“Rozwald, the lost paradise I plan to build will be the most brilliant center in this world, and this will be the place where everyone is drunk and dreams of death, but this kind of place does consume a lot of assets, originally I also designed it for Draco, and I planned to name it in the name of Draco, but if it is not built enough, it will lose the face of Draco, this is a headache, a place that even I am very excited about.” Doflamingo put on a regretful look.

Lost in Paradise is indeed Doflamingo’s top priority, this is his place of righteousness to the nobles, kings, and even Draco of the world, he intends to build it into the second world of the Royal Macau Supreme Casino, believing that the attraction of gambling in the past life, this casino will bring him countless assets.

It’s heartwarming to think about, the world’s nobles, kings, Draco, if the richest teams come into this gold cave, and a few can walk out intact, I am afraid that a large number of assets will be tilted towards Doflamingo.

At that time, the level of armed color domineering, seeing and smelling color domineering, and overlord color domineering will be raised, where in the world can not go!

The yearning in Doflamingo’s expression made Rozwald very moved, after all, the latter is also a Draco, what has not been enjoyed, the existence that can make his heart move must not be an ordinary thing.

He pondered for a long time, and finally made a decision: “Doflamingo, in this way, I just have a group of slaves to send to the Holy Land, you can accompany me, then you can discuss your ideas with the other Draco, if you can, they should be happy to support you with a little money.” ”

He is not happy to let Rozwald pay for it himself, but if he can have someone to share it together, he is not unacceptable, and now in his opinion, Doflamingo’s heart is still good, and he can do many things that Draco can’t do, and it is not impossible for him to help Draco do things.

“Just taking advantage of this matter to let the navy lift the wanted of Doflamingo, and actually send a fleet to arrest Draco, it’s too much!” Rozwald thought to himself.

“The slaves dedicated to the Draco should not be bad in quality, right?” Doflamingo said with a smile.

“There are no good goods, the human auction house is really bad recently, some slaves in it are still raised a few years ago, if you see something, take it away, as a gift from me.” Rozwald said lightly.

Although he left the Holy Land, he would return every once in a while in order to consolidate his position, and at the same time he would also bring back the slaves in the Chambord Islands, because of this, the relationship between the Draco and Rozwald in the Holy Land was good, and he still had a certain influence among the Draco.

“Hmm.” Dover should arrive.

“Let’s go, take you to pick a slave, and then go directly to the Holy Land, there are still many people waiting for slaves!”

Rozwald said, got up, and began to walk towards the basement, and soon Doflamingo was led to a large, long underground corridor, which resembled a prison, lined with fenced slaves.

One by one, women who are either wearing maid costumes or noble princess lace dresses are locked up here, their skin is white and beautiful, their physiques are graceful, all of them are standard melon faces, delicate and beautiful, more than one line stronger than the supermodel dancers in the previous life, every woman here is the object of everyone’s pursuit outside, and here, they are just a slave.

What made Doflamingo even more shocking was that Rozwald did not treat these people as human beings at all, and raised them completely as livestock, they had iron chains on their hands, feet, and necks, and inside the fence was a basin of food similar to a dog basin, although the food seemed to be nutritionally balanced, but it was very insulting, and most of the slaves inside were lifeless.

In this era, the fate of slaves is still very bleak, and there is no so-called human rights at all.

Of course, Rozwald’s strength is also very strong, not only there are beautiful maids, loli, even the people of the giant race have a lot, the number of two-fish people is the largest, I think it is also Rozwald’s collection for many years.

Doflamingo watched curiously, using his domineering power to search among the slaves, in fact, he didn’t have any other ideas, just to see if there were any of these slaves with good potential, and he could just take them back as a maid.

And at this moment, his eyes suddenly shrunk, and his figure paused slightly, as if he had seen something incredible.

While Rozwald was still selecting slaves, he did not notice Doflamingo’s expression, otherwise he would inevitably have some doubts.

“This is not bad, now that he is sixteen years old, I think Rogerson should like it.”

At this point, Rozwald walked up to a fence that, unlike ordinary fences, contained three slaves, three female slaves to be exact.

“Rozwald, how about this slave for me?” At this moment, Doflamingo spoke.

Boya Hancock!

He never expected that he actually met the legendary female emperor Boya Hancock here, it stands to reason that Boya Hancock had been auctioned by Draco when she was twelve years old, and Doflamingo thought that she had long been sent to the Holy Land, but he didn’t expect her to be here.

Looking at Boya Hancock’s disgusted look condescendingly, Doflamingo’s mood was better.

Originally, he thought that Hancock had been sent to the holy land and abused for four years, but he did not expect that the latter was caught by Rozwald, Rozwald is a cold-blooded animal, he raised Hancock and others as livestock, although it deprived the latter of freedom and self-respect, but it protected the latter in disguise, if Hancock was obtained by the nobles, it was difficult to imagine what the latter would become, I am afraid that the female emperor would cease to exist!

From this point of view, this is already a blessing in misfortune!

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