“The East China Sea is relatively poor, and even the pirates who are looting everywhere can’t grab much money. It is quite normal that the bounty is not as good as the treasure on board. ”

When Xiluobu heard Bai Luo’s question, he immediately answered: “So there are often pirates who directly overthrow their captain and take the captain’s head to exchange for a bounty.” This is also the reason why there are not many sea pirates in the East China Sea, but small pirates are constant. ”

Seeing Monet’s amazing performance, a maid easily solved a ten-million-level pirate group, and the status of several people in Sirob’s heart became higher and higher.

Even the maid is so powerful, so what kind of monster should the few men next to him who look very strong be.

In his heart, I am afraid that Bailuo is not some nobleman, but where did the second generation of the navy come from, otherwise how could there be such a strong escort lineup.

I’m afraid that none of the idle kingdom guards are so strong, and only the navy can cultivate such monsters.

If it weren’t for the fact that Draco was in the Goya Kingdom at this time, he would even think that this was a private visit by Draco in front of him.

“And this kind of thing… The world government is a good move. Bai Luo said approvingly.

The captain’s head is worth more than the wealth of the entire ship, and this temptation is fatal to those pirates seeking wealth.

No wonder in the original work, in the future, Chloe will not be a pirate, and he will go to seize Keya’s family property, I am afraid that if he is a pirate for a lifetime, he will not be able to earn the money in Keya’s family.

This time, Monet’s killing of Chloe can also be regarded as a threat to the Koya family.

“…… If it is not convenient for Mr. Bai Luo to receive the bounty, we can do it for you. ”

After waiting for a while, seeing that Bai Luo and the others did not mean to exchange the bounty, Xirob was more convinced of his brain supplement, and the young man in front of him was indeed a relevant personnel of the Navy, so he had no sense of redeeming the bounty at all.

Even if you know that you can redeem a bounty, you are probably embarrassed to let your colleagues know!

Although it is on vacation, the Navy’s exchange of bounties will still be criticized by idlers.

It seems that I need to help myself.

He subjectively ignored the option of pirates, where in the world is there such a personable and knowledgeable pirate!

As for the revolutionary army … Far away in the East China Sea, he didn’t even know the concept of a revolutionary army, let alone doubt it.

“Then please.”

Bai Luo thanked him with a strange look.

He didn’t worry about what Sirobu would see, and with the strength of these people, he couldn’t do anything, he just sighed that whether it was on the Great Voyage or in the East China Sea, there seemed to be someone to help him exchange the bounty, which was really trouble-free.

“Where where… Thank you for your trust in us, not to mention that you saved the lives of our boatload just now, and it is worth thanking us. Sirob said sincerely.

Unlike the rich Obit passenger ship, although Sirobu is also a large trading house, he does not have more than 30 million Baileys in liquidity, and he needs to exchange the bounty and then transfer the money to Bai Luo, which is equivalent to Bai Luo temporarily handing over more than 30 million Bailey to them, which involves a trust problem.

Bai Luo accepts their proposal, which means that Bai Luo trusts them, and they will never live up to this trust.

“My family lives in Xiluobu Village, and Mr. Bai can come to my house whenever he has time in the future, and I will give the bounty at that time.” Sirob drew the relationship closer without leaving a trace.

The bounty exchange is going to the naval base, and their trip will definitely not go well, so they can only go to Xiluobu Village to find them when Bai Luo returns home.

“Sure, Keya-chan is so cute, I will go to your house as a guest when I have time, don’t bother me when the time comes!”

Bai Luo scratched Xiao Keya’s nose and joked.

“It won’t!”

Keya wrinkled her nose cutely, and then welcomed: “Big brother must come more, I still want to know a lot about the Great Voyage!” ”



Bai Luo and the open-minded Sirobs had a good conversation, but the most common part of the journey was encounters and partings.

Finally, the merchant ship still came to Frost Moon Village and reached Bailuo’s destination.

The group also had to separate.

Xiao Keya cried her nose to say goodbye, and Little Sugar was also a little reluctant to her new playmate, and the two agreed to communicate with each other.

After bidding farewell to the Sirobs, Bai Luo took Tiger and the others into the village.

After asking the villagers a little, the enthusiastic villagers quickly pointed them in the direction of the kendo hall.

The kendo hall in Frost Moon Village seems to be very famous in this area, and people who don’t know often come to worship or ask for advice, so the villagers just take it for granted when they see Bai Luo’s group of strangers, and they don’t feel much novelty.

Walking to the head of the village, close to the coast, you can see a large empty square, sandy beach.

Not far from the coast in front of the square, there is a natural U-shaped depression inside, like a natural port, which is the port often used by Dorag’s ships to collect supplies.

At the door of the Kendo Hall, Bai Luo saw a small green algae head who was lifting weights and cultivating hard.

“Excuse me, is this Master Koshiro’s kendo hall?”

Monet stepped forward and asked.

“Yes! You are…”

Little Green Algae glanced at the snow hanging from Monet’s waist, and saw the three generations of ghosts hanging from his waist behind him, and his eyes began to be suspicious.

“You’re coming—”

He was about to shout – are you here to kick the gym? ——But he was seen by Bai Luo, and Bai Luo’s scabbard pushed and blocked the throat of the little green algae head to prevent him from continuing to speak, so as not to call others over.

It would be inappropriate if conflicts arose because of simple misunderstandings.

“Silence! We didn’t come to kick the museum, but friends of Mr. Koshiro’s friends, and we came to visit on purpose. ”

Bai Luo explained in a slightly louder voice, and then withdrew the scabbard.

The head of the little green algae was none other than Solon, and the fact that he was directly put against his throat by Bai Luo did not make his straight head unhappy, but instead realized that he had almost made a mistake, which made him a little ashamed.

However, these feelings are just floating clouds for the swordsman, and what shocks him the most is the swordsmanship displayed by Bai Luo, which is like flowing clouds and water.

Although it is only a sword technique performed with a scabbard, it is clean and clean.

For Solon, apart from his unobtrusive master Koshiro, who had never made a move, Hakuraku was the tallest swordsmanship master he had ever seen.

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