Marin Fando

Headquarters of the Navy

Marshal Sengoku is connecting a phone bug

“What, you said Doflamingo will have a big event in the near future and may retaliate against the Navy?” Sengoku asked with a solemn expression.

Although this incident was expected by him, he was still shocked when he got the exact news.

“Well, Doflamingo has already shrunk its station, if the navy makes any rash moves, his subordinates will directly attack, with Doflamingo’s current station in the four seas, I am afraid that except for the naval elite of the headquarters, the rest are not the opponents of his subordinates.”

“Moreover, Doflamingo should personally strike this time, and he contracted his subordinates just to personally strike.”

Hearing this, Sengoku’s expression became even more ugly: “Okay, you continue to pay attention to Doflamingo’s actions, if there is any recent progress, you must tell me again.” ”

Soon, the phone worm hung up, and Sengoku still had a headache, although it was said that Draco was fooled by the surgical fruit, but Doflamingo would not be so calculated.

Thinking about what a madman might do, Sengoku’s head hurts even more.

The next morning

Doflamingo’s ruling sailed directly away from the Chambord Islands, and on his ship, in addition to bringing three hundred elite subordinates to control the cannon ports, only Otohime and Reijiu.

This operation, fighting a blitzkrieg, there is little meaning in having more people, more precisely, it is basically the attack and destruction of Doflamingo alone!

“Lord Doflamingo, what exactly are you going to do this time? After all, the navy is the navy, the top force in the world, and no force can defeat the navy, right? ”

Otohime asked Doflamingo in front of him with a puzzled look, as the dignified Princess Otohime, she was squatting in front of Doflamingo at this time, gently beating Doflamingo’s legs.

“Otohime, you are wrong, there are countless ways to defeat the navy, the question is how can you defeat the navy!” Doflamingo said.

A look of doubt appeared in Ottohime’s eyes, she still didn’t quite understand what Doflamingo meant. However, Doflamingo did not explain to her, and continued:

“You don’t need to understand, you just need to look at it with your eyes, and seriously see how vulnerable the so-called strongest navy is.”

“Brother Ming, according to the map you gave, we are almost approaching that island, what should we do now?” Lei Jiu walked in from outside the cabin and asked.

She is also not surprised by Princess Ottohime’s current behavior, and in such a long time, she has also found that Doflamingo is a person who will not suppress her heart.

He does things to his liking!

“Approaching? Just move on at this speed for the time being, and reach that island in half an hour! Doflamingo stood up and headed outside the cabin.


Doflamingo came to the board alone, his right hand flicked, countless thin lines flew into the sky, and the next moment, he flew into the air, kept moving in the direction of the island, and soon disappeared in front of Lei Jiu and others.

Navy designation HR04

This is a hidden island of the Navy, where a thousand-man legion is stationed, and this island is also responsible for processing sea floor stones, which can be described as an extremely important station of the Navy.

And today, this station welcomes an enemy.

On the high base tower, stood two patrolling soldiers, their faces serious, seriously looking at the surrounding sea to see if there was any hostility.

“Hey, what’s that? Is something fast approaching us in the sky? Soldier A asked.

“Come, let me see, what a strange creature this should be.”

“No, no, this is a figure, immediately sound the alarm, someone attacked!”

In the eyes of the soldiers, the figure of the human figure became clearer and clearer, and they immediately shouted with panic.

But in the next moment, the figure disappeared in front of their eyes, and after they were in a trance, they found that there was another person in front of them.

“Are you looking for me?” Doflamingo asked with an evil arc.

“You, what are you!”

“I’m the one who came to kill you!”

With a wave of Doflamingo’s right hand, two thin lines ran through the eyebrows of the two men, and then he jumped from the base tower to the center of the island.

“Collapse! Heaven and earth strangle! ”

Doflamingo opened his hands, and his body was full of strength, and an extremely majestic force burst out from his body, and then countless dense thin lines began to center on him and cover all around.

At this time, the thin lines seemed to be alive, they bypassed the obstacles and launched an attack on the navy on the island, and before the navy could react, countless thin lines penetrated their bodies and brought their bodies into the air.

This move is a new move that Doflamingo studied after upgrading his domineering appearance, and under the cover of his domineering appearance, all hidden enemies become hunting targets, and the thin threads that escape from him will penetrate their bodies without hesitation.

“Brush! Brush! Brush! ”

Countless thin lines flashed like bullets, and one by one the navy could only scream and be completely pierced, and their bodies were rolled into the sky.

At this time, they could not even see the figure of the enemy, and they lost their breath of life just like that.

In a short moment, within the range of Doflamingo’s heaven and earth strangle, all the navies were pierced through the body, and the navies on the island were dissipating at a speed visible to the naked eye.

“Pieces of iron!”


Throughout the island, soon only a part of the admirals were struggling, but no matter how much they struggled, thin lines followed them like shadows, as fast as lightning.

A lieutenant general also flew into the sky after constantly dodging, but at this time, the thin line that covered the sky directly drowned the latter from all angles.

“No, don’t!!”

“Rip and pull!”

Brilliant blood flowers exploded in the sky!

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