On board the Exocet.

Krell was holding a telescope and observing the ship of Kmog in the distance.

This is a must for a qualified captain!

When sailing on this sea, every ship that appears must be treated with caution.

Krell doesn’t have any lookouts on this ship now.

All the work is done by Krell alone…

Captains, navigators, lookouts, sailors, shipwrights… etc. and so on.

All the jobs needed on a ship can only be performed by Krel alone!

Fortunately, Krell’s ship is small…

Otherwise, if it is a large ship of the thousand-man class of the naval warship, Krell alone! That’s absolutely impossible to manipulate anyway.

“It seems to be the kind of fast assault boat again…”

“But… There was no pirate flag on board. ”

“I hope it’s not a pirate.”

At this distance, Krell can only rely on the lights on the other party’s ship to roughly judge the model of the other ship.

After some guessing in my mind.

Krel, who lowered the binoculars in his hand, steered the rudder.

With the help of the thrust of the currents around the island, sail to the port guided by the lighthouse in the port.

It’s past the wee hours of the morning.

Chrissy and Wang Zongwu had already rested early at this time.

But Krell as the captain …

Only one person is very forced to drive a boat here.

“Let’s stop in the harbor of Blue Island tonight and rest…”

Krell mooring the ship in a public berth in the port.

After jumping off the ship quickly, he discussed with the port staff stationed at the port about the payment of the ship’s berthing fee.

Then he returned to the cabin of the Exocet and took off his super heavy armor.

With a tired body, sink into sleep.


Half an hour later.

Bordeaux’s group that has been following Kreer.

In the faint moonlight, slowly sail into the port of Blu Island.

Heading straight towards the mooring location of the Krell Exocet.

“What a chance! Boss Kmog! ”

Bailey, the butcher on the deck, shouted excitedly to his old age.

“Of course I know!”

Walking towards the bow deck, Kmog carried a super-giant steel double-edged axe on his shoulder!

Staring at the silent Exocet dozens of meters away.

Right at this moment.

The port worker on the night shift in the port came out with a lamp.

He had come to prepare to talk to the ship that was going to moor.

Kermog, who was carrying a giant axe on his shoulder, of course, also spotted the staff member with the lamp.

“Can’t let this guy alarm that hunter!”

Kermog, who has made up his mind, directly squats!

Leap over the sea tens of meters wide!

Sweep through the air at great speed towards the Exocet where Krell is!

A giant steel tomahawk held high in his hand!

It has long been wrapped in an armed color domineering into a black giant axe!

The incomparably ferocious momentum made everyone present have no doubt – this axe chopped down! Absolutely split the whole ship in half!

But right now.

In the cabin of the Exocet, there was a sudden exclamation!



Kreel, immersed in his sleep, woke up instantly!

Originally, he had been on guard against the domineering appearance within a radius of ten meters – crazy expansion!

In an instant, he found the enemy who rushed towards the Exocet from the air dozens of meters away!


The sound is not out, the people have arrived!

The moment Krell spoke, he directly crashed through the wooden cabin – lifting the giant sword in his hand to face the attacking enemy!

The moment the giant sword and the giant axe touch!

A thunderous sound of gold and iron spread throughout the port of Bru Island!

Under this powerful confrontation, both sides were repulsed to their respective ships.

“Sure enough, he is worthy of being known as the strongest bounty hunter in this sea!”

Kmog, who was stopped by Krell with a blow, stared at Krell tens of meters away with fiery fighting intent in his eyes.

And at this time, Krell who blocked Kmog’s sneak attack.

He looked solemnly at the Kmog in the distance and carrying a giant axe.

This blow is a powerful collision.

Awakened countless people who were immersed in sleep.

Ships moored in the harbor, houses on the island.

One after another, the lights came on.

The lighthouse in the harbor also turned on several emergency lights.

A huge pillar of light shone towards where Krell and Kmog were.


Wang Zongwu, who was awakened by Chris’s exclamation, rushed to Krel’s side naked and strong.

“What happened! Kreel! ”

Following Krell’s gaze, Wang Zongwu looked at Kemog with an exaggerated giant axe on his shoulder dozens of meters away, and a dozen unknown figures with fierce faces behind him—and asked with some uncertainty: “Are these people enemies?” ”


Krel, who was staring at the enemy in the distance, nodded solemnly.

At this time, Chris, who was the first to spot the enemy, also ran out of the cabin and came to Kreel’s side.

Looking at the dozen or so people on the other side who were staring at their side with a malicious expression, Chris naturally knew what was happening now.

She just couldn’t sleep because of the excitement.

So cultivate on Chuang to see and smell domineering!

Unexpectedly, he actually happened to find the enemy who came to attack at night!

“Brother… Now what do we do? ”

Raised his hand to grasp Chris, who was in the eight scenes in his hand, and looked at his brother beside him a little nervously.


Krell directly cut off all the steel cables tied to the giant sword! Looking down at Wang Zongwu beside him, he pleaded, “Wait a minute, please be sure to protect Chris!” ”

“The enemy this time is a little tricky!”

“Don’t worry! I promised Mr. Crong! Will definitely keep Chrissy safe! ”

Wang Zongwu, who had already taken a fighting stance, responded in a deep voice.

Constantly accumulating innate true qi in his dantian!

“Okay then!”

“King, be careful! This time our enemies are not ordinary pirates from before! ”

“Is it…”

After hearing what Krell said, Wang Zongwu looked solemnly at the enemy in the distance.

Even Krell said that the enemy is tricky, so these enemies in front of him are probably not the ordinary pirates who can be killed by themselves at will.

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