At this time, the Imperial Court Fans of Orochi City, the Capital of Flowers.

As a secret ninja force under Orochi, they were unable to rush to the main room immediately to protect the Orochi they were loyal to.

And of course, they were blocked on their way there

“Hello, Dahei.

As the leader, Fu Lushou frowned and said,”Do you really want to betray Lord Orochi?” Don’t forget that there is Kaido behind him.”

As for the terrifying strength of Orochi’s backers, it was precisely because they knew that they chose to betray the Kozuki family they originally served.

“Why tell him so much? If something happens to Orochi-sama, we might also suffer Kaido’s wrath.”The Thunder Blade and Wind Blade behind Fu Lu Shou have taken out their weapons and are ready to fight.

Even though they once belonged to the same army, as guys who betrayed the team, as ninjas they know how to break up.

“Kaido’s team is certainly scary, but there are also forces that are not weaker than him.”

“Right, since it’s your choice. Fu Lu Shou clasped his hands together:”Then don’t blame us for not remembering our old friendship.””

“It’s just right, let you see the power I gained in the hands of that adult!”Dahei clenched his fists, as if he had no intention of using his special ninjutsu.

The wind blade quickly took action, and the shuriken thrown at Dahei split into several pieces in an instant.

Keng! Keng! Keng!

A weapon that cuts through the sound of wind. , hitting Dahei’s body, making a sound of hard objects colliding. The hard white bones sprouting from the surrounding body blocked all the showers of shurikens.

“this…Have you become a person with sorcery abilities?!!”Looking at Daikoku with hard bones emerging from his body as protective armor, Fu Lu Shou said in surprise.

Although they are isolated from the country, as ninja troops, they naturally understand things like Devil Fruit, but they are called differently.

“This powerful force doesn’t stop there!”Dahei’s face flashed with joy at the new strength he felt against the enemy for the first time.

As soon as he finished speaking,

Dahei quickly grabbed the thunder blade that was attacking him and slammed it to the ground.


All the couch floors in the room exploded due to this blow, and the floors even collapsed with huge cracks…….

Daikoku, who fused the bones and the bear fruit, felt the new power by torturing his former teammates. At the same time, Otoki also had seven pieces fall from Orochi’s head after transforming into the fruit.

“Don’t! Do not kill me!

The black charcoal snake, which had just laid the last snake head, shook its head in panic and said:”I’m leaving!” I will leave Wano Country immediately!”

Knocking his head heavily on the ground, the big snake humbly begged:”Go around me! I don’t want to die! I don’t want to die! You can do anything you want me to do! I was forced too! Everything is Kaido…It was Kaido who killed Ushimaru-sama!”

Only the last head is left. If it is really cut off by Oki, then all the life of the black charcoal snake is really gone! The closest to the feeling of death, fear, pain, and tears can’t stop flowing from the ugly head. The snake gushes out from the head. More than anything else, survival is the most important thing for him now.

“Kaido is naturally my next step, and now your head is the key to my reputation.”

Orochi, who is not stupid, naturally understood something. Looking at the red cherry blossoms that lit up again, Orochi hurriedly shook his head:”General, here you go! I can give you the position of general! Royal time! Stop!!!”


The last snake head was cleanly chopped off, and it fell to the ground mixed with blood and rolled several times.

It didn’t even let out a dying cry.

The huge snake body fell to the ground and turned into the black charcoal snake itself. The appearance.

The eyes widened on the side, the head with a dead look on it, mixed with despair and fear.

General Kuo Tan, who symbolized the rule of Wano Country for six years, has also disappeared into history like the Kozuki family.

“Come and meet our cheers.”Holding the head of the black charcoal snake, Yu Shi walked towards the outer gate again.

Under the General City.

Almost all the people in the Flower City gathered below.

“Lord Gotoki will definitely put an end to Orochi’s rule!”

“Most definitely!”

“Lord Toki……”

“Lord Toki!!”

Unknowingly, after Gotoki broke into Orochi Mansion, he also added an honorific to his name out of expectation.

In addition to the people, the well-known gang boss Hyōgoro also gathered in the crowd of onlookers.

Just like the people, they were not Instead of heading towards Orochi’s Mansion, they gathered here to shout and wait. When they didn’t know what the outcome would be, this was the best way to protect themselves. It was okay to gather people and shout around for the time being, because there were so many people, and the Orochi didn’t There will be excessive pursuit.

And if he rashly goes to the Orochi Castle, if the Orochi is not dead, he will definitely be recorded and tortured.

“out…Out! It’s the figure of Lord Toki!”

Because of the crowd’s attentive attention, just a figure appeared on the steps, and someone shouted

“How about it! How is the result!”

“Lord Toki!!!”

Some people asked the people around them and expressed the tension in their hearts, and some people shouted the title of Yu Shi, hoping that the hope in front of them would give them real expectations.

Under the sunlight, Yu Shi stood on the highest point that could be seen by the people below. On the steps, items in the left hand were raised to show the public.

Even under the dazzling sunlight, it was difficult to open their eyes.

The people below forced their pupils to open wide and ignored them even if they felt uncomfortable.

So, they saw.The head held high in Otoki’s hand is unmistakable.

The head of the black charcoal snake!!!

——Oh oh oh oh!!!

After taking a deep breath for a short period of time, the Flower City suddenly boiled with excitement!!!

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