“Want to judge with your own eyes?”

Dorag understood the meaning of Bai Luo: “No problem, I can take you to our base for a tour, I hope our work can be recognized by you.” ”

“I hope so.”

Dorag stretched out his hands and shook Bai Luo, and the two looked at each other and smiled.

Seeing that the two reached a consensus, Murray couldn’t hold back the doubts in his heart and asked, “Chief Dorag, where is your ship parked?” ”

At first, it was right to let Dorag come and pick them up by boat.

“The ship is too slow, and we don’t have extra sea floor stones to suppress at the bottom of the ship, so I didn’t bring the ship here at all.”

As the son of a naval hero, Dorag is naturally well aware of the research results of the world government, and the technology of using sea lou stones to avoid the sea king of the windless zone has not actually been put into use, but Dorag has long known.

But even if they knew about this technique, they couldn’t use it because they were too poor to make up enough sea floor stones to put on the bottom of the ship.

“And you are?”

Murray felt something was wrong.

“As you can see, we flew over.”

Kallas said expressionlessly.

“So we’re going to fly out?”

Bai Luo looked at his size, and then at the giant Murray: “I don’t care, how do you let such a big giant fly back?” ”

Murray is also a Devil Fruit ability, and he can’t swim past it.

“Don’t worry, Murray will leave it to Callas.”

As soon as Dorag’s words fell, a whirlwind rose, wrapping around Bailuo and Dorag, and the two floated directly because of the strong wind.

“Do you want Karas to take people back? It’s too dangerous! ”

The giant Murray looked a little flustered, but it was useless to panic.

Receiving Dorag’s order, Karas’s whole person directly dispersed, turning into a large group of flying crows, which flew directly under the giant Murray, flapping their wings hard, and lifting the giant directly.

“Equinox, Maury, you’re already heavy enough.”

A somewhat overwhelmed Karas warned the panicked giant, and with the help of the air flow released by Dorag, he flew into the air not easily, fluttering and shaking, as if he could not bear to throw Murray into the sea at any time.

At this time, the criminals brought up by those pirates in the infinite hell had all burned out, and there was no need for the flame to continue to play the role of a navigation light, and Bai Luo took the red lotus industry fire back into the underworld.

As soon as the flames were all taken away, the jailers who advanced into the city no longer feared the hot flames and poured up from the underground floor.

Magellan, Hannibal, and the others all regained consciousness and came to the outermost port of the Advance City.

However, they did not see the mountains of prisoners, only the sea floor reduced to ruins, and four small figures disappearing from the sky.

“Damn, what a shame it is, the city of advance was broken through in my hands, and I have to watch the prisoners leave with swagger!”

Magellan slammed his fist against the wall, remorseful.

Without using domineering, Magellan’s hands soon oozed blood.

“Director, don’t blame yourself too much!”

Little Satie immediately stepped forward to stop Magellan’s self-harming behavior.

Domino was a little puzzled: “All the criminals liberated by that prisoner, add up to at least tens of thousands, how can it be impossible to transport everyone away so quickly, we need to check the monitoring to confirm the situation… How is monitoring now, and is it still working? ”

The jailers of Advance City ran to the monitoring room to investigate, and quickly found out the results: “The monitoring is still operating normally, and all the videophone bugs have not suffered any damage… No, it should be all phone bugs intact! It was incredible luck that all the members survived such a fire! ”


Domino didn’t think so, but she had seen the power of the white falling flame, more powerful than magma.

“I must have deliberately let these phone bugs go, but why…”

There is no reason for that god killer to do such a thing.

“This issue will be discussed later, first play back the monitoring, see in which direction those pirates have escaped, even if these scum escape, I will recapture them!”

Magellan waved his hand, and everyone gathered into the monitoring room, and the big screen in the monitoring room began to play back Fang Cai’s picture.

Looking at the recording in front of them, all the jailers were stunned.

“What?! Actually killed so many prisoners! ”

“Just one person shot!”

“So strong! Is that the wrath of the gods?! ”

“Wait, who was the last person to pick them up, it looks familiar!”

“Monchi S. D. Dorag, the most dangerous man in the world! ”


Magellan watched everything that happened on the video, and couldn’t help but breathe a long sigh of relief, and for some reason he actually felt a little grateful to Bai Luo.

If these tens of thousands of pirates really fled the advancing city, the damage caused by them after they went out could at least affect dozens of countries and hurt hundreds of millions of people.

As soon as this fire burned, it completely cut off the aftermath, so that Magellan no longer had to worry about the impact of those heinous criminals on the world, which in a sense was more reassuring than detaining these criminals in Advance City.

“Although a revolutionary army cadre escaped and a god killer escaped, the situation was never the worst.”

With a long sigh of relief, Magellan picked up the phone worm, ready to start reporting the situation to the naval headquarters and the admiral who was heading by ship, and proposed to punish himself, he had no face to continue as the administrator of the advancing city.

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