Relative to the two Krell brothers and sisters who are cooking.

Slock, who was tracking Krell in the sea behind, was talking to the butcher of the bloody hand, Hewit Bailey.

“Bailey… How long before your ship arrives here. ”

“How? You called me to ask me about this? ”

“Krell is so fast! My boat can only continue tracking for another six hours at most! Slok let out a small panic.

“What! You can only follow him for six hours! Bailey’s voice exploded instantly.

The phone bug also vividly imitated the expression on the face of Bailey, the other butcher.

“I’m trying to get there as soon as possible in twelve hours! You must keep tracking it again! ”

“If you let Krell run, Lao Tzu will take 20 million Bailey to go to the pirate black market to reward your head!”

“Slok! If you don’t want to be killed by peers who know your identity that day! Just give me a way to keep tracking! ”


Slok looked at the phone worm in his hand with a confused expression, imitating Bailey’s angry expression.

Suddenly, I felt that the scariness of that guy had decreased a lot.

“Okay… Boss Bailey… I’ll definitely keep tracking it up. ”

“Okay then! I’ll call you in three hours. ”

The call ends.

Slok withdrew the phone worm in his hand into his clothes.

“Fortunately, it only lasted six hours at first… Bailey’s guy was really anxious. ”

“Now you only need to track for twelve hours!”

Slock, who was slightly comforted in his heart, picked up the telescope in his hand and observed Krel’s Exocet on the sea in the distance ahead.

Then he turned his head and commanded to the subordinates behind him who controlled the sails. “Bingo, you must control the sails! Don’t lose it! ”

“Yes! Top dog! ”

“If you can talk for more than twelve hours this time! I reward you with half a million Baileys! ”

“Wow! So much Bailey! Boss Slok! I’ll definitely keep up for another twelve hours! ”

Bingo, the sailor, almost jumped with excitement when he heard that his boss had given so many Bailey rewards!

The sails that have been controlled in the hand have slightly changed the angle to the wind due to the sudden movement of the body.

As a result, the speed of the ships dropped sharply.

“Eh! Eh! Eh! ”

The sudden slowdown of the ship made Slok suddenly panic and hurriedly ordered. “Make it better! Focus! ”

“No problem! Top dog! ”

Bingo the sailor boasted to his boss with a smug look. “Don’t say that I can keep up with another twelve hours, even if I follow sixteen hours!”

“Okay! Yes! Yes! I know you’re awesome, just handle the sails! You can talk for sixteen hours! I will reward you with another hundred thousand Baileys! ”

Slok continued with a look of convinced.

As captain of the Snowden, he knew how powerful Binger was as the strongest sailor on his ship.

Although this guy’s strength is mediocre, his talent is simply completely on the sails.

An ordinary boat with a speed of only ten knots can make this guy pass the sails and improve it by more than twenty knots!

This guy’s understanding of the angle of the sail being exposed to the wind has long reached a point beyond the understanding of ordinary people!

Originally, Slok’s tuna, estimated by Slok’s own speed, could only track for twelve hours before it would be thrown off.

But because of Bingo’s sailing, the tracking time has been nearly doubled!

After nearly six hours passed from morning to noon, I can still track for sixteen hours!


And Bailey, the butcher who had just spoken with Slok, ran to his boss with a worried look at this time.

“Boss Kermog…”

Bailey, who sneaked into the cabin, found that Kermog was eating….

And the food on the table suddenly reminded him of Kmog’s fondness for eating human flesh.

His gaze unnaturally looked at the piece of meat on the table that looked like a human body.

“What’s the matter, Bailey…”

“Boss Kmog, we have to speed up! My men told me they could only stalk that bounty hunter for another twelve hours! Bailey hurriedly told Kemog what had happened.

“Twelve hours?”

Kermog was puzzled. “Could it be that the bounty hunter’s ship is running fast?”

“Yes, Boss Kmog! I think we should send boats in pursuit! The speed of the big ship is too slow…”


Kermog chewed the piece of meat in his mouth and muttered. “Well… I took someone in a boat. ”

“The sea area you are talking about, the past words of driving a small boat, is there enough time?”

“Enough for sure! We are now close to that sea! If you drive a small boat, you can definitely get there in ten hours! ”

“Well… You immediately have people prepare small boats and call the captains of the No. 1 to 10 Pirate Mercenary Battle Team to assemble! ”

“Okay boss! I’ll do it right away! ”

Bailey rushed out of the cabin.

Begin preparing the small boats for the rapid assault and summon the battle captains of the Pirate Mercenary Group.

As he ran quickly through a cabin aisle.

In the aisle, two pirates are talking.


A tall and thin pirate, with a lewd face, gestured to a movement that a man understands.

“Where are those two princesses we played with last night… I want to play again…”

“Huh? Don’t you guy know! The boss said what princess meat tasted like, and asked Dolly, the human meat chef, to drag him to the kitchen. ”

“I grass… We have all played like that, and the boss still eats! ”

Remembering last night’s madness and the boss who likes to eat human flesh, the tall and thin pirate suddenly became cold.

The fat pirate, on the other hand, replied unimpressed.

“Then what can’t be eaten, it’s not that you can’t eat it by washing it inside and out…”


Bailey, who ran quickly past the two people, paid no attention to the conversation between the two as if it were a deaf ear.

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