On the streets, torrential rain pours down.

The pirates were shocked.

The three supreme ministers of the Big Mom Pirate Group are all dead!

“What the hell is going on? They… Suddenly cannibalism?! ”

The pirates were horrified one by one.

“I don’t know! I didn’t even see clearly… I just noticed Katakuri going. ”

“I don’t see it clearly…”

The pirates looked confused one by one.

And Katakuri, which was about to be completely covered by the rain, quietly disappeared…!

Doflamingo has been distressed lately, something that has never happened in his life.

All this distress comes from one person, that is, Marko.

Since provoking Marko last time, Doflamingo has made compromises in order to save the Don Quixote family and has become Marko’s secret eyeliner.

He had thought that he would be able to provide some information in the dark all the time, even if he completed the assigned task given by Marko. Although he secretly offended the three four emperors, with his Doflamingo black and white all-eating means, he can also support it without being exposed, and it is still safe.

Who knows.

Recently, Marko even asked to meet.

It’s good not to meet, as soon as we met, something happened.

“Slaughtered two supreme ministers of the BIG Mom Pirates…!”

Doflamingo felt terrible, although he knew in his heart that this was the name given to him by Marko, but he was still very angry, killing the supreme minister of the Big Mom Pirates, which was a complete enemy of the Big Mom Pirates!

“Marko, you’re even harder than I thought!”

Marko didn’t say a word, his gaze fell on Katakuri, who was covered in white gauze.

At this moment, Katakuri had fainted.

Marko also did not expect that Katakuri was still alive, if memory serves, he had beaten him to the brink of death, and finally Kaido came, he did not care about Katakuri’s life and death, but he did not expect to see a living person now.

“Auntie seems to be chasing him. And he… Has betrayed the Charlotte family. ”

Doflamingo felt a little tricky, this Katakuri is not a good existence to provoke, but Doflamingo is a little unable to guess Marko’s thoughts, he said a little uncertainly, “Are you sure you don’t have to kill him now?” ”

“You already knew that Katakuri was alive and had betrayed the Charlotte family, right?”

Marko did not answer Doflamingo’s words, but instead stared at the latter and said in a calm tone, “Why don’t you report it to me?” ”

Doflamingo suddenly stared at Marko, “I’m just giving you the news you want, there is no agreement, I have to report all the information you know, right?” ”


An extremely terrifying overlord-colored domineering aura was released from Marko’s body, as if it turned into substance and suppressed down!


Doflamingo resisted with an overlord-colored domineering, but was shocked to find that his overlord-colored domineering that belonged to the top level… It was completely suppressed!

The ground under his feet instantly cracked, and dense small cracks appeared!

Doflamingo’s body is constantly suppressed!


Finally, Doflamingo’s overlord-colored domineering was completely suppressed, causing his whole person to kneel directly on the ground, kneeling the ground out of two deep pits!

At this moment, Doflamingo’s heart was like being hit by three thousand lightning strikes, and the roar was continuous!

He was extremely shocked in his heart!

“Your overlord color is domineering… In just a few days, he has been promoted to such an amazing realm! ”

Doflamingo gritted his teeth and said in surprise.

This is what shocked him the most, how difficult and slow it is to improve the domineering spirit of the overlord!


This time the overlord color domineering confrontation, Doflamingo only insisted for a moment, and was completely suppressed, compared with the last time, Marco overlord color domineering increased by several times!

That’s a little too appalling!

“I need your absolute surrender now.”

Marko’s calm words were filled with boundless killing intent, and he looked down at Doflamingo, “Instead of playing tricks with me and playing clever.” ”


Surrender and compromise to provide intelligence carefully are completely different things!

Doflamingo’s eyes burst with a fierce light!

How can he submit to others?


An extremely strong force erupted, and the earth under Doflamingo’s feet instantly turned into countless thin lines, which directly formed a terrifying white wave, and was about to roll upside down and resist Marko,

But at this time,

A more domineering force erupted from Marko,

Like Tarzan overpowering,

Boom, poured on Doflamingo!

Click, click, click!

The formation under Doflamingo’s feet that had just turned into a white wave burst instantly, and boom, Doflamingo, who had just struggled, was also suppressed and knelt down again!


Doflamingo only felt that the qi and blood in his body were constantly rolling, his throat was sweet, and a mouthful of blood spewed out.

“This is the power of your overlord color domineering!”

At this moment, Doflamingo was horrified in his heart.

The power that suppressed him all came from the overlord color domineering, which almost subverted Doflamingo’s understanding of the overlord color domineering!

“Complete surrender, or death!”

Marko was completely decided in the battle through the town anti-virus Q.

He wants to build a supreme power that will make the whole world tremble.

Moreover, this force must be absolutely obedient, and all subordinates under the force must absolutely submit to themselves!

This force, starting from Doflamingo, this intelligence network must be completely and completely surrendered!

Doflamingo’s heart was like turning the river upside down.

The power shown by Marko has completely exceeded Doflamingo’s expectations.

Countless possibilities, countless thoughts, flashed through his mind.

Surrender means that in the future, Marko is king!

At last

Doflamingo, under the resistance to the majestic overlord-colored domineering, raised his head with difficulty and looked at Marko,

“I choose…!”

[The fifth more, please subscribe, please order! ] Give me your precious monthly pass too! 】

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