The crane was furious, and even because Doflamingo’s words were sluggish for a moment, but Doflamingo ignored the crane and let the ship quickly retreat towards the back.

And at this time, those warships are a little stunned, I don’t know if they should continue to intercept Doflamingo, generally speaking, Doflamingo’s pirate ship has just finished shooting, is in the cooling time, this time should be the best time for them to attack, but just now the terrifying scene is vivid, the flames of the wreckage of the navy battleship have not been extinguished, they dare not act rashly.

And what Doflamingo said also makes sense, if you want to arrest Doflamingo, you need at least ten naval warships and at least three vice admirals, but now there is only one, it is impossible to capture Doflamingo, they do not want fearless casualties, and they do not want to exchange lives with these pirates, and they did not want to do it at that time.

“Lieutenant General Tsuru, what should we do now?” A navy asked.

“What are you still stunned for? Fire, fire, fire it all! Crane was full of anger in her heart, and she roared loudly, she was originally in a good mood, and she rarely had such a violent mood.

“Did you hear the lieutenant general’s order? Hurry up and fire and fight Doflamingo to the death! A female major general behind the crane shouted loudly into the phone worm at the same time.

“Yes!” After all, Tsuru is a vice admiral, and his orders these navies still need to obey, although they do not want to do so and have no choice.

“Wait!” But at this time, the crane’s deep voice came again: “No need to fire, your shells are of no use to him, all get out of the way, no need to add casualties.” ”

After saying these words, the crane’s momentum immediately decayed, and the fighting spirit of the whole person disappeared.

She didn’t want to admit it, but the truth was that as Doflamingo had said, they couldn’t deal a fatal blow to Doflamingo for the time being, and those artillery attacks would be easily blocked by the latter, and if the latter got angry, the navy would have more casualties.

“Lieutenant General Tsuru.” A navy called a little unwillingly.

“Needless to say, it is impossible for our forces alone to stop Doflamingo, and if we want to capture him, this is not enough.” Tsuru shook his head and said in a low voice.

Doflamingo can get away with it to this day, why is it not the reason for the government’s indulgence, only the crane knows, because of Doflamingo’s identity, the navy simply cannot send a large naval fleet to surround and suppress, and even if they capture Doflamingo, they cannot cause any substantial harm to Doflamingo.

Draco, after all, Doflamingo is a Draco! Although he lost his right to reside in the Holy Land of Marie Joa, the latter’s status remained unchanged.

Got the order of the crane, the distant naval battleship quickly retreated, the attitude was extremely clear, seeing this scene, the corners of Doflamingo’s mouth raised an arc, and he shouted loudly into the distance: “Boom, crane, that’s it, in the future, I will do my business, you catch your pirates, I and the navy well water will not violate the river water, as long as the navy does not mess with me, everything will be fine!” ”

“Torrepol, get out of here and go on the Great Route!” Dover turned to Torrebol again, who got the order and smiled and turned the course.

In this way, in the retreat of the navy, Doflamingo’s ship quickly broke out of the encirclement of the navy, and even if Tsuru and the others wanted to launch another encirclement, they had already lost the opportunity.

“Doflamingo, when the strength of my navy grows, I will definitely bring you to justice again!” Tsuru looked at Doflamingo’s back and thought with great firmness in his heart.

Not only because of Doflamingo’s identity, the Navy cannot easily strike at Doflamingo, but also because of naval strength.

Now is the era of sea pirates, the four emperors come to the sea, deter the new world, and there, the power of the navy does not seem strong, even the navy can not defeat any of the four emperors, it is precisely because of this, a large number of naval forces are concentrated on the great route, and even want to open up a new world, and because of this, the navy has no time to manage Doflamingo.

Doflamingo also does illegal things, such as arms trafficking, smuggling goods, but the rest of the pirates may not be as good as him, they attack the navy is a common thing, basically do is burn and loot, compared to the two, those people are naturally included in the priority attack list.

There are as many pirates as stars to attack first than Doflamingo, and the navy does not have so many troops at all, let alone focus on such a fruitless pirate.

In fact, it is also because of this situation that the world government finally has no way to cause the Qiwu Sea Policy, precisely because their strength is too weak, and they have to rely on the power of pirates, which can be seen.

Doflamingo’s pirate ships soon left the encirclement of the navy, and when he left, these navies were all honest and did not dare to speak.

Previously, when they chased Doflamingo, they were still very fierce and looked very strong, but when Doflamingo showed his strong side, the latter’s attitude was completely different from before.

Before they attacked, Doflamingo could only escape and not fight back, but now, a series of twenty guns, directly bombarded a naval warship, so they were not afraid.

“The crane side is temporarily over, and after expanding its power in the four seas, it’s time to go to the Chambord Islands.” The corners of Doflamingo’s mouth curved a little, and the sunglasses shone brightly.

(The results are a little unsatisfactory, I don’t know if today is three more stable, or five more continue, I hope everyone cheers together.) )

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