The silver-white snow has transformed into a hell at this time, and brilliant blood flowers splashed on this snow, adding a touch of enchantment, and the originally murderous Labans all turned into messy corpses on the snow at this time.

As far as the eye can see, there is also a strange creature pressing the last Laban under him, his fists keep bombarding Laban’s face, although the latter has passed out, but his attacks still do not stop, just punch after punch, non-stop attack.

“Okay, let’s go here, it’s dead.” Doflamingo came to Choiba at this time and gently patted the latter’s shoulder.

After hearing Doflamingo’s words, Choba’s face regained a trace of clarity, but the next moment, his body stumbled, fell directly down, and fell on the body of the last Laban, and then his burly body began to change, turning into a small reindeer in an instant.

It’s hard to imagine that just such a small reindeer can do such a thing!

“Boom, good job, your name will be Qioba in the future.”

Dover lifted the scarred Joba with one hand, and the thin threads on his back were intertwined again, transforming into the wings of the phoenix, spreading their wings and slamming suddenly, and the latter’s figure flew towards the magnetic drum castle again.

After successfully subduing Qioba, Dover’s mood also improved a lot, in fact, he finally let Joba kill those rabbits, which was also the final test for Qioba.

What he needs is a subordinate who can stand alone, a subordinate who is cruel enough to the enemy, so he doesn’t need that kind of weak existence, a lagging existence, if Qioba is still the kind and weak appearance in the original book, he will definitely not accept the latter, but will kill it!

Kind and weak This is not Doflamingo’s subordinates, this existence does not need to be subdued, it is better to kill the development ability to add the thread fruit to himself, but fortunately, in the end, Joba made the choice he wanted to see.

In fact, Joba made this choice, Doflamingo is not surprised at all, after all, the current Joba is only two years old, and what he has experienced is that the world is unfair to him, and all he is full of resentment towards the world.

The environment is the most changeable person, especially for a person who has not been born for a long time, such a person is the most malleable, and because of this, in the original work, Choba was infected by Silke, and even put down his ruthlessness to love, but now he has not met Silke, only Doflamingo.

At this time, Qioba was already bullied and full of resentment, what he wanted to do most at this time was revenge, after Doflamingo saved him, he still instilled ideas according to his will, and the indoctrination of this idea is simpler, much simpler than what quack Silk did, at least the two did not conflict.

When Doflamingo took Choiba to the Magnetic Drum Castle, Torrebol also returned to the Magnetic Drum Castle with the first batch of doctors, all of whom were very decadent and had an unloveable negative attitude.

They were arrested by Valpo and declared that they were slaves and would be sold to others, and anyone who received such news would probably be no different from them.

“Dover, there are 20 doctors here, which should be the best doctors in the country.” Torrebol saw Doflamingo, and then reported, at this time he also saw the Joba in Doflamingo’s hand, and he couldn’t help but be a little curious, but he didn’t ask directly.

“Boom, the best doctor in this country? No, it should be said that the most valuable slave in the country! Doflamingo said with a laugh.

His laughter made all the doctors’ faces sink at once, and they looked at Doflamingo with hostility.

At this time, Doflamingo also spoke: “Your king King Valpo and I made a deal to sell me as slaves the best hundred doctors of this country, for which I paid your king a considerable sum, that is, you are my slaves, and my word is supreme to you!” ”

“I am a doctor, I am not a slave, I will not listen to you, if you want to kill or kill, listen to the respect!” A doctor yelled loudly, his eyes filled with anger.

“Boom, it seems that you still don’t know what a slave is, a slave is a personal possession, and has no rights, even if the laws of any country cannot hinder this, Torrepol, kill his whole family, and then kill him!” Doflamingo smiled, and finally said very gloomyly.

“Yes, Dover!” Torrebol smiled weirdly and answered.

For him, Doflamingo’s words were a death order, and killing a few people was not a matter for him at all.

“Wait, wait, you can’t do that!” This doctor finally panicked, it didn’t matter if he died, but his family was going to die in front of him, and he couldn’t stand it.

“Get his family out!” Torrebol commands the soldiers of the Magnetic Drum Kingdom behind him.

Receiving the order, a group of soldiers from the Magnetic Drum Kingdom behind him immediately picked out the doctor’s family.

“No, don’t!”

“Please, I’m willing to listen to you.”


The doctor even fell to his knees, begging for mercy.

“It’s a pity it’s late! Kill! Doflamingo said lightly, and the soldiers did not hesitate and immediately shot the doctor’s family.

In place, the doctor was left with only a look of despair and sluggishness, and Torrebol shot the doctor in the head with his own hands!

Several corpses were pulled down and thrown directly under the magnetic drum mountain, and Doflamingo continued to say to the doctors: “Give you a day to cure it, if you can cure it, I will give you a day to spend with your own family, of course, if you can’t cure it, I will kill any of you!” ”

Doflamingo said coldly, he had more ways to make these doctors obey themselves and do things for themselves, and after warning them just now, I think they should be able to be much more honest.

(If you like it, order a collection, come to some flowers, reviewers, old iron.) )

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