King Riku left, but Doflamingo’s face was full of confidence, he knew that King Riku had made a choice, and he believed that he would not let him down.

“Torrepol, what I want you to investigate, how are you looking up now.” Doflamingo asked again.

Torrepol is basically in charge of the Chambord Islands, and Doflamingo has arranged for him to investigate a lot of things, and now he returns to the Chambord Islands, just in time to understand the progress of these things.

“Dover, there is news of the results of the operation.” Torrebol said with a serious look.


Doflamingo showed a look of interest, and long ago he had arranged for Torepol to pay attention to the movements of the results of the operation, and thus used many of his crooks in the navy, but to no avail.

I didn’t expect to come back this time and actually get the traces of the fruits of the operation.

“It’s a small pirate on the other side of the North Sea, Deais Barrels, his pirate group got the surgical fruit, and intends to accept 5 billion Bailey from the world government and sell the surgical fruit to the world government!”

“The time of this transaction is not short, just two weeks later, the destination is on Haiyan Island, where is the base camp of Diace, there are a large number of defensive military forces on the island, and there are also a lot of pirates!” Torrebol said.

“5 billion Bailey, the world government is still as rich as ever, and a fruit can actually come out at this price.” Doflamingo’s eyes flashed with a brilliant light.

He will not be too much, and the money obtained from this auction is basically used to develop the power, and he himself did not get much, and now when he heard that there were 5 billion Baileys, he suddenly had some small ideas.

“Beihai, help me contact the head of the Vince Mock family, Gaji, now there needs to be one thing to prove the cooperative relationship.” The corners of Doflamingo’s mouth curved.

The Vince Mock family is the overlord of the North Sea, and compared with the Vince Mock family, Diace is a scum, but Doflamingo doesn’t just want the Devil Fruit, he also wants the world government’s 5 billion Bailey!

Three days later

At the end of the World Conference, a large number of kings returned to their respective countries on the ships they had come on, escorted by national troops.

And the Vince Mock family also returned to the North Sea at this time, but there was one more person on their ship – Doflamingo!

On the huge ship of the Vince Mock family, Doflamingo lay on a lounge chair on the board, basking in the mild sun and the sea breeze, while tasting the high-end red wine handed over by Lei Jiu, indescribably comfortable.

At Doflamingo’s side is the head of the Vince Mock family, Gaji!

“Doflamingo, you said you need my help, I don’t know what our Vince Mock family needs to do?” Kaji asked a little respectfully.

At this auction, he really experienced Doflamingo’s strength, and saw Doflamingo resist a major general and defeat two rising star lieutenant generals.

That powerful strength, terrifying to the suffocating overlord-colored domineering were deeply imprinted in his mind, and after hearing Doflamingo’s request, he agreed directly without the slightest hesitation.

“I want to kill a little pirate over there in your domain, and at the same time, I also have to kill about three warships of the Navy, but the name Don Quixote is too dazzling, so I need a little help from you this time!” Doflamingo said with a smile.

The regional navy can’t take out the huge amount of 5 billion Bailey, behind them, it is the sponsorship of the Draco, and only these most death-fearing Draco people can spend so much money to buy the fruits of surgery.

If the Draco knew that Doflamingo had snatched the fruits of the operation, it would also be a bit troublesome for him, so he could not appear in person and had to hide behind the scenes.

Now all the Don Quixote family’s industries are probably attracting the attention of the Navy, and if Doflamingo mobilizes the people of his own family, it will inevitably attract the attention of the Navy, and his own hands are extremely conspicuous.

So he needs someone to help him carry the pot, at least to help him have a good cover!

“Take out three warships of the Navy?” Kaji frowned.

The strength of the navy is still very strong, and it is simple to kill three warships of the navy, but once it causes a backlash from the navy, things will not be simple at that time.

“What’s wrong, Kaji, can’t you do this little thing? This will make me question whether there is a need to cooperate with you. Doflamingo said lightly.

Gaji wanted to use Doflamingo’s power, but he did not fully cooperate with Doflamingo, he could only be regarded as a cooperation, and Doflamingo’s purpose this time was to make Gaji completely tilt to his side.

He wants to destroy Gaji and the rest of the possibilities, so that he can only cooperate with Doflamingo!

“I see, let’s talk about the naval forces and pirates you want to kill, how do we need the cooperation of our Vince Mock family?” When Kaji heard this, he immediately made a decision and said seriously.

Three naval warships are nothing compared to Doflamingo’s support.

“Well, that’s right! Only in this way can I believe in the sincerity of your cooperation! ”

“First of all, you first send people to control Di Ais’s group on Haiyan Island, except for the leader Di Ais, who let him live for two weeks, kill all the rest, and at the same time deploy troops around Haiyan Island, strong enough to destroy the firepower of at least three warships in the navy!”

Doflamingo took another large sip of red wine and said with a smile, his eyes shining with a slight hint of incomprehensible essence.

“Diace? I have also heard that it is just a small mafia in the North Sea, which occupies an island, and there is no problem in controlling him. Kaji nodded.

Since it has already been done, he will not hesitate!

And Doflamingo’s strength is worth his investment!

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