It’s not good to take a child into the casino, even though Osamu Koyama was once the royal family of the Djerma Kingdom, and he has seen many extravagant scenes, Bai Luo still does not approve of this behavior.

So before going to the casino, he specially took Osamu Koyama to the amusement park to play, and only after having fun did he send him back to the ship.

“For little ones, the amusement park is really good.”

With his strength, he naturally has no interest in facilities that are not dangerous such as roller coaster jumping machines, but Osamu Koyama is having a good time.

“It’s just too expensive.” Tyrant Bear added.

In just one morning, a few people spent hundreds of thousands of Baileys, spending money like water.

Among them, the most expensive is not the entertainment facilities, but the various diets.

An ordinary fast food costs tens of thousands of Baileys, fruits are even more expensive to the sky, the price of a bunch of grapes is as low as 200,000 Baileys, and grapes are sold in fruit stores.

It is even more exaggerated than the price of fruits in Japan in the world where Shiroraku was originally located.

It is worth mentioning that all services here are cash-free, and all Baileys must be exchanged for chips before entering the city in advance, of course, chips can also be exchanged for equivalent Baileys.

“No way, this is Carnival City.”

The girl Monet showed a helpless smile, fleeting.

“But are you really going to the casino?” It’s not a place to make money. ”

In the past half day, Monet has a good impression of Bai Luo, not only taking care of children, but also gentle and courteous, and does not look down on himself as a tour guide, never commanding, and his appearance is also very handsome.

Because of this, she gently advised the two guests.

Ten gambles and nine losses, she has been working in this carnival city all these years, naturally knows that there can be no winner in gambling, fair and just gambling is the same, not to mention a casino like this city, which is firmly controlled by dark forces.

It’s hard to make money.

“It’s okay, I’ll just give it a try, if it doesn’t work, I’ll stop.”

Bai Luo will not refuse the kindness of others, but he also has his own principles. So he just smiled gently at Monet’s concern, but did not intend to take her advice.


Stop? Monet had never seen anyone trapped at the table be able to stop, and the vast majority of people were trapped deeper and deeper, knowing that the family was broken and the people were dead.

Out of a good impression of Bai Luo, she originally wanted to persuade again.

But Bai Luo’s gentle smile at her made her heart beat a little faster, and she actually froze for a moment, plus she herself did not have the position of continuing to persuade, so she had to puff out her cheeks and nodded to show that she understood.

I hope this Mr. Bai will not lose too much.

She thought so in her heart.

However, the truth is beyond the imagination of the girl Monet.

“Dealer, I’m all betted, why don’t you open the dice?”

An hour later, beside the girl Monet, Bai Luo casually threw out 10 million chips, looked at the pale dealer, and pretended to be concerned and said: “Do you see your hands shaking?” Is it really okay… Do you want me to help you? ”

“No, no.”

The pale-faced dealer glanced at Bai Luo angrily, and the hand holding the dice cup trembled slightly.

The white drop pressure is big, and the dice under the dice cup are also large, and once opened, the dealer loses money.

This guest has already won more than a dozen today, and the chips he brought are only 100 million, and now he has earned 300 million, and he is still continuing.


The dealer covertly used his thumb and lightly tapped the dice cup.

The dice cup, which was originally very special, shook slightly, turning the dice inside over.

Big becomes small.

The dealer calmed down and unveiled the dice cup with confidence.

Then he fainted!

“Five, four, six, that’s big! How can it be?! ”

“The psychological quality is really poor, it’s only a few hundred million Baileys.” Bai Luo looked at the dealer who pretended to faint and shook his head, putting the chips he had won back into the chip plate.

He knew that this dealer did not actually faint, but just took the opportunity to get out.

But there is no need for him to debunk it.

Beside Bai Luo, the tyrant bear who took off his gloves and put the meat ball in his palm on the table did not change his face, as if everything had nothing to do with him.

It is indeed enough to see the domineering used for serious gambling, but the casino’s ghost skills are not few, there are many sneaky small means that can change the result, often you see the domineering prediction is right, look at the result is not good for themselves, the casino will secretly change the result.

Since the other party is not particular about it, Bai Luo will naturally not keep his hand, the meat ball fruit of the tyrant bear can be described as invincible in the casino, as long as the meat ball touches, a slight trembling, can completely change the outcome of the gambling.

The fainted dealer was quickly sent away, and the new dealer came to preside over the game.

After playing a few games, he won more and lost less without letting the tyrant bear use the fruit ability, and after earning tens of millions of Baileys, Bai Luo also stopped.

Although the casino’s hands and feet are not clean, all gambling games have backdoors to directly manipulate the results, but they are not iron roosters without a hair, it is more difficult to deal with the white drop of the group, simply do not play tricks, to eliminate disasters with wealth.

Otherwise, no matter what the combat effectiveness of Bai Luo and the others, as long as there is a conflict in the casino, it will be a big impact on the flow of customers, and the loss is their Bailey.

The casino is so disciplined, Bai Luo is not good to start too ruthlessly, after earning more than 200 million Bailey, it did not continue.

Of course, it will no longer continue to refer to this casino alone.

Chips in this city are universal, so Bai Luo and the two came to the second casino with two boxes of chips to start the second round.

After that, the third round….

In this way, in one day, Bai Luo earned more than 700 million Bailey-worth chips out of thin air.

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