No matter how strong Luo is in the future, he is only a ten-year-old child now, and he is still a ten-year-old child who has been bullied and desperate in the world, and he has been blackened for a period of time in the original work, which shows that his heart is extremely contradictory, even extremely painful.

This kind of child, in today’s terms, is a lack of love, and Doflamingo is now a light on his desperate path, illuminating his dark world at once and pulling him out of it.

At this time, Luo, for the first time, felt the feeling of being needed and cared for, which was the reason why he finally cried, and people with firm hearts will not cry because of pain, but only cry because they are moved!

“Little ghost, don’t cry, no one will sympathize with your tears, people will always regard your tears as a sign of weakness, thus further bullying you!”

“This world has nothing to do with navies, pirates, and even ordinary people, the vast majority of existences are like this, they will only bully the so-called weak existence, and I Doflamingo does not need a weak existence, nor does it need to show my weak subordinates in front of others.”

“If everything is already preordained, if the rules of this world are like this, you have to remember, then we follow this rule, come to the apex of the world, and overlook all living beings! I, Doflamingo, will come to the top! Doflamingo opened his hands, looked at the vast sea in the distance, and said word by word.

His words had an innate infectious power, which made people marvel, and in that moment, a strong infectious force was released from him to the surroundings.

Torrebol, Diamanti, Pika, and even all the pirates on the ship, when they looked at the back of Doflamingo now, they suddenly felt that the latter’s image suddenly became tall, and the breath released was willing to die.

This is the young lord they fought for to die!

“The young lord is the chosen king, we must follow the young lord to realize the ideal of the young lord, no matter who stands in the way of the young lord, we will definitely solve it for the young lord!!”

The thoughts in Torebol’s heart were more determined, and the rest of the people were almost ordinary, and suddenly felt a deep sense of responsibility, a sense of mission that was needed.

Especially Luo, Luo was already stunned at this time, and only Doflamingo’s defiant figure remained in his pupils, which would accompany him for the rest of his life.

He couldn’t help but think of the so-called navy, the so-called innocent people, and suddenly had a deep sense of identity in his heart.

And what about the Navy? The so-called righteous navy burned his town, even his sister died because of it, everything around him was reduced to ashes, and he was bullied by the navy.

And innocent people? He will never forget what the innocent people did to him, they completely regarded themselves as monsters, did not care that they were just a child, beat and cursed every day, and treated them like stray dogs.

Even if they did not commit a crime, does that prove that they are good?

As Lord Doflamingo said, the world itself is like this, perhaps only strength is justice, if you have enough strength, even the navy will kneel in front of you!

Justice? Innocent?

There is no justice, and there will be no innocent!

Luo’s eyes suddenly became firm, as if full of faith, he wiped his tears fiercely, and stared at Doflamingo with a straight face.

No one noticed that the corners of Doflamingo’s mouth inadvertently raised a curve.

Children, really have to be cultivated from a young age, a real combat effectiveness that follows oneself is the real combat effectiveness.

Trafalgar S. D. Luo, Luo himself is a member of the D race, with extremely high potential, and in the original book he also showed amazing talent, and the ability to develop fruits is relatively strong.

To make a fortune with the power of one person, create a pirate group, become a supernova, and finally even become a seven-armed sea, his strength and skills are undoubted, and this is still based on the help of Doflamingo, if the current Dover teaches Luo well, his future combat power will be incalculable!

You know, Luffy and the others are all with the help of his grandfather Karp, and later Renly and even various strong people, which is only a little enhanced, and Luo relies on his own strength to strengthen, between the two, there are many differences!

“Dover has become even more terrible.”

On the side, watching Doflamingo accept the young Luo, Corazon’s brows frowned, and he couldn’t help but think in his heart.

He originally sympathized with Luo for having the same fate as him and wanted to save the latter, but in a short period of time, Luo established a faith in Doflamingo, and it was almost impossible for him to change the latter’s mind, which made him even more taboo about Doflamingo.

The boat traveled quickly, and during this time, Doflamingo was teaching and training Luo, and when he was bored, he instilled all kinds of ideas in Luo, so that the latter erected a completely different outlook on life.

At the same time, he also let Torrepol, Diamandy, and Pika train the latter, although the latter is young, but the mind is precocious, the character is very firm, able to endure hardships, and Luo’s talent naturally needless to say, in the training process, his strength growth once surprised Torrepol.

After two weeks of calm, Doflamingo’s ship finally reached the East China Sea.

After entering the East China Sea, Doflamingo’s ship did not travel long when he saw three pirate ships, all with the same logo and a skeleton flag symbolizing time.

And this is exactly the sign of the Creek Pirates!

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