Magnetic Drum Kingdom, this is a kingdom with relatively advanced medical capabilities among the countries, and it is also based on medical research direction, there are many excellent doctors in the whole country are researching and developing new special drugs, and every year this country will produce a large number of new special drugs.

Medical care is always the most profitable industry, and it stands to reason that the magnetic drum kingdom should also be famous, but the latter is not only not prosperous, but the country is full of wailing and screaming, and everyone is miserable.

This reason is not difficult to understand, after all, the magnetic drum kingdom is in the great route, the route of this route is relatively confusing, ordinary people are difficult to enter, and here is full of all kinds of dangers, there are oceans, bad weather conditions, but also a sea area with more pirates, these reasons have directly locked the magnetic drum kingdom.

At the same time, the magnetic drum kingdom is a slightly isolated country, and for this reason, not many people can find the magnetic drum kingdom, let alone publicize the prestige of the magnetic drum kingdom, over time, the entire magnetic drum kingdom seems to be isolated from the world, people here only know to study medicine, completely do not know what the outside world is like.

Of course, these problems may always be solved as long as they are solved, after all, the medical skills of this country are undoubted, but there is a huge problem, that is, the king of this country!

The old king of the country died only a year or two, and when he reigned, the country lived peacefully, although it was not very prosperous, but finally everyone lived in peace, and after the death of the old king, everything changed.

The new king on the throne was Valpo, a dictatorial and cruel king who, as soon as he came to power, immediately issued a number of decrees, increased taxes, severely demanded his own people, and more recently, he had an intention to enact a new law – Doctor 20

He intended to leave 20 of the best doctors to serve him and expel the rest, so that the people of the country would have to come to him if they wanted to see a doctor, and he could also use this to manipulate the people.

However, just when he wanted to issue a decree, a group of uninvited guests boarded the Magnetic Drum Kingdom.

“Dover, it’s so cold here, such a cold country is really remote, is the medical treatment here really that good?” The snot on Torepol’s nose became even bigger, and he couldn’t help but speak.

“If you don’t come to see it, how will you know?” Doflamingo couldn’t help but smile.

The pirate ship is docked in the port, for which Doflamingo also left a hundred pirates to guard, anyway, those Baileys have been absorbed by him, and there is not much treasure on board, he doesn’t care.

Doflamingo set foot on the land with four hundred men, and for a time he was imposing, but soon the soldiers patrolling the country immediately discovered him.

I saw a group of soldiers wearing cotton jackets, cotton pants, and cotton hats appeared in front of them with highland IQ, their guns were all raised, aiming at Doflamingo’s group, at the same time, Dover could vaguely feel that many soldiers began to reinforce this side.

Faced with this battle, Doflamingo and his party finally stopped.

“It seems that the people in this country are really hospitable.” The corners of Doflamingo’s mouth raised and said lightly.

Pirates are indeed relatively unpopular in the country, after all, the vast majority of pirates in the Great Voyage are more ferocious, most of them invade the kingdom to plunder, and many villages and towns are poisoned by these pirates, which also creates these countries’ dislike of pirates.

“Pirates, what are you doing here? Give me to leave the Magnetic Drum Kingdom immediately, you are not welcome in my Magnetic Drum Kingdom! Dalton, the leader of the guard, shouted loudly.

Dalton is quite burly, with a tower-like mighty body, he is heavily armored, like a beast, standing on the high ground is even more silent shock, his face is serious, his eyes are solemn and fierce, and he exudes a kind of righteousness.

Perhaps for this reason, the guards behind him still had a lot of admiration for him, even if they were not afraid in the face of Doflamingo, the more than four hundred people.

“Dover, it seems that the Magnetic Drum Kingdom is really remote, and I don’t even know your name.” Torrebol said with a smile.

The Great Voyage, there are not many countries that do not know Doflamingo, and the Magnetic Drum Kingdom can’t even recognize such an iconic Doflamingo, which makes the latter want to laugh.

“Yes, some ants dare to provoke my Doflamingo’s majesty, it seems that my prestige is still a little insufficient!” Doflamingo said with a deep understanding.

“What Doflamingo, abominous pirates, you go to die!”

Seeing Doflamingo and others so arrogant, a soldier on the high ground couldn’t help it, and directly pulled the trigger towards Doflamingo.


With a crisp sound, a bullet quickly went towards Doflamingo, but in the next scene, everyone was stunned, only to see Doflamingo’s right hand flash, and a bullet appeared between his two fingers.

“What!” The soldier’s eyes condensed, filled with deep shock.

“Not good!”

Captain Dalton felt bad in his heart, the strength of the other party was so strong, and his own side provoked them so much, I am afraid that it would not be able to be resolved peacefully, looking at Doflamingo’s cold face, a palpitation in Dalton’s heart began to slowly emerge.

“Soldiers who do not obey military orders and shoot without permission should be cleaned up?” The corners of Doflamingo’s mouth raised, and the sunglasses flashed a light.

“Parasitic thread!”

Dover’s left hand flicked, and a thin line has already manipulated all the soldiers in front of him, seeing that the domineering is very useful to Dover, allowing the latter to manipulate the parasitic line more finely, even if they are far apart, it still has no effect.

I saw that in the next instant, all the soldiers couldn’t help but turn their guns and aim at the soldier who shot at Doflamingo, and then they pulled the trigger without hesitation.



“Bang bang!”

Before the soldier realized what was happening, his body was so riddled with gunfire that he could no longer speak!

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