Heavenly gold is the most important thing for world government, but strictly speaking, it is also the reverse scale of world government.

If you do anything else, the world government can turn a blind eye, but if you rob the heavenly gold, it is a real challenge to the authority of the world government.

The world government is not a small force, on the contrary, the world government can be called the largest force in the world, and there is no one!

If it is to provoke this behemoth in the real sense, the impact will be very huge!

The intelligence organizations of the world government have CP1-CP9, of which CP1-CP8 is public, and CP9 is completely hidden, and the number of masters in it is not clear.

Secondly, the world government has a lot of naval powerhouses, and it has also trained many Devil Fruit abilityists, all of which are hidden and easily will not be dispatched, which is one of the last lines of defense of the world government.

In addition, the world government also has a very powerful scientific research institution, from the past to the present, I don’t know how many perverted existences have been studied, they have not only researched artificial devil fruits, but even developed robots, that is, later pacifists.

After all, the world government has dominated the world for countless years, with more than 170 allied countries’ resources, only some of these resources go to the navy, and some of them no one knows where they spend it.

It is also for this reason that the Four Emperors only operate in the New World, and no one will think of really provoking the world government, and the two sides can be regarded as maintaining this strange peace.

And once who crosses the line first, it will trigger a complete backlash from the other side.

Perhaps because of this, Heavenly Gold has never been robbed by the forces of the Four Emperors.

It’s not that you don’t have this ability, but you don’t dare!

Robbed the heavenly gold, completely angered the world government, when the time comes, you as the Four Emperors, there may be nothing to do, but as the Four Emperors, your subordinates, I am afraid that all of them will die in the scream!

However, it is such a thing that the four emperors dare not do, Doflamingo wants to do it, and has decided to do it, and has been planning for a long time!

I have to say that Doflamingo is really going to engage in a wave of big things this time, once this incident unfolds, it will be difficult to stop, this will be a road of no return, completely burying Doflamingo’s existing situation!

“Brother Ming.”

Lei Jiu thought for a long time, and turned her gaze to Doflamingo, she couldn’t help but want to persuade Doflamingo to give up such a crazy idea at this time.

“What’s wrong?”

Doflamingo’s gaze was still looking in the direction of the Chambord Islands, and his cynical face still had a confident look, as if he was still calculating something.

“No, no.”

I don’t know why, looking at Doflamingo’s so confident side face, she suddenly had no intention of speaking.

From the beginning to the present, everything in Doflamingo seems to be shrouded in a layer of fog, and as Lei Jiu’s time with Doflamingo increases, she feels the more magical Doflamingo.

This man is by no means reckless, on the contrary, the places he calculates are particularly deep, the layout is intertwined, since he decided to loot the heavenly gold, he must have done his own layout!

In that case, why not follow this man to witness miracles and make history?

Lei Jiu suddenly felt very lucky, in such an era, meeting such a man is the most fortunate thing.

Otohime looked at Doflamingo at this time, not knowing why, and suddenly felt very small.

His own existence is very small!

My dreams are small!

My own pattern is very small!

People are challenging the authority of the world, and they have to deal with even a small merfolk for so long, and even have problems all the time.

If he really succeeds this time, then no matter what the reason, I must follow him closely, so that the merfolk want to live in the sun!

Otohime was infected and also had a deep layer of trust in Doflamingo.

“Looting the heavenly gold, if it is just me, maybe it is not enough, it seems that you have to find a reliable helper.”

Doflamingo took out the phone bug and dialed a number.

Tianshangjin’s own defense is not weak, there are at least five more vice admirals in the headquarters escorting Tianshangjin, and when the news of Doflamingo’s attack on the naval station is reported, there must be admirals at that time.

At that time, there will be a lot of attacks and pressure, but he is alone, and it is inevitable that there are some insufficient manpower.

The phone worm quickly connected, and there was an answer from the other side.


“Hawkeye, how have you been practicing lately?” Doflamingo asked.

He contacted Hawkeye, Diamandy, Torrepol, and Pika this time all have their own tasks, and their strength is not strong, and they can’t help Doflamingo at this time.

If anyone can truly become Doflamingo’s right and left hand, it is only Hawkeye at the moment.

“Well, kendo is considered consolidated, and then you only need to train in actual combat, the scene was very luxurious at the last auction, and it was a little busy here, and I didn’t even participate in such an important thing.”

“The auction thing is just a small thing, now there is something you need to help, of course, as I said before, you can choose, after all, this is a big thing to change the world!”

“Oh?” Hawkeye showed a hint of curiosity.

Since he met Doflamingo, the latter has been saving a lot, but he doesn’t seem to put it in his eyes, and this time the matter can be so valued by him, which arouses Hawkeye’s curiosity.

“This time the Navy Red Dog attacked my merchant ship, I am very dissatisfied, now that I have destroyed five naval bases, I plan to rob the heavenly gold of the world government in Pori, how about it, are you interested?”

Doflamingo’s tone was still indifferent, as if he was talking about a trivial matter like eating and drinking.

Over there, Hawkeye’s voice suddenly froze, but soon, his voice rang again from the phone worm.

“I missed the big event last time, how can I miss this big event, I’ll go to Bori Island!”

On the other end of the phone worm, the corners of Hawkeye’s mouth raised, and his eyes flashed a fine light!

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