restricted, resulting in the so-called”Blank Hundred Years of History”

Alabasta After opposing the fabrication of false history, he withdrew the coalition forces and hid Pluto. With the help of Wano, he created an original historical text about Pluto and guarded it for generations.

After taking control of the Heavenly King and his methods, Im became the supreme dictator among the Celestial Dragons.

But he learned the lessons of those former gods. Although he was still his dictatorship, he did some things on the surface and established the World Government World Conference and the Five Old Star System, so that the status of the Celestial Dragons and Gods was subject to a certain system.

This system continued for hundreds of years until Roger collected and understood the historical text and presented it in this way.

It is the so-called D family and the hidden truth. _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading – collection and recommendation

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