Countless gunshots and shells from time to time, the whole scene was chaotic!

With a calculated or unintentional calculation, the killers of the Vince Mock family of Gaji immediately achieved great results, and more than five hundred navies were all killed in the first instant.

“Damn, how so, why are there so many ambushes? Who the hell dared to ambush the Navy! ”

Joyce used the Navy Six-style iron block for the first time, and his body was as hard as steel, blocking the continuous attacks, but when he saw his soldiers falling in a pool of blood one by one without resistance, his eyes were red and terrifying, and he almost wanted to choose someone.

He couldn’t figure out why there were so many and such strong firepower here!

At the time of this transaction, Joyce investigated the forces of Diace, who was just a small pirate, although he was powerful around, but he was not worth mentioning in front of the power of the navy.

This time, there are a thousand elite navies on the island alone, far more than twice the number of Diace’s manpower, and there are also thousands of elite navies guarding the ship, such a combat power Joyce should not be ambushed.

It is precisely because of this that Joyce has relaxed his vigilance, after all, from any point of view, the Navy should be at ease this time, but he never imagined that there would be such a large-scale ambush this time!

“Who the hell are you? All fight back, send signal flares, and our reinforcements will arrive immediately! ”

Joyce immediately raised his gun and began to counterattack, but in the face of absolute firepower, his counterattack was useless after all, and it could not change the overall situation.

“Reinforcements? You have no reinforcements! ”

The castle gate opened, and Doflamingo walked out of the castle, the corner of his mouth raised its signature arc, and said lightly.

“Doflamingo, why are you here? What are you talking about without reinforcements? Joyce roared with an ugly face.


As soon as his words fell, an explosion sparks burst into the sky in the direction of the port of Haiyan Island, and the warship stationed in the port exploded directly from the middle.


There were two more explosions in succession, and the other two warships turned into fireworks on the sea, and all the navies on board were buried in this terrible explosion.

“You, what the hell did you do?” Joyce shouted loudly at Doflamingo, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

“Million bullet line!”

Doflamingo didn’t mean to explain, he raised his right hand, his index finger pointed a little in the direction where Joyce was, and in an instant, countless thin lines were like bullets, toppling towards Joyce.

Doflamingo’s attack was fast and dense, and it was impossible to prevent it, and it was difficult for Joyce to escape such a large range of attacks, and he could only resist the fear in his heart and defend with all his strength!

“Pieces of iron!”

Hard Bangbang’s body was like steel and cement, Joyce had just condensed the strongest defense, and the next moment, this attack hit his body.

“Phew! Shout! Shout! ”

After a burst of silent bullet lines, the strongest defense that Joyce could condense was as weak as paper, and it was instantly pierced, and his body was penetrated by countless bullet lines.

After Doflamingo stopped, there was only a pile of blood left in place, as if nothing had existed.

The screams of the navy soon stopped, and all the more than a thousand elite navies in the audience were slaughtered, and none of them survived.

After searching Haiyan Island again with a domineering look, Doflamingo showed a satisfied look.

“Gaji, your Vince Mock family’s killer strength is good, it seems that we can start a lot of cooperation.” Doflamingo said with a smile.

The name of Vince Mock, the killer family, is still well deserved!

He can quietly dispose of more than a hundred pirates on an island, and at the same time can penetrate under the navy’s warships and destroy the navy’s warships with enough tonnage of explosives, which is already very rare!

You know, most of the people in this world are civilians except for the Devil Fruit ability, even the navy, and it is difficult to deal with this inexplicable explosive attack.

And the Vince Mock family has the ability to quietly erase ordinary masters, and if he exerts all his strength, it will be quite terrifying.

At least in Doflamingo’s cognition, the Vince Mock family should be able to easily destroy any stronghold under Doflamingo, even a pharmaceutical processing plant.

This is enough for Flamenco to treat the Vince Mock family more.

The power of one person may allow you to defeat most enemies, but it does not allow you to own the entire world and achieve absolute victory.

This is like the current leader of the revolutionary army, the dragon, the influence on the world government!

The leader of the revolutionary army, Long is undoubtedly unable to defeat the current naval world and the world government, but people have no intention of fighting you, constantly attacking and disrupting wars, constantly agitating revolutionary forces, and then affecting the whole world.

Therefore, Doflamingo came in person this time, on the one hand, to witness the strength of the Vince Mock family, and on the other hand, to win over a strong enough help for himself.

Today, after World War I, the forces of the Navy can only trace the traces of the Vince Mock family, and the latter must bear the wrath of the navy, in this case, the Vince Mock family can only firmly lean towards Doflamingo.

“Well, I hope we will cooperate happily.”

Gaji took a serious look at Doflamingo, not knowing whether his decision was right or wrong this time, but he no longer had a choice.

“Let’s go, get out of here quickly, according to the importance of this operation, the navy may already have a vice admiral rushing here, but before leaving, set fire to everything here.”


Along with a fire, the entire central castle of Petrel Island was shrouded in fire, and in the snow, Doflamingo and the Vince Mock family all disappeared.

Along with them disappeared a surgical fruit worth five billion, and five billion Bailey!

For Doflamingo, he knew he got more!

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